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Strzelecki Competition:



1 maja 2008
(Not only) Cooma Monaro Shire Council congratulating us
after the Mound & Mt Kosciuszko Festival

R. Sarkowicz with J. Vucic
Dear Ursula. This is to confirm my verbal congratulations on the effort you and your team have put into the above festival. The dedication and professional effort you have displayed in planning and coordinating this festival can only be described as outstanding.

I received a feedback from a variety of participants and the general community at Cooma that the performances of the artists were of a high calibre. The beautiful music arrangements, poetry, songs and dance ensembles were professionally choreographed and were very well received. The bright-coloured costumes added to the theme of the Festival, which was complemented with a beautiful exhibition of iconic photographs and films.

On behalf of Cooma-Monaro Shire Council, I thank you for bringing such a professional level of community-based programs to exhibit at Cooma. I hope you are in a position to consider Cooma again next year. If I can be on further assistance to you and your team, please let me know.

Yours faithfully
John Vucic
General Manager
Cooma Monaro Council
22 April 2008

John Vucic - along with Caroline Fox - was kind enough to accept the role of the MC. Photo Puls Polonii

Szanowna Pani Ernestyno. Serdecznie dziękuję za wielki wkład w sukces tegorocznego Festiwalu o Kościuszce. Gdyby nie Panie, tej ważnej imprezy by nie było. Ponawiam propozycję udzielenia przez ambasadę większego wsparcia dla trzeciej edycji Festiwalu.

Z poważaniem i serdecznymi pozdrowieniami ode mnie i mojej rodziny
Witold Krzesiński, Charge D'Affairs, Ambasada RP w Kanberze

* * *

Szanowna Pani.
Pragne Pani oraz Pani Urszuli Lang serdecznie pogratulować sukcesu, jakim był tegoroczny Festiwal. Tylko dzięki pasji, zaangażowaniu i ogromnej pracy Pań oraz innych Współpracowników i Artystów Festiwal stał się jednym z największych polonijnych wydarzeń kuluralnych w Australii. Wierząc, że za rok znowu spotkamy się u stóp Gory Kosciuszki życzę dalszych sukcesów.

Ryszard Sarkowicz
Konsul Generalny RP w Australii

Good morning Ursula and Ernestyna.
I just wanted to congratulate you on yesterday's celebration in Cooma. I bet you're both feeling very frazzled and empty today - it always feels dreadful after your energy has been all spent, the adrenalin has stopped racing and you fall in a huge heap. So, take a break and take some deep breaths.

It went really well. It looked spectacular. It was a joyful occasion. The crowd were delighted and there were plenty of things to do and see AND EAT.

I look forward to talking to you again soon, to make sure you're both okay. And, I hope to help out next year, definitely... If you're up for it.

Caroline Fox
Economic Development and Tourism Promotions Manager
Cooma Visitors Centre

"Snowy Times" Quarterly, Autumn 2008. Who was General Kosciuszko?

Droga Ernestyno. Dziekuję raz jeszcze za niezapomniane chwile i cudowne przeżycia festiwalowe. Mam nadzieję, że obie z Ulą dochodzicie do siebie i nabieracie sił przed kolejnym natarciem!
Asia Lunarzewski

"Talk of the Town" by Lajkonik.Photo Henry Iglinski

Dear Ernestyna. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to recite my little song lyrics at your festival in the Snowys. I found the whole weekend uplifting & inspirational & thoroughly enjoyable. Next year I hope to have more songs & if you need a hand with the organisation – I am there for you. Cheers and here’s to music.
Bunty Bisharah

Hi Ernestyna. Congratulations on a wonderful Festival. It was a fantastic weekend. You and Ursula should feel very proud and satisfied. So many small details were considered and taken care of- it really was a great event. Thank you for your encouragement and support. Shannon was really thrilled at his win in the photography competition. A thank you also to Barbara who assisted with the mass organisation and Halina Gad for her beautiful singing. Thank you Ernestyna and Ursula. Hope you can have a well deserved rest. The Polish community is amazing and when the dance group (Lajkonik) performed Talk of the Town and We are One I found it very moving.

Many Thanks
Paul Mackay

Lajkonik: We are One. Photo Henry Igliński

Witam serdecznie Pani Ernestyno! Brawo ! Brawo ! Brawo ! Jak widze Festiwal sie udal. Bardzo fajnie, ze sa jeszcze takie osoby jak Pani (i jeszcze kilka),ktorym sie jeszcze chce cos robic. Wiem, ze jak teraz Pani spojrzy w przeszlosc, w te kilka tygodni do tylu,kiedy wszedzie Pani "bylo pelno" to napewno nie zaluje Pani tych nieprzespanych nocy. Napewno warto bylo. Praca spoleczna obecnie, moim zdaniem, przezywa wielki kryzys. Nie wiem jak to jest w Australii. Ale tutaj w Polsce to ludzie pukaja sie w czolo i mowia "co ty z tego masz?" Wszechobecny kult, "czegosmania" jest obecnie bardzo modny, niestety. Tak wiec Pani Ernestyno jeszcze raz wielkie brawa za udana impreze. Jednym slowem TAK TRZYMAC !!!!!!! I do zobaczenia na WYD!

Roman Malinowski, Bydgoszcz