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14 grudnia 2007
Polish gold in Australia - polskie złoto w Australii
Urszula Lang
Just came back from the Snowy Mountains where my long weekend was very busy because I was writing reports and giving presentations to the local Councils about the next Mound and Mt Kosciuszko Festival on 18-20 April 2008, seeking their support and assistance.

By myself in Vaski Lodge, I took another good look at a CD of photos given to me recently by Lajkonik's "in-house" amateur, voluntary photographer extra-ordinaire, Henry Iglinski (some of these were taken by professionals at Polart and some are from major achievements this year). Anyway, a wave of immense pride and satisfaction came over me when I looked at these photos again.

It occurred to me that Polish Youth in our Polish Dance Ensembles in Australia are really worth their weight in gold.

It also occurred to me that I should share the best of these photos with Puls Polonii readers.

Please write to me
and say what you think of them.

Urszula Lang

Zespół Pieśni i Tańca Lajkonik serdecznie zaprasza na wielki, dwugodzinny koncert z okazji Zakończenia Roku w niedzielę 16 grudnia w Sali Orła Białego w Cabramatta. Początek o godzinie 13.

W programie: lunch - sałatka jarzynowa, wędlina, kawa, ciasto, wizyta św. Mikołaja & losowanie loterii.

Wstęp $10 dorośli, $7 seniorzy i dzieci do lat 15.

Informacje i rezerwacje: Bożena Pagin 0403 277 285 & Tema Frączek 96 81 4556.