Geehi Flats, 4 kwietnia 2022, odsłonięcie dwóch tablic pamiątkowych. Od lewej: Colonel Mark Auchinleck, dr Honor Auchinleck, Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek, Aunty Iris White - Monaro Ngarigo Elder, ambasador Michał Kołodziejski oraz dwie młode działaczki Monaro Ngarigo Tanaya Edwards i Sally Lavallee |
Poniżej teksty obu tabliczek. Pierwsza ufundowana jest przez Ambasadę RP w Canberra
These 50 trees were planted here on 4 April 2022 by the Ambassador of Poland H.E. Michał Kołodziejski, National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) personnel and representatives of the Polish community in Australia to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Australia and Poland.
Kosciuszko National Park with Mount Kosciuszko has a symbolic role in the history of Polish-Australian relations. In 1840 Polish explorer Paweł Strzelecki climbed the mountain and named it after the Polish and American national hero general Tadeusz Kościuszko.
The local Aboriginal communities also have deep cultural connections to the Kosciuszko National Park. The park has a rich Aboriginal and European history, and individual mountains, their people and their exploits have become a part of cultural heritage and helped shape Australia's national identity.
Plaque provided by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Canberra.
The Embassy of the Republic of Poland, the Ambassador, NPWS and the Polish community wish to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land at Mount Kosciuszko and at Geehi where these 50 trees grow. We pay our respect to elders past, present and emerging.
Tekst tablicy Strzeleckiego ufundowanej przez Kosciuszko Heritage Inc.
STRZELECKI: GEEHI TO KOSCIUSZKO 1840 March 9 1840 - Strzelecki left Welaregang Station accompanied by James Macarthur, James Riley and two Aboriginal guides Jackey and Charlie Tarra. The team aimed to explore pastrure prospects and reach the highest peak of Snowt Mountains. Having passed Guises Station, they camped at the Nowong (Bringenbrong) Ford on the Murray River and the next day they reached Black Creek near Geehi Walls where Riley was left with packhorses. March 11 - the remaining party reached lower parts of Hannels Spur. March 12 - having left the guides and supplies near Byatts Camp, Strzelecki and Macarthur reached the peak of Mt Townsend. Here, Strzelecki noted that the adjacent peak was higher. In the presence of Macarthur, he named it Mt Kosciuszko* and then continued to scale it alone. March 13 - all four returned to the camp at Black Creek. March 14 - Strzelecki spent the day taking notes and making computations. March 15 - the team continued their major expedition to Gippsland.
* Tadeusz Kosciuszko, champion of of liberty and equal rights, was a hero of American Revolutionary War and of Kosciuszko Insurrection in Poland 1794. Plaque supplied by Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. 2022. Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. and the Polish community acknowledge the traditional owners of the land here and at Mt Kosciuszko. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
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