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31 grudnia 2024
Fifty trees have been planted in memory of Dr. Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek

For a start of a New Year 2025 we received a nice letter from the Foundation for National Parks & Wilflife.

The Foundation for National Parks & Wilflife (FNP&W) is growing national parks and saving endangered species.

FNP&W are the charity partner of Australia's national parks, ensuring that Australia's wildlife and wilderness are conserved for future generations. FNP&W partner with government, corporate Australia and other NGOs to restore native land and wildlife populations and support local environmental communities.

After the Kosciuszko National Park bush fire in 2020 all donations towards restoration of the Park environment have been routed via the FNP&W.

Fifty trees have been planted in memory of Dr. Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek as part of FNPWs bushfire recovery program that will plant and grow 8 million trees in flood and fire affected areas by 2030. Thank you.

In Honor of dr Ernestyna SKURJAT-KOZEK (1944-2024), the President of Kosciuszko-Heritage Inc who initiated and founded friendly relations between the Polish-Australian Community and Monero-Ngarigo, The Traditional Custodians of Mt Kosciuszko.

The following links are to the related involvements of the Polish Community in restoration of the environment after the tragic bush fires in 2020.

30 stycznia 2020 - Polish Fundraiser for the Recovery of Kosciuszko National Park, Polska zbiórka na rzecz odbudowy Parku Narodowego Kościuszki

20 lutego 2021 - Życie wraca na spaloną ziemię.

Śladami renowacji Narodowego Parku Kościuszki

22 lutego 2021 - Polish fundraise for the recovery of Kosciuszko National Park a year after bushfire devastation

25 kwietnia 2022 - Polsko-australijski las w sercu Geehi

The FNP&W is running a "Plant a Tree For Me!" initiative to invest in conservation projects that will help save our threatened species.

We refer also to other initiatives of the FNP&W , some of them are also available on youtube

FNPW Bushfire Recovery Nursery Project Site Launch 2020

2022 FNPW Bushfire Recovery Project Update