The president Ms Lilia Zyzniewski announced that this year the Dozynki Festival will be held at a new venue. We are expecting interstate visitors and locals numbering over 4000 to attend.
The festival began in 1979 and has been honoured with the presence of Polish International artists including a visit by the former President and Nobel Laureate, Lech Walesa in 2003.
POLISH DOZYNKI (harvest) FESTIVAL Sunday 28th October 2007 Polonia Croydon Kings Soccer Oval Cnr Essex Cres & South Road Croydon Park
The word Dozynki (pronounced Do-zin-ki) means a celebration of harvest and this is celebrated in Poland, the USA and here in South Australia.
The symbol of Dozynki is the Wieniec, [harvest wreath] which was presented to the landowner. This large wreath was made of a mixture of wheat and rye, sometimes one or the other. These grains were considered the most important. Crafted from the most beautiful ears of grain, the Dozynki wreath was made in the shape of a dome-shaped crown. It was decorated with flowers, ribbons, hazelnuts, and the fruit of the mountain ash tree.
The first Dozynki festivals in Adelaide were actually called "Polish Day" and were held for several years at Parks Community Centre when transferred to the Regency College later to Rymill Park and for the first time this year at the Polonia Croydon Kings soccer ground.
This year’s program will commence with Mass at 9.30am followed by the official opening at 11am which will consist of presentation of bread and salt by the most senior male and female Tatry Folkoric Ensemble performers in national costume to the leader of SA, the Hon Mike Rann followed by the Tatry Ensemble performing traditional Polish dances and songs.
Guest speakers will include the Premier the Hon Mike Rann, Leader of Opposition, Mr. Martin Hamilton-Smith, Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Sydney, Dr Ryszard Sarkowicz.
Program on the stage will continue with singers, dancers and various performers and activities incl. "pierogi" eating and wheat sheaf tossing competitions as well as attendance by the winner and entrants of the 2007 Miss Polonia quest.
There will be many food and variety stalls as well as Polish beers, vodka and Ross Estate wines for everyone’s enjoyment.
This years leaflet and poster features a painting of Jason King by Krysta De Bue who lives in Queenstown, part of the Port Adelaide Enfield council area. Her portraits are wistful and colourful and her artwork is well known in the Polish and South Australian community. Jason is dressed in the traditional “Krakowiak” costume.
Prepared by Marysia Hock Secretary Dozynki Inc.