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16 maja 2008
SMH Good Weekend apologises For "Polish killing fields" |
Good Weekend apologises for the use of the offending phrase; it was done inadvertently and with no intent to cause offence. In our May 31 issue we will publish a letter on behalf of
the Polish-Australian Historical Society, which corrects the error with regard to Babi Yar and clarifies the point that Poland was occupied by the Nazis during WWII and the Treblinka camp was German-run. Please convey our apologies to Mr Sarkowicz, also.
Yours sincerely,
Cindy MacDonald Deputy editor Good Weekend magazine
Dear Ernestyna. Recently you contacted ReaderLink. The following outlines The Herald's response.We have forwarded your email to the editor of Good Weekend. Your interest in Herald Publications is appreciated and has provided us with valuable feedback. Regards, Thea & Justine