When everyone arrived at the NSW Berry Sport and Recreation Centre on the afternoon of Friday the 19th of January, 2007, everybody unpacked their cars and chose their rooms for the weekend. All the children were very excited and went straight to the extra activities.
After about an hour or two of roaming around and having fun everybody was called in to have dinner. Before dinner, the staff from the centre introduced themselves and explained some rules to us. After the lovely dinner, Pani Ula held a meeting and put each of us into groups called Clubs, Spades, Hearts and Diamonds.
After the meeting, we had free time so we jumped into the pool for a swim. After an hour or so, we were called in for our first dancing practice. During the practice, our Aussie Sport and Rec Instructor joined in with the dancing (he was very funny trying to do “polka” and “halubce!”) and some other children from the camp saw us having fun and asked could they join in! Of course, we said “YES!” After a good practice everybody went back to their rooms, exhausted, to go to sleep. Some of us had trouble settling because we were in a new environment, and the parents were a bit noisy!

In the morning, all the kids were in a mad rush to get to the meeting place FIRST to get 10 points for their team. Breakfast then filled up our tummies to give us energy for the activities in store for us. First up was canoeing and kayaking. We all walked down to the river about 500m away and retrieved the canoes, kayaks, and life jackets from the shed. Before we could get into the water, our instructors had to teach us the safety rules and how to use the paddles.
After that everyone pushed their canoes and kayaks into the water, and paddled out with the instructors in a speedboat. When we came back, and put our canoes and kayaks away, everybody was very tired. In the dining hall, we had yummy chicken wraps for lunch.
There was free time after lunch, but we excitedly re-grouped to get ready for the flying fox. The instructor told us how to put the safety gear on and what we needed to remember. After our gear was on, and checked, we trekked up the hill to get to the top of the huge tower. Everyone had a great time on the flying fox, but it was a bit scarey for some.
Afterwards we jumped in the pool to cool off from the hot day, and then another race to the meeting point for more points! Pani Ula had some games for the teams to play. The team that won got 10 points.
Dinner was a “roast” with salads and vegies which was a fulfilling meal. Afterwards we had another dance practice and then Pani Ula gave us a quiz about Lajkonik. More chances for team points! After that we went off for free time, then back to our room to have a good rest before the next day.
In the morning, all the kids got up very early to go for a jog around the area before breakfast with Robert Mitas and Natalia Kawa, senior group dancers who came to be with us at the Camp. They were pretty tough in their requirements, but we didn’t mind. It was fun.
After breakfast, everyone went back to their rooms to pack their bags. While everyone did archery, my mum and I packed the car and went home early, as I had to go to a swimming carnival back in Sydney! At the end of the camp we found out that the Clubs team (MY TEAM) won THE Challenge with the highest points score! The winning team will get movie tickets, but actually everyone got something for coming.