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Strzelecki Competition:



10 grudnia 2008
Jindabyne Action Plan (1)
submission by Ursula Lang

Dear Ernestyna. You may publish my submission in Puls Polonii if you wish. If you would like to open us the forum for this, I am happy to co-ordinate people's submissions back to Snowy River Shire Council in a collective submission from the Polish Community as part of the consultation process for the Jindabyne Action Plan, which is to occur over the next few months.Regards.Urszula.

To the Snowy River Shire Council. Dear Mayor, Councillors and General Manager,
Thanks for the opportunity to participate in the process of developing Jindabyne's Action Plan.

I write this submission in the following capacity:
1. As a property owner in Jindabyne;
2. As a regular visitor;
3. As an events coordinator and Artistic Director of K'Ozzie Fest 09 and formerly Mound & Mt Kosciuszko Festival 07 and 08;
4. As a professional town planner, with experience in town centre improvement and urban renewal;
5. As Vice President of the Puls Polonii Cultural Foundation which represents the Polish Community.

I would like to focus the main part of my submission on suggestions for improvements to the Jindabyne Town Centre:

1.Jindabyne needs a Gateway

There is no real point at which Jindabyne Town Centre officially commences. A landscaped gateway welcoming the visitor is needed.

2.Improved connectivity in the Town Centre between main focal points

One of Jindabyne's main features is the Lake, and Banjo Paterson Park alongside. However, these main assets are divided off from the rest of the Town Centre and hence not taken advantage of, as they could be. The Lake and town Park need to be better-connected to the original shopping centre opposite, via safer and more distinctive pedestrian crossing facilities, and there should also be stronger connections to Nuggets Crossing Shopping Centre and the NPWS Visitors' Centre. The pedestrian walkways between these main components need to be significantly improved in terms of their directness and the quality of their pathways and associated streetscape (trees and street furniture).

3.Jindabyne Hotel

Council might consider entering into a partnership with the Jindabyne Hotel (ie a Planning Agreement under Section 93F of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act) to allow some redevelopment in return for the provision of some public facilities such as café, community facility and seating areas (perhaps a museum) adjacent to the Park, and looking over the Lake and special Park features such as the cenotaphs and Statue of the explorer Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki. The Agreement might finance an upgrade of pedestrian walkways through the Park to improve the relationship between the Park and the Civic Precinct (Memorial Hall).

The Landscape Plan for the Park needs to be reviewed, looking at the pattern of pathways and the positioning of steps in relation to the more defined pathways, and how visitors and residents generally use the Park, or would use the Park if facilities such as those mentioned were to be developed there. I believe that a café and deck redevelopment overlooking the Lake and the Park would be a highly attractive redevelopment, and go a long way in activating the Park, and taking advantage of its high value as a civic asset.

The above would assist significantly in enabling more events, including artistic performances, to be staged in the Park, and enabling local businesses to benefit as an outcome.

4.Statue of Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki

This 9m high bronze Statue on a large stone plinth, is a very prominent feature in Jindabyne and it needs to be well-maintained. The Statue was a bicentennial gift from the Polish Nation to the Jindabyne Community and is now 20 years old. The standard of maintenance of the Statue by the Council has been lacking, with the result that the condition of the Statue has been deteriorating. This situation is disappointing to the Polish Community which takes huge pride in the Statue, the history that it represents, and considers it to be worthy of being listed as an item of local heritage.

5.Civic Precinct

The contribution made by Memorial Hall as an iconic civic structure to the original shopping centre and to the town centre generally, needs to be strengthened, through the removal of the unattractive storage building erected in front of the hall (its main façade as one approaches the Town Centre), significant improvements in the external finishes of the hall building and the landscaping treatment around it, and possibly through some interpretative public art and/or paving.

The parking areas behind the original shopping centre need to be improved ie cleaned up and landscaped, as they are used by people walking through the centre. The uses on the western side of Thredbo Terrace such as the Police station, Medical Centre, CWA Hall etc, are important community uses and the fact that the shopping centre turns its backside to them is a poor arrangement. This needs to be rectified to bring the centre together as a well-functioning entity, and to facilitate and encourage a healthy civic respect for these uses.

