We want to surround Australia with prayer and rosaries. Calling on St Michael to protect our nation.From the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on 7th of October up until the 13th of October, Fatima Day. We want to cover our country in a United rosary and Chaplet to St Michael for the protection of the nation and church. We are praying for Revival in the faith, in our nation, a JUST government and all church leaders in our nation. Australia needs to come back to God.
Everyone is praying the rosary already with what has been happening in our country. Doing this together just gives us an opportunity to feel United in our prayer. When Joshua marched around the walls of Jericho, the walls crumbled.
Praying under the mantle of Mary's unity and her humility can counteract many things.
Not everyone is out of lockdown, we are asking for a collective rosary prayer time at 7pm in each state, wherever you are.
Followed by the chaplet to St Michael for our church.
Times may vary according to each individual but we have just set a general time, so whenever you are able.
If you do want to publicise your location, please let us know. We can post on the website map, if you want to send us your suburb or town without any details that's fine too.
The Facebook site is: http://www.facebook.com/OZROSARY53/ and the website is: https://ozrosary.wixsite.com/ozrosary53
Thanks Everyone.