Student Film Club cordially invites to the screening of “Żurek” (“The White Soup”, 2004), the film by Ryszard Brylski, to be held at the Polish Consulate, 10 Trelawney Street, Wollahra, on Friday, April 11th 2008, at 7 p.m.
The dramatic story of a woman's struggle to discover the identity of her grandchild's father. The grandmother (played by Katarzyna Figura) becomes obsessed with discovering the identity of the man who fathered her daughter's child.
The naive daughter (played by Natalia Rybicka) is of little help with her mother with the search, which turns into a dangerous journey, filled with unexpected events. The mother is forced to face and overcome her own dark secrets and deepest fears, and her struggles provide her daughter with a new sense of hope and understanding of her own life.
Film has English subtitles.
Please confirm whether you are able to attend by April 10th via e-mail
Grzegorz Jopkiewicz Consulate General of the Republic of Poland