Dear Friends. We are happy to announce that our Natasza & Tanasza have reached Cocos Keeling Islands. She has completed fourth leg of her solo circumnavigation. This stop over is exceptional for her as she is completing her next big dream of the voyage. Thanks to your help and involvement she was able to invite there Karolinka who is ...... Foundation "Mimo wszystko" (Against the Odds Foundation). As i'm writing this e-mail to you our brave travelers are enjoying their company somewhere long way from here on Indian Ocean.
Soon on the official website you'll be able to read personal accounts of their experiences on the island, you'll find all details of Karolinka's "Cruise with Natasza" - amazing reunion of extraordinary girls who shared their dream.
I would like to invite you as well to take part in our quiz that highlights first 12 months of Natasza's journey. We will have a price draw by Karolinka in November when Natasza reaches Durban. Shortly we will be launching English version of new website. All those who are interested in Natasza's sea adventures can take a look at
Natasza's Blog
Best regards Agnieszka
10 - 09 - 2008 so, here I am! 2330 Darwin Time, 6/09/08 still Saturday, Cocos Islands on The Indian Ocean (do not confuse them with the ones on The Pacific)
Here I am on Cocos Islands. Geez, how does it sound?!?!?! A while ago, I did not even know where it was!!!
It is dark, I was tied to a buoy a while ago and I don’t see much: a white strip and shades of palm trees in the moonlight... Before I entered the port, a fan belt snapped. By the time I fixed it, it turned out that guys from the port will move Tanasza to a lagoon.
There was a whole bunch of them, they have even sent me a red flare... Full service, wow... Being here is just fantastic!!! I don’t know how “here” looks like yet, but I am “here”, and in time for my meeting!
Tanasza is marvellous, what a spirit!!! I decided not to enter the port today, but she was intent on doing it so that I can sleep safe.
And so here I am – they say: “Wherever you are – be there.”
Tomorrow at 10am local time (ZULU!!! GMT +6,5H) I will have some officials visiting me, so for the time being I wish everyone a good night... (Best wishes from Cocos Islands!!! HA!!!)