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9 stycznia 2008
When enough is enough.A story urging change in the Polish community
Ursula Lang

Lajkonik on Mt Kosciuszko
A short summary:
• 1990 - 2006
Lajkonik regularly receives support from the Polish Community Perpetual Fund (Fundusz Wieczysty)
October 2007 - Lajkonik applies to Fundusz Wieczysty for funding to assist with costs of dancers attending Polish Festival in Federation Square, Melbourne
10 November 2007 - Fundusz Wieczysty fails to decide on the application, advising that it wasn't sure whether or not Lajkonik met its criteria
Late November - Lajkonik boosts its application with a letter of reference from the Polish Education Commission, which urges a positive determination of the application
8 December - Fundusz Wieczysty rejects Lajkonik's application stating that Lajkonik does NOT meet its criteria!

The whole story:
I am really sorry to write this story, but I feel someone has to speak up. Maybe if more people of my generation and my background were to speak up, there might be some hope for change.

You may well ask - what gives me the right to make such comment?

I grew up in the Polish Community in Sydney and I have always been involved in it via Dancing Groups (in fact all 3, in one way or another!).I was responsible for establishing Lajkonik and hold the position of Artistic Director. I was also involved in Harcerstwo and Laetare, and my husband Tony was a Director of the Polish Club in Bankstown. My parents have always been involved too, and worked for the betterment of the community in a variety of ways. Dad was involved in fundraising for the Bankstown Polish Club and the Church at Marayong. My mum has always sewn costumes, helping Mazury[/b] out with costumes for their Rzeszow Trip, and sewing for [i]Warszawska Syrenka (no longer in existence) and of course, for the last 18 years in Lajkonik.

This is an inconvenient story about power-mongering and lack of integrity. My unanswered question is - when will there be change and who will take responsibility?

Recently I asked for and was provided with a faxed copy of the Rules of the Fundusz Wieczysty Polonii Australijskiej im.Generala Juliusza Kleeberga, or in English, the General Juliusz Kleeberg Polish Community Perpetual Fund in Australia. The current Secretary of the Committee which administers the Fund is Mr Stan Mikolajski, and other committee members are Mrs Jadwiga Solka-Krajewska, Mr Jan Malecki, Mr Tarmas. I know that there are a few interstate members on the Committee as well, but no one that I asked was really sure WHO EXACTLY is on the Committee and what positions they hold. I think Mr Malecki is President.

In any case, I read the above document with interest, as I had never been successful in obtaining a copy before. This was a copy faxed to me by Mr Mikolajski.

I noted the Section headed "Name and Character" of the Fund, and Section II," Objectives of the Fund".

Lajkonik's Goralski on Federation Square

Of particular note is Section I, Clause 4. "The accumulated capital of the Fund shall be invested in secured, interest bearing deposits and deposits warranted by the Australian Government Bonds and only interest from such investment shall be available for annual distribution to support its objectives:


1. To promote literature, music and all other forms of Polish arts and culture in Australia;
2. To aid the organization of youth activities;
3. To support the work of the Education Commission of the Polish community in Australia;
4. To establish scholarships for young people of Polish descent;
5. To support the work of the Executive Committee of the PCCA (Polish Community Council of Australia) and member organisations ."


1. Organisations applying for donation must:

• Be non-profit and non-political;
• Keep proper accounting records and have, at least, yearly financial statement or reports;
• Provide information about ABN, tax status and GST registration where applicable;
• Be a member organization of the PCCA;
(dot point erased from my fax copy? I do not know why?)

2. Individuals applying for a grant must:

• Have a recommending letter of support from an organization fulfilling the above criteria.

3. Organisations and individuals applying for a donation must undertake to fulfill the Objectives of the Fund as listed in Part II of these Rules"

(I will supply a full version of the Rules document to Puls Polonii for publication.)

In October of last year, I applied, on behalf of the Polish Song and Dance Ensemble Lajkonik, in my capacity as Artistic Director, to the Perpetual Fund for financial assistance to send 10-12 young persons of school and university age from Lajkonik, to participate in an established Polish Festival in Federation Square, Melbourne. The Festival was to be held on 18 November 2007. I had been liaising for a number of months prior to the Festival with Festival organizers, in relation to Lajkonik's invitation to the Festival, technical arrangements, proposed repertoire etc./

Here is Lajkonik's application to the Fund seeking assistance:


To Fundusz Wieczysty Management Committee
Sydney, 25 October 2007

On behalf of the Polish Song and Dance Ensemble "Lajkonik" I would like to request the assistance of Fundusz Wieczysty in sending a contingent of 5-6 pairs from the Ensemble, to the Polish Festival in Melbourne. This Festival is due to be held on 18th November 2007.

