Sir P.E.Strzelecki | Did you know that General Kosciuszko was not only a brilliant military strategist and engineer who designed the West Point Academy in the United States, but also a talented artist and a composer of music?
Did you know that he fought for democracy, for social equality and human rights, and for the liberation and education of Afro-American slaves? A friend of Sir Thomas Jefferson's, he fought in the American War of Independence, for the new nation.
A slave who was "given" to him worked for him for 4 years but was treated as a free man until he could be officially freed. His name was Agrippa Hull and he became one of Kosciuszko's closest friends and admirers.
When Kosciuszko left America, he left his entire American estate to fund the liberation of Negro slaves, specifying that he wanted to help them receive an education and owners of land. He wanted to empower them and see them become exemplary citizens of the new nation.
The values that Kosciuszko fought for are still universally relevant to people on all continents.
Did you know that Kosciuszko had a great sense of humor and that there are many amusing stories about his good nature and ability to work with all people?
Here in Australia, we know very little about this wonderful man, after whom, and in a symbolic gesture, our highest peak was named by the early explorer, Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki. Sir Paul Edmund's father had in fact fought alongside Kosciuszko in the battles to save Poland, and Strzelecki had such great admiration for Kosciuszko that he could contemplate no greater honour than to name Australia's highest peak after him.
In Poland, Kosciuszko is honoured as a national hero, because he fought to free Poland from aggressive neighbouring powers who carved up Polish land for themselves, leaving Polish people without land or rights.
Kościuszko was born in the beautiful region of Polesie | In the United States, there are many towns, streets, bridges which bear his name, as well as many beautiful monuments highlighting his many achievements in that country.
And that's why we are organising the 2008 Mound and Mt Kosciuszko Festival, because, we believe that, Australians deserve to know more about Kosciuszko. In fact both these Poles, Kosciuszko and Strzelecki, have a huge cultural significance for Australian history and we feel that it should be known and celebrated.
Kosciuszko and Strzelecki!
As part of the 2008 Festival, you are invited to concerts to hear music and see dances with themes linked around these great men, but also the beautiful Snowy Mountains, the migrant history linked to the Snowy Hydro Scheme, and other historical events that have shaped the Snowy Mountains and Monaro Region and Area.
You are invited to see photographic displays compiled from competition entries "The Beautiful and the Talented", prepared by young and talented photographers including those from the local communities of Jindabyne and Cooma. You will hear new original songs and poetry readings by talented local and interstate artists relating to the Festival themes and as part of a competition which has been open to the locals for many months in the lead up to the Festival. The Festival aims to be an Arts Festival which involves the local community. YOU be the judge if we achieve this goal in 2008!
A very special feature of the Festival is the first-ever (as far as we know) re-union of Strzeleckis around the world, at the statue of Sir Paul Edmund, of course, in Banjo Patterson Park in Jindabyne! We have Strzeleckis coming from Poland, from Adelaide, Cooma and who knows from where else? There might be some surprises. Come down to the statue of Sir Paul Edmund at 5pm on Saturday, 19th April!
A second photographic exhibition involves stunning images from a recently-made historical film entitled "In the footsteps of Strzelecki”. The film (to be shown in the Jindabyne Cinema) has been shot in Poland with scenes in other locations around the world visited by Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki. The lead actors, Monika and Norbert Strzelecki are descended from the line of Oksza-Strzelecki, and they are coming to be our Festival guests and especially to partake in the Strzelecki re-union. On the way they'll stop in to the Strzelecki Ranges in Tasmania, where Strzelecki also undertook considerable exploration and survey work. The exhibition will be displayed in the National Parks and Wildlife Visitors Centre, one of the main sponsors of our Festival.
Kościuszko as boy | The two 50-minute films about Kosciuszko and Strzelecki will be screened in the Jindabyne Cinema on Sat. 19th April at 9am and 11am.
The same films will be screened in the Snowy Hydro Information Centre on 18th, 19th & 20th April 2008 , twice a day at 10am and 3pm. The film screenings are free, except for a "Gold Coin Donation", proceeds going to Cooma Hospital!.
For a warm-up, prior to the official opening on Saturday morning at 10am at the Jindabyne NPWS Visitors Centre, join us on a Polonaise Walk up to the summit of Mt Kosciuszko and a historic sing-a-long at the summit at 12 noon on Friday 18th April. Group "A" leaves from Charlotte Pass at 9am and Group "B" leaves from Thredbo Chairlift at 9.30am.
Sunday 20th April – is an all-day Festival and Market Day with non-stop variety entertainment in Centennial Park, Cooma, organised in conjunction with Cooma Rotary, and sponsored by Cooma Council. Come and try superb Polish food!
For more information about the Festival and sponsors, or sponsoring, check out the website on click on the special blue Mound & Mt Kosciuszko Festival icon, at the left hand side of the Main Page.
Ursula & Tony Lang, Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek
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