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29 sierpnia 2022
"Tadeusz Kosciuszko. Memorials Worldwide"
new book by Felix Molski with a Foreword by Ernestyna Kozek

The Glorious Defence of Human Liberty! Is there anything more enlightening and noble than documenting how liberty crushes tyranny again and again? Anything more breathtaking & wonderful than portraying Tadeusz Kosciuszko, a glorious defender of human liberty? Anything more patriotic than journeying around the world to discover, catalogue and draw attention to monuments built in his honor? A retired teacher from Sydney, Felix Molski, a member of Kosciuszko Heritage Inc, has spent years travelling across many countries to trace and photograph Kosciuszko monuments and memorials.

He scoured the internet searching for others. People he met kindly shared with him their own collections, gathered in the same spirit. Felix Molski shows where Kosciuszko Memorials are found in Poland, America, France, Switzerland, England, Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Australia, and yes in such countries like Martinique, Finland, Sweden and Uzbekistan. All in all, there are over 360 Kosciuszko memorials around the world: monuments, obelisks, pedestals, slabs, plaques, markers, sculptures and busts.

Some have an unusual form: mounds made of soil (like the Kosciuszko Mound in Krakow), the highest peak of mainland Australia (Mt Kosciuszko) or the dramatic action of a painted cyclorama like the Panorama Racławicka. Some are reflective gardens (including one made by Kosciuszko himself). Yet another is in the form of a balloon! Proudly we may conclude, not many celebrated individuals have been memorialized internationally at such a significant level over a comparable span of years. It adds to our pride that our hero Kosciuszko continues to be memorialized worldwide ever since he left our world in 1817. Awesomely at Krakow in 1823 and at West Point in 1828. Spectacularly during the centenary of the Kosciuszko Insurrection, and again during the centenary of his death. One may be excused to think it would have ended during more than two decades since the turn of the 21 st Century. Not so! There are 40 more, some new and a few restored.

Where are they located? Not only in metropolitan cities; not only in glorious places like the US Capitol; but at castles, palaces, schools, churches and even a synagogue; and also on battlefields, and in small villages. In America, Memorials mark the Kosciuszko Trail – where he stayed, where he fought, where he built fortifications. One of the most unexpected is a memorial in Poland, found in the middle of nowhere – the Kosciuszko Tree Memorial - it commemorates a place where he rested, simply, under the shade of a tree. Each monument tells a story – cumulatively, it’s the Human Quest for Liberty personified.

Spiritually impactful, particularly the dramatic stories of wanton destruction, rebirth and rejuvenation - the lofty stubborn deeds of free people grateful for Liberty restored. Equally breathtaking is the inspirational creativity of Artists extraordinaire. As you read the memorial anecdotes, you may catch yourself exclaiming: ‘Oh my Gosh, what an interesting novel I am reading!’ Or: ‘this story would make a powerful movie!’ Yes indeed!

History is turbulent - partitions, wars, uprisings and the monumental destruction of tyranny ascendant. You may be surprised to hear that one memorial was smashed by Kosciuszko himself. When and why? You can discover it in the book. This and the inextinguishable spirit of humanity living in Liberty Resurrect. Happy reading.

President of Kosciuszko Heritage Inc.