The purpose of the trip is two-fold. Firstly, as an organizer of the Mound and Mt Kosciuszko Festival in April 2008, I am keen to observe how the Melbourne Polish Festival is held (I have heard that it is very well-organized and patronized). Secondly and even more importantly, the trip is a great opportunity for the youth of "Lajkonik" to connect with other Polish youth in other Polish Dance Ensembles in Victoria - Ensembles Lowicz, Polonez and Beskidy. Lajkonik is a stalwart member of the organizing team for the Mound and Mt Kosciuszko Festival, and by travelling to the Melbourne Festival, we hope to encourage the other Ensembles to be more mobile and come and join us in Jindabyne/Cooma in April 2008, to help us further the cause of promoting the Kosciuszko name and Polish contribution to Australian history.

We have prepared an interesting repertoire including Bialy Mazur, Tance Sadeckie and Tance Goralskie, being our contribution to the programme of the day, and prior to the performances on Sunday, we have arranged to rehearse with Ensemble Lowicz with whom we will be interchanging.

Lajkonik seeks a contribution of $2,000 towards the costs of sending our youth to the Festival, to help cover airfares ($205 per person) and accommodation ($100). This would mean a contribution of approximately 40% towards the overall costs of each performer which has been nominated to attend.

I look forward to receiving your determination of this request. Please contact me on 0418 265 271.

Yours sincerely

Lajkonik performing Goralski in Melbourne

Sadly, at its meeting of 10 November 2007, the Perpetual Fund Committee failed to reach a decision on the application despite the fact that the Festival was due to be held the following week.

I rang Mr Malecki to follow up. Mr Malecki verbally expressed to me the Committee's reservations as to the eligibility of Lajkonik to apply for such funding. It should be noted here that Lajkonik, being a Polish Dance Ensemble established for 18 years had successfully received funding from the Fund in previous years, and had on all previous occasions always met the criteria.

Although technically not required under the Fund's rules, Lajkonik subsequently sought support from the well-respected Polish Educational Commission. This letter of support was sent directly to both the President and Secretary of the Fund, Messrs Malecki and Mikolajski, for the Committee's further consideration.

A copy of the letter of support is provided herewith:


NSW, 2131


Szanowni Pañstwo,

W imieniu Komisji Oswiatowej Polonii Australijskiej pragnê zlozyc gorace poparcie dla Zespolu Piesni i Tañca 'Lajkonik' o sumê $2,000 z Funduszu Wieczystego.

Rozumiem, ze jednym z celów Funduszu Wieczystego jest poparcie finansowe dla szkól i grup mlodziezowych pracujacych na terenie calej Australii. Zespól Piesni i Tañca Lajkonik juz wykazal siê swoja dzialnoscia nie tylko w Australii biorac udzial w wielu imprezach polonijnych jak i równiez w wielu imprezach wielokulturowych-australijskich. Bral udzial w szesciu festiwalach POL-ARTu i 4 festiwalach w Rzeszowie reprezentujac polska kulturê i polskie tradycje.

Jestesmy dumni z osiagniêc naszych szkól i zespolów polonijnych na terenie calej Australii i wierzymy, ze przyszlosc naszej Polonii lezy w rêku mlodych ludzi.

Lajkonik nie tylko chce reprezentowaæ polski folklor w Melbourne, ale równiez chce brac udzial w imprezie w Jindabyne w 2008 roku, aby nadal promowac polski wklad w australijska historiê, której czescią jest Góra Kosciuszko.

Zwracam siê uprzejmie proszac o pozytywne rozpatrzenie podania Zespolu Piesni i Tañca Lajkonik.

Z powazaniem
Halina T. Szunejko, OAM
Przewodniczaca Komisji Oswiatowej Polonii Australijskiej
Listopad 2007

Nowy Sacz Dances by Lajkonik, Melbourne 2007

However, at its meeting of 8 December 2007, the Perpetual Fund Committee resolved NOT to grant Lajkonik's application for funding on the grounds that Lajkonik did not meet its criteria.

The Committee's letter advising of the failure of the application is provided herewith:

Fundusz Wieczysty Rady Naczelnej Polonii Australijskiej i Nowozelandzkiej Inc. im. gen J. Kleeberga
Polish Community Council of Australia and New Zealand Inc. Gen. J. Kleeberg Perpetual Fund

P.O. Box 5, Ashfield NSW 2131
10th December 2007

Urszula Lang
Artistic Director
Polish Song & Dance Ensemble Lajkonik

We acknowledge receipt of your correspondence, dated 25 October 2007.

We wish to advise that your request, per your letter, was presented for consideration at our most recent Committee Meeting on Saturday 8 December 2007.

