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Konkurs Strzeleckiego:



10 maja 2022
The Whole Story of Planting Trees of Friendship in Geehi
take time to watch the whole documentary

WATCH VIDEO ON YOUTUBE. Geehi Flats 2022 - the whole story. Dur 30:15

Finally, the full documentary of the solemn celebrations in Geehi Flats, Kosciuszko National Park on Monday 4th April 2022 is available here. During an event organized by the Polish Embassy and Kosciuszko Heritage Inc., supported by NPWS, 50 trees were planted to celebrate 50th anniversary of the Australian-Polish diplomatic relations; and a memorial plaque was unveiled to commemorate 182nd anniversary of Strzelecki's passing Geehi Flats on his way to Mt Kosciuszko. We were happy and proud to celebrate along with our Monaro Ngarigo Aboriginal friends as well as with prominent Australians from the Corryong district. Special thanks to members of the Polish Folkloric Ensemble LAJKONIK: Vicky Hospodaryk, Marzena Chorobska, Adam Taras and Adam Brulinski. Produced by Kosciuszko Heritage Inc., May 2022.

Od lewej: Adam Brulinski, Vicky Hospodaryk, Anna Hospodaryk, ambasador Michał Kołodziejski, Marzena Choróbska i Adam Taras

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