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Szukanie Rozszerzone
Strzelecki Competition:



20 stycznia 2007
Fabulous Choir from Poznań
AMU Chamber Choir under the direction of Krzysztof Szydzisz was established in 1992. It consists of students, graduates and young scholars. The choir performs mainly the 19th and 20th century music. The main part of its repertoire consists of Polish contemporary music. Popularising Polish composers on the international forum is one of the main objectives of the choir. Also, the choir has experiences in performing oratorio music, opera and film music.

AMU Chamber Choir is one of the best Polish choirs (first prize at the International Choir Festival in Llangollen in Great Britain in 1998; first prize at the International Choir Festival in Malta 2000; second prize at the Internationa Schubert Choir Competition in Vienna 2001; Grand Prix at the 8th International Recitals of Choirs HORA CANTAVI 2005 in Suwalki, Poland).

Apart from performing in Poland, the Choir has also presented concerts in Austria, Bolivia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, USA and Vatican.

In Australia, the Choir will perform in Melbourne and Sydney and will participate in the Multicultural Festival in Canberra.

Come and enjoy superbly trained voices

1. 14 February (Wednesday) – 7.00 pm at the Polish Association in Wollongong, 143 Gipps Road, Gwynneville. All tickets - $10.00.

2. 16 February (Friday) – 6.30 pm at the Polish Club in Ashfield, 73 Norton Street. Tickets - $15.00 and $12.00 (pensioners and children under 15 years of age).

This concert is held as part of the celebrations commemorating the 170th anniversary of the Polish settlement in NSW.

3. 17 February (Saturday) – 3.00 pm at St James Church, 173 King Street, Sydney.

All tickets - $25.00

This is a joint concert with the Beethoven Choir organised by the Beethoven Society of Australia Inc. The concert will feature AMU Chamber Choir in its Polish repertoire and Gabriel Faure’s ‘Requiem’ and ’Cantique de Jean Racine’ perfomed by both choirs.

4. 18 February (Sunday) – 11.00 am – participation at mass held in Marayong; 12.15 pm – concert at the John Paul II Hall in Marayong, 116-132 Quakers Road Marayong Tickets – $15.00 and $12.00 (pensioners and children under the age of 15)

Tickets can be purchased at the door or ordered by contacting Bozena Szymanska on 0432 623 086.

Income from ticket sales will assist the choir in meeting their expenses in Australia.

Be supportive, come and enjoy great voices.

The AMU Chamber Choir tour in Sydney is organised by

the Polish Education Commission in Australia.