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Strzelecki Competition:



16 grudnia 2007
Golden voice of Adelaide - Daniela Jędrzejczak
Interview by Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek; photos and audio by Jurek Wąsiel

She's only 20. She loves singing. She came all the way from Adelaide (with her boyfriend) to sing for us in Sydney during the two concerts of Szymanowski's music: in the Sydney Conservatorium and a few days later in the Polish Club in Ashfield.

Posłuchaj wesołej piosneczki o w wykonaniu Danieli Jędrzejczak, sopran. Akompaniuje Wojtek Wisniewski

Daniela's grandpa talks

- Daniela, how did you and Lee like your expedition to Sydney. Were you pleased or disappointed?

We both loved coming to Sydney. There are so many beautiful areas. I have been in Sydney at this time for the last three years, and enjoyed each stay.

- Can you tell us something about your parents and grandparents.

Both my parents are Polish, and so are my Grandparents. My Mum, Basia, is a music teacher. I believe it was her nurturing and guidance of my enjoyment in music that has helped me to be where I am now. My Babunia and Dziadzio have helped me enormously with my Polish over the years.

- What and where did you sing as a teenager? What songs were in your repertoire?

As a teenager I sang in various musicals; drama performances; school productions, ceremonies, and events. The Adelaide Music Eisteddfods also helped a lot to prepare me (through selected song divisions like art song, aria, musical theatre, lieder, song by Australian composer, Junior Vocal Championship, duets etc) for the Bachelor of Music I am currently completing.

- Where and when did you decide that you will study music?

I have studied music form an early age, but I made the final and definite decision to study music at Uni when I was in year 12. I thought, Why am I here and for what purpose am I alive? The only honest answer I could give myself was that I love and am passionate about singing. If I could bring happiness and more life to others through singing, that would be the greatest gift!

- How did you find the beginning of studies in the Conservatorium?

It was very much like a quality version of Australian Idol! People criticise you, sometimes but not always constructively. You are placed in a "safer" version of "the real world." No one will MAKE you strive or not fail; you get what you give!

-Who is your teacher? Do you like your professors?

I am studying under the guidance of the amazing Mezzo-soprano, Guila Tiver. She is an inspiration to all around her. Much like all the professors and teachers, if you show them that you are genuinely interested and want to put in the hard yards, they will give you all the guidance you need.

- What kind of music in general do you like? Rhythms, forms, nationality?

It's funny, this question. The day I was packing for Sydney, I had "i-tunes" going and it was on shuffle. Dad was listening and he said, "What is this, first opera, then funk, then jazz, then soft rock, then blues, then more opera, then pop, then classical singing, then choral this some bizarre play list?" I guess opera and classical music will always have a special place in my heart, but my passion for good, passionate music in a variety of genres will always be alive.

- Who is your idol?

I don’t really have ONE because I believe no one is 'perfect' although I very much enjoy listening and watching the Italian mezzo, Cecilia Bartoli.

- What songs are in your repertoire, including Polish songs?

(This would take me days to compile)…This year I was offered the role of Despina in Mozart’s opera, Cosi fan tutte. It was put on by the Elder Conservatorium of Music (with additional artists). As this was my first full opera, in which I was the youngest singer by far, I have learnt a great deal through the experience. It also reinforced my goal and dream to perform in opera circles in the future.

- In what festivals did you take part? Did you sing in the Dozynki festival in Adelaide?

Not this year, although I have previously. I sang this year in the Adelaide Film festival and the Fringe Festival.

- What do you enjoy beside music?

Sport - very much so. Through doing exercise, every aspect about life improves; your mental health, physical health and consequently, my music.

- And your hobbies...

Singing, cooking, spending time with my Babunia or with my friends, travelling, rock-climbing, watching movies, writing things (English)...learning new things!

- Tell us about your travels. Have you visited Poland?

No, although I would very much like to. I guess being a student really doesn’t allow you to have the monetary support needed to travel overseas. But after uni, hopefully, I will work and earn enough to travel to Italy and Poland (my two key destinations).

- Your favourite colour & fashion?

Blue...I don’t like shopping usually (I get head spins and everything looks the same). Although, I love shopping with my cousin Janek Picheta (who I stayed with in Sydney!)

- Do you like Polish food ?

I love helping Babunia cook (sorry for the bad spelling) pieroshki, pierogi, ooshki, barshch, bapkas, bigos, kiewbaseks, and such things...especially when all the women in the family come together to cook for Christmas and Easter.

Prof. Wanda Wiłkomirska (left) with Daniela Jedrzejczak

Daniela with Wojtek Wisniewski

- What kind of family would you like to have in the future?

A happy one, as happy as my current family - if it's possible! I would hope that if I have children, they can see me as a friend and a parent, like I see mine.

- And finally can you tell us about your plans & dreams?

My ideal/dream future: I finish my Bachelor of Music here in Adelaide. Possibly do post graduate speech pathology at Flinders Uni here for 2 years (because I am fascinated by the voice and it's functions). Fly to Sydney and apply for the Opera school or an opera enough to then go to Italy, where I would live as an opera singer. From Italy, I would like to fly to Poland to sing there and meet any relatives.......THAT, if possible, is what I would like to do. But life is crazy, and no matter what happens I have faith that I will strive to do my best in what ever comes my way - no regrets!

That's not all yet. Read an interview with Daniela's Dziadek