An update by Cora's father.It’s pleasing to see some real progress made in relation to implementing the recommendations of NSW Coroner's Court. Please see attached a few photos taken on Saturday 19th January 2008. Kazmirowicz family is still waiting for the Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW to contact us in relation to placing a memorial plaque on site as 'strongly encouraged' by the NSW Coroner.
Background.An inquest was held into the death of Cora Kazmirowicz at Glebe Coroner’s Court on 12 December 2007. It was found that Miss Kazmirowicz, aged 21 years old, died at the Fishponds Waterhole at Hornsby. At the inquest, it was revealed that many young people jump off the rocks at that location and that at least 4 people have died at that waterhole. The following recommendations were made in the interests of public safety pursuant to section 22A of the Coroners Act 1980.
1. The Department of Environment and Climate Change, Parks and Wildlife Group, should erect a warning sign at each point of entry from each established track at the immediate vicinity of the Fishponds Waterhole at Hornsby. (4 such appropriate locations were identified at the inquest).
2. These warning signs should at least have the following wording: DANGER- swimming and jumping at Fishponds Waterhole have resulted in fatalities.
The Department was also strongly encouraged to consider placing a brass plaque flush against the rock from which Miss Kazmirowicz died. This plaque would name the people who have died at that location and state their respective ages. Although this would be an unusual action for the Department to take, it was considered that this is an unusual case; the Fishponds Waterhole is an area frequently used by young people where at least 4 others have died in separate incidents. It is imperative that the warning about the dangers of that location be communicated effectively to young people. It seems that the best way to do this would be to demonstrate that real people have died from those dangers, rather than just providing a mere statement of warning.
Waldemar Kazmirowicz