6.Disability Access

Accessible paths of travel throughout the Town Centre, and as part of improvements undertaken as part of this process, need to be significantly upgraded to the highest possible standard to cater for all persons including of course people with disabilities, but also mothers with prams, and elderly visitors generally. The current standard of accessibility throughout the Town Centre is very poor.

Additional Recommendations (non physical)

It is suggested that the Council might like to embrace more fully, the multicultural history which is indisputably linked to Jindabyne and provide more support to events such as those which over the course of over 40 years have been initiated by the Polish community, and which may not have lost their continuity had they been better supported by the Council. These events, initiated by various organizations, but also the late but fondly-remembered local Catholic priest, Wally Stefanski, have the potential to make a significant contribution to the artistic and cultural experiences of the local community, and help to create harmony between locals and visitors, to the benefit of local businesses.

Should you wish to discuss any of the above ideas with me, please do not hesitate to contact me on my mobile number 0418 265 271.

Yours faithfully
Ursula Lang

Puls Polonii: please feel free to post your comments and proposals in the forum below.

Komentarze czytelników: 9 Dodaj Nowy
Puls Polonii nie odpowiada za treść komentarzy nadesłanych przez czytelników!
Action Plans 1 & 2 (The Sparrow)
Dear Ursula, I like the way you addressed some major points of importance with the Snowy River council, however, Ernestyna, I believe your wording in action Plan 2 is too strong.
Remember, the people and council in Jindabyne, were not enthusiatic with their support during the last 2 festivals. Think about it. How would you like outsiders coming into town once, a year, and telling what you must do. We (first, second and third generation Australian Poles) need to adopt a softly, softly, approach. Maybe we could some how raise the funds to have the monument cleaned and repaired. Maybe, suggest to the council that they could match us $ for $ to caryy out this work. Or maybe we should hire a bus, drive down to Jindabyne, with our buckets, mops and handy andy, and clean it ourselves. It would make a great photo op. for thought.
Good work and keep the flag flying.
szorowanie pomnika (Ernestyna)
Wake Up Call to the Polish Community (Woodpecker (Ursula Lang))
Thanks Sparrow. But today my bird call is different. Its a frustrated one. Today I feel like a WOODPECKER, banging my poor beak against a wooden trunk again and again and still no-one is listening!
Polish Community, WHERE THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU, you with the knowledge, you with the skills, you with the clever hands and effort to do some work, you with the contacts, you with the MONEY, you with the ideas, you with the love and passion for our Polish-Australian Heritage! How about you stop wasting your pocket money and time on going to enclave functions to get useless expensive icons (which will just gather dust on your mantelpieces) from the ineffectual Fat Cats, and either get involved, or get behind the people who are trying so hard to make progress on Polish issues, but struggling with insufficient support from you all.
(The Finch)
Ursula, I have a rhyme for you. ‘The Polish procrastinate, until it’s too late.’
Apologies for my "wybuch!" (Urszula Lang)
Yes, you are right. There is no point. In any case, all help is and will be appreciated. Much to do.
Jak cie widza tak cie pisza. (Czytelnik z Wollongong)
Pamietam czasy, kiedy w Jindabyne Information Centre nie bylo jednej informacji na temat Strzeleckiego. Na moje pytanie 'Do you have any information about Strzelecki" pani pracujaca w tej inforamcji wskazala reka w strone pomnika i odpowiedziala " I know that his statue is there".
To bylo wszystko. Moje proby interwencji w tym centrum spowodowaly tylko straszne zdenerwowanie. Zadnych pozytywnych rezultatow.

To co robi Pani Ernestyna i osoby jej pomagajace jest wspaniale. Nareszcie wychodzimy poza swoje zascianki. My wiemy o zaslugach Strzeleckiego ale sprawmy aby o tym dowiedzial sie przecietny Australijczyk. To wymaga ogromnej pracy i poswiecenia. Skoro my nie jestesmy w tym bezposrednio zaangazowani, to pomozmy tym co to robia.

Mysle, ze nie kazdy jest w stanