Ze Świata
Z Polski
Z Australii

Szukanie Rozszerzone
Konkurs Strzeleckiego:



25 października 2023
The Life of Strzelecki
Robert Kowalczyk

Amidst the whispers of the ancient land,
Where eucalyptus guards a rugged strand,
There lies a tale of one who dared to roam,
A spirit bold, a heart to call his home.

Strzelecki, valiant soul of boundless will,
Through wild terrains, his journey would fulfill,
From distant lands to shores of farthest reach,
He wandered on, with lessons he would teach.

Born on Polish soil, a noble soul was he,
A seeker of knowledge, filled with endless glee,
From Warsaw's streets to London's learned halls,
He sought to conquer life's most daring thralls.

The world, his canvas, painted with delight,
A scholar's mind and traveller’s pure insight,
Across the seas and over mountains tall,
He answered nature's beckoning sweet call.

In Australia's embrace, he found his grace,
Through rugged heights and valleys, he'd embrace,
The Snowy Range and wilderness untamed,
He left his mark, forever to be named.

Oh, Strzelecki, your legacy's profound,
In each peak climbed and valley's secrets found,
Your spirit roams, a guardian ever true,
Inspiring others to follow through.

For in your tale, a timeless truth resides,
To seek, to strive, with courage as our guides,
In life's great quest, to find what we hold dear,
To leave a mark, to shine through doubt and fear.

So, let this ode stand tall upon the stage,
A tribute to Strzelecki's daring age,
And as the victor of this grand affair,
His life's portrayed, a tale beyond compare.

Robert Kowalczyk, Quakers Hill,
lat 20, jeden z najmłodszych uczestników Konkursu w kategorii Adult

Robert Kowalczyk wraz z Lilą Baran w czasie Konkursowej Gali 6 października 2023. Foto H. Iglinski