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29 października 2021
Echa publikacji książki oskarżającej kardynała Pella
Dlaczego ABC pokryło koszta procesu defamacyjnego Luizy Milligan?
W magazynie Quadrant znajdujemy długi artykuł na temat redaktorki ABC, Louise Milligan, autorki ksiązki "The Rise and Fall of George Pell". Tytuł artykułu "The Unusually Coy Ms Milligan and Her ABC".Polecamy lekturę całości (wraz z dosadnymi komentarzami), a tymczasem cytujemy dwa akapity. Despite facing a freedom of information request, the ABC has this week opted to withhold from the public eye 161 emails exchanged between its CEO and controversial reporter Louise Milligan. In May, former Commonwealth Attorney-General Christian Porter levelled defamation charges at the ABC regarding an article penned by Ms Milligan involving allegations of rape. Irrespective of one’s opinion on defamation laws or the innocence of the alleged perpetrator, Ms Milligan’s legal defence—which amounted to $780,000 and was covered by the ABC—certainly raised eyebrows among the general public. Only months later, the journalist was again in hot water, this time for a defamatory tweet published to Ms Milligan’s personal Twitter during non-working hours regarding Coalition MP Andrew Laming. Refusing to apologise and settle the claim outside of court, Ms Milligan’s stubbornness meant Aussie taxpayers were again left to absorb the $200,000 legal bill on her behalf, alongside a further $79,000 paid out to Dr Laming.

ABC CEO David Anderson announced in August the public broadcaster would cover Ms Milligan’s $1+ million in legal fees, citing “particular and exceptional circumstances”. Exactly what he meant by this has remained a mystery as, when dragged before a Senate Estimates committee, Mr Anderson refused to elaborate. In other words, the “public” broadcaster chose to remain private. Earlier this month, Auditor-General Grant Hehir conducted a review of the ABC’s process, finding it was “under no legal obligation” to cover Ms Milligan’s legal bill and deeming it a “business decision”. Since when were taxpayer-funded organisations free to make unprecedented business decisions without public oversight and without an explicit rationale?

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