Korzkiew castle in winter. Fot. Małopolska Organizacja Turystyczna | A story on how foreigners like to have a wedding located in Poland. One of the places to go is Korzkiew castle.
In the middle of the 14th century John of Syrokomla bought the village of Korzkiew in order to move his seat here. The stone tower was built first to serve as a shelter. The consecutive owners enlarged the living area of the castle by adding two towers to it.
Introduced by one of its owners, Szymon Lugowski, the castle underwent a serious modification in style from gothic to renaissance - new domes, adorned attic, and larger windows were put in place. Beginning in the 17th century the castle witnessed a period of decline and become a granary in the 19th century.
The castle became private property in 1997. At present the castle has been undergoing renovation and it will house: a small museum - a reconstruction of a manorial kitchen, a restaurant, and a hotel. The castle is surrounded by a park complex where many open air events take place.
for further details: zamek@donimirski.com
Source: "Gazeta Wyborcza"