After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we are not in a position to grant your request for assistance in funding your trip to the Polish Festival in Melbourne. As you would be aware, and can appreciate, certain criteria must be fulfilled in order for a request such as yours to be accepted by the Fund. In this instance not all criteria were satisfactorily fulfilled, and, as such, your request was rejected based on these criteria.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

Yours faithfully,
Stanislaw Mikolajski


Extraordinarily, the Perpetual Fund Committee REJECTED Lajkonik's application, saying that Lajkonik did not meet its criteria!

Anyone can have a look at Lajkonik's website

and see the high level of activity undertaken by Lajkonik in pursuit of the promotion of Polish culture, by and for young persons of Polish descent.

Last year, 2007, Lajkonik gave 32 performances!

Note however that Theatre Fantazja was successful in its application in 2007, and surprise, surprise, calls Perpetual Fund its "SPONSOR"!

Does this mean that the Perpetual Fund guarantees funding for Theatre Fantazja but that other applicants have to have to be assessed based on some unclear criteria, as stated in the letter of advice from Mr Mikolajski advising of the failure of the application.

How can a Community Fund be a PERMANENT SPONSOR of Theatre Fantazja (see Theatre Fantazja website under sponsors)? [u]Theatre Fantazja's Administrative Manager is Mr Stan Mikolajski and Mr Mikolajski is also the Secretary of the Perpetual Fund and Vice President of the NSW Federation!

How can Perpetual Fund justify its failure to provide occasional assistance to an established and active youth Dance Ensemble such as Lajkonik, but be a permanent sponsor of an organization run by its Secretary. Note also the membership of Fantazja comprising adult and senior people, and compare with the membership of Lajkonik, youth of school and university age. Refer back to Objectives 1, 2 and 4 of the Fundusz Wieczysty's own Rules.

Isn't it time that this sort of power-mongering by those in charge of Polish community organizations and resources was stopped? Isn't it time people with integrity were placed in these positions?

I think there is a gross misunderstanding of responsibility on the part of the Committee Members of the Perpetual Fund.

I explained to Mr Mikolajski that I was not asking for the money for myself, but simply for the mlodziez (the youth) because they were really deserving and needed this support.

It amazes me that the youth of Lajkonik want to pursue cultural activities when the so-called "leaders" of the Polish community treat them in this way. We should be supporting and encouraging them in their every endeavour associated with Polish Folk Dance and we should appreciate just how much time and hard work is involved on top of their usual studies and work.

And so, I leave you all with the question…. when will there be change?
Who will speak up and do something to rectify this injustice? Who will apologise to the youth for letting them down?

Ursula Lang

Lajkonik Ensemble in 2005

Komentarze czytelników: 11 Dodaj Nowy
Puls Polonii nie odpowiada za treść komentarzy nadesłanych przez czytelników!
czy chodzi o tytuł naukowy? Jeżeli tak to żaden. (Zbigniew Sudułł)
Since the correspondance between Lajkonik and FW was conducted in English, I shall stick to that language. It might be helpfulif the Secretary of FW disclosed which criteria, in the application, were not fulfilled?
Old habits die hard and the Administrators of FW conduct themselves as if nothing happened over the past 50 years.
I therefore wish to bring to their attention Part III of the Rules: "The Fund has been established under the Constitution and shall be under the control of PCCA (Polish Community Council of Australia). All relevant parts of the Constitution of PCCA shall apply to the operation of the Fund if herein written in full."
This means that Fundusz Wieczysty is not an inependent entity although it got, over the years, to regard itself as such. It is an inegral Part of PCCA.
I do not remember who typed the final version of the Rules of FW. It was probably me. There has been no erasure at the blank dot point. It also appears in my copy and it is, most probably if not certailly typografical error, for which I am (most probably) responsible.
what was the unfulfilled criteria (curious kangaroo)
if Fundusz Wieczysty funds individual persons such as Pani Zongollowicz and other organisations which are not PCCA members - isnt it being not consistent in its decisions??
w odpowiedzi ciekawemu kangurowi (Zbigniew Sudułł)
what a load of $%A#$%# infinite wisdom (curious kangaroo)
The Kleberg Fundusz is playing dangerous game and playing loose and fast with definitions.

A little birdie whispered that Lajkonik and the Sydney Federation had a run in not that long ago. COuld that have been the "real" reason for the rejection of the application.

How could an organisation been eligible for years to get funding and then suddenly this year NOT. Reason doesnt seem to be plentiful in Sydney.

