On an overcast Sunday at five in the afternoon one of the greatest Polish rock bands, Perfect, performed at the Bankstown Sportsclub. This was their first visit to Australia and it seemed fitting that they perform for the Polish community in a truly Australian setting.
Upon taking the stage the band immediately proceeded to rock the rather modest venue, which due to its size added a sense of intimacy through out the performance.
The band set up consisted of Grzegorz Markowski (vocals), Jacek Krzaklewski (guitar), Piotr Urbanek (bass) and Piotr Szkudelski (drums). The fifth member of the group, Dariusz Kozakiewicz (guitar) was absent due to family commitments.
Perfect created contrasting ambiences with their delivery of empowering rock, intense ballads and uplifting songs. Their lyrics moving from humorous to political and poetical.
The band also affirmed their ability to play in different styles, switching effortlessly from incisive rock to moody rock ballads.
Perfect demonstrated fluidity and spontaneity in their playing. And, of course, the instinctive understanding one musician must have of another to improvise.
Perfect concentrated on songs from their earlier recordings, performing only a few songs from their more recent works such as “Schody”- “Stairs” or “Smiglo”- “Propeller”. This was probably to accommodate older audience members. However, a large portion of the audience was also in their 20’s and 30’s.
Pervading everything was the jovial energy of the band, allowing them to easily connect with the audience. With their fervour they managed to get the crowd onto their feet, dancing in the aisles and rushing the stage. Amidst all this the audience sang their lyrics word for word.
The band even incorporated antics synonymous with rock, such as shirt ripping, stripping off and drenching themselves and the audience with water.
Perfect was first formed in the late 1970’s; their career spans 24 years and there is no indication of things wrapping up for the mostly 50+ musicians. In fact their zest and continued quality recordings promises many more years of great musicianship.
The band have survived the infestation of electronic music, continuing to produce original material while remaining unfalteringly dedicated to their genre of music. Their lyrics encompass a range of themes, preferring to focus on more substantial issues than just the lovelorn state.
Perfect of course have the well-deserved advantage of the maturity that comes with such a prosperous and long career. They have also sustained their passion for a genre of music they helped pioneer in Poland.
Following the performance Perfect signed autographs for eager fans, willingly signing anything fans requested. They also posed for photographs, interacting warmly with fans, proving to be just as good spirited in person as on stage.