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5 listopada 2006
Still on the Greenpoint slander
dr John Grondelski
Dr. John Grondelski is a member of PAC Washington Metro Area Division.

My letter to Haverford, the response I got, and my counterreply

Dear President Tritton:

A colleague recently pointed out the "Moved to Speak" article by David Langlieb in the current issue of your alumni magazine and, frankly, I do not know what to make of it. If it is intended to be a parody of the homogenized Yuppie culture that has torn up so many of America's ethnic communities, it's poorly written and I am surprised your editor cleared it for inclusion in your institution's alumni outreach magazine.

If it accurately reflects the views of its author, I am even more baffled that a respectable institution like Haverford would include it in an institutional publication. Either way, the piece is grossly offensive.

Haverford College prides itself as a Quaker-inspired institution that accentuates the "values of individual dignity . . . and tolerance." If that is true--and I hope it is--I recommend your editor be given the assignment of writing your mission statement out 500 times.

I think Haverford owes Polish-Americans an apology.

John M. Grondelski, Ph.D.

From: John VanNess
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 1:12 PM
To: Grondelski, John M
Subject: Re: Fwd: David Langleib article

Dear Mr. Grondelski:

Thank you for writing regarding your reactions and thoughts about David Langlieb's article that appeared in a Haverford magazine column devoted to alumni opinion pieces. Others have reacted in a similar manner. The piece was an attempt at satire but, unfortunately, it was poorly done. To more than a few readers, the end result came across as mean spirited and derogatory.

You should know that we are in the process of setting up an editorial board for the magazine so that we can have intelligent and careful vetting of material before it is published, not afterwards.

Sincerely yours,

John R. Van Ness, Ph.D.
Acting Director of Communications
Haverford College

Dear Dr. VanNess,

I agree it was poorly done, but I would also expect that an institution of Haverford's character would more rigorously vett what goes into a publication that actually represents the institution such as an alumni magazine. I cannot imagine that such a piece could have been included in our alumni magazine when I was an associate dean at Seton Hall University: somebody's head would have rolled.

While I am pleased that Haverford recognizes post factum the need for an editorial review policy, I note your letter mentions nothing about an apology to the Polish-American community of Greenpoint and the United States.

In my judgment, at the very least, Haverford owes a statement in its next alumni journal apologizing for "any offense that may have been caused." I also think the Communications Office should be issuing a statement--now--disavowing any intent to cause offense and apologizing for any taken.

I cannot imagine any other ethnic group tolerating such mean-spiritedness--intended or not, tongue-in-cheek or not--nor Haverford having any hesitation about making amends for the insult.

(Dr.) John M. Grondelski

From: John VanNess
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 2:00 PM
To: Grondelski, John M
Subject: RE: Fwd: David Langleib article[]

Dear Dr. Grondelski:

Thank you for your counsel on this matter, we will take it under advisement. Yours truly, John Van Ness

From: Helene Pollock
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 1:43 PM
To: Grondelski, John M;
Subject: Re: Alumni Articl

Dear Mr. Grondelski,
As the Assistant to the President, I had an opportunity to discuss this matter with the President a few minutes ago. Let me assure you that he and I both deeply regret that this article was published in Haverford College's alumni magazine.

It clearly does not reflect the values or the Quaker character of Haverford College and should never have been included in the magazine. I agree that the article is grossly offensive, as you point out. The editor of the magazine has left the College. In this time of staff transition, I (as one individual) will be seeking ways to ensure that the next issue of the magazine acknowledges this mistake, and that there are policies in place to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again. I'm sure that many others here at Haverford College are deeply concerned about this matter.

Best wishes,
Helene Pollock
Assistant to the President

From: Grondelski, John M []
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 2:16 PM
To: Helene Pollock
Subject: RE: Response from Haverford

Dear Ms. Pollock,
Thank you for your letter. I, too, hope that Haverford provides appropriate space in its next issue of the alumni magazine to apologize for any offense that might have been caused, but I believe you also have a responsibility to issue a statement disavowing any such offense as soon as possible.

Since Polish-Americans have contributed to the diversity of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia area, perhaps your journal could highlight some of the ties between Haverford, Pennsylvania Polonia, and/or Poland. I hope that a stronger editorial process will help protect Haverford from the recurrence of such problems in the future.

(Dr.) John M. Grondelski