Is there any avenue for appeals for example to the Executive of PCCA??
komu sie wiec nalezy ? (Chris)
Jezeli grupa taneczna duza , zorganizowana i b. dobra nie moze byc wspomagana przez Fundusz to kto moze ? Przeczytalem kiedys ze odmowiono jakiejs szkole (!, ktos pamieta moze jakiej i dlaczego ?). To komu sie nalezy ? Jezeli sie rozdaje tylko swoim to prosze to mowic przy zbieraniu funduszy. Fundusz zbierajac pieniazki zawsze mowi ze to dla calej kultury, wszystkich szkol i edukacji. Poza tym pieniadze zbierala cala Polonia a potem tak zebrane pieniazki przeszly pod skrzydla jednej organizacji ktora rozdaje tylko swoim. Pytanie dla czytelnikow Pulsu: Jak sie nazywal system rzadzenia, ktory zabieral wszystkim a rozdawala tylko swoim towarzyszom? Prawidlowe odpowiedzi prosze nadsylac na adres Funduszu Wieczystego... moze bedzie jakas nagroda.
pytanie kluczowe (Maria)

Is Polish Song and Dance Ensemble "Lajkonik" a full financial member of PCCA?

As far as I can remember there was an open and ugly conflict of Lajkonik's unpaid fees that surfesed during Zjazd Rady Naczelnej in June 2007.
To Maria (Urszula Lang)
Correction of Facts
The "unpaid fee" issue at the June 07 PCCA Zjazd had nothing to do with Lajkonik. That was Zwiazek Polski, Wollongong.
Lajkonik was still, at that stage, a member of Federacja, but not allocated its rightful vote, which it sought, seeking the support of the Arbitration Committee which failed to act. Lajkonik subsequently resigned from NSW Federacja, on a matter of principle.
Jesli Lajkonik otrzymywal fundusze przez oststnie 16 lat od Funduszu Wieczystego to jest to rownoznaczne z tym ze musial je dostac rowniez w 2007 roku??? Jak to sie ma do regulaminu??
Grupa Lajkonik jest wspaniala i przyznanie jej funduszy nie powinno byc zalezne od animozji pomiedzy prezesami itd., wiec moze powinna zalozyc wlasny fundusz, albo starac sie indywidualnie o Government Community Grants
(Włodzimierz Kowalik)
Obviously your work and activity is not appreciated by - so called - "umbrella" organization. Forget it. Have your pride, do not apply anymore.
Response to Wlodzimierz Kowalik (Urszula Lang)
Dear Mr Kowalik
It it was a question of MY pride, then of course, I would not bother to pursue this matter. But you see, its not about me. Its about the mlodziez (the youth) and the work of the whole of Lajkonik promoting Polish culture. They are teh community's future, and someone has to speak on their behalf. Its about the fact that when you have a large Ensemble, the running costs of rehearsal venues, costume maintenance, purchase, and replacement etc are very high, and the parents are always paying out a lot. Some parents can afford it, others find it difficult. The Fundusz Wieczysty assistance has always been greatly appreciated in the past when received. For the Melbourne trip, the fact that we did not receive the financial assistance meant the difference between staying in a modest backpackers hostel, or a better-located hotel in the City. It meant that I didn't have the resources to take the mlodziez out for a meal after rehearsal or after the performance to reward them for giving up their weekend and for their big effort in performing at the Festival. I couldn't pay for their train and bus tickets to get around Melbourne carrying their costumes. I really would have liked to have done that in the form of a gesture. Of course, we did have a raffle and thanks to the generous donations of Jet Set Travel, Simpliciti, Sambe Opals, Dr Lukasiewicz, Zosia Manche, we were able to raise a bit of money to help the mlodziez offset their airfares, but the grant from Fundusz Wieczysty would have helped a lot.
I am hoping that the community will stand behind the mlodziez on this issue, and say,"NO" this is not right, and this is not how we want Polish community resources disbursed. We want to encourage and reward the mlodziez when they give up their time to learn and promote Polish culture.
Pytanie kluczowe (Bozena)
Pani Mario!
Pytanie kluczowe to nie to GDZIE 'Lajkonik'nalezy ale to CO 'Lajkonik' robi: dla wychowania mlodziezy, dla jej rozwoju, dla propagowania polskiej kultury wsrod Polonii i wsrod Australijczykow etc. Pieniadze z Funduszu Wieczystego powinny byc przyznawane na nowe projekty, na nowy repertuar, nowe stroje bo to trzyma i mobilizuje mlodziez do dalszej ciezkiej pracy.
Jesli natomiast pieniadze z FW beda nadroda albo kara za posluszenstwo lub nieposluszenstwo wobec 'samozwanczego' prezesa ktory nie tylko nie ma wizji na prowadzenie Polonii i zamiast pracowac nad jej laczeniem, dzieli Polonie urzywajac w tym celu pieniedzy z Funduszu Wieczystego Polonii Australijskiej oraz wyrzucajac z Federacji ludzi z inicjatywa i pomyslami.
'Lajkonik' przyczynil sie do gromadzenia pieniedzy na FW przez wystepy na Koncertach FW, byl nawet ich glownym organizatorem.
A wiec wracajac do pytania. Nie KOGO sie zna, ale CO sie robi powinno decydowac o przydzielaniu pieniedzy z Funduszu.