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23 kwietnia 2022
Commemoration on the Geehi Flats
John Murphy (text & photos)

On sunny yet still wet Monday (the 4th of April) a very interesting commemoration took place in the Kosciuszko National Park on the flats at Geehi. The ceremony was to mark two important events in this country’s history. Firstly to celebrate 50 years since the official establishment of diplomatic relations between Australia and Poland. Secondly and just as importantly the event also recognised Paul (Pawel) Edmund de Strzelecki’s ascent of Australia’s highest peak in March 1840 and how this peak obtained the name “Kosciuszko” from Polish and American freedom fighter and national hero Tadeusz Kosciuszko.Amongst prominent people present were: Ambassador Michał Kołodziejski, Mayor of Snowy Valleys Ian Chaffey, NPWS Officials Kyle Williams, Chris Darlington, Matt White, and a Ngarigo Elder Aunty Iris White. This day was made possible due to the cooperative and consistent efforts of the Polish Embassy, the dedicated staff of the Kosciuszko branch of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, and members of Kosciuszko Heritage Inc.

Read the amazing story here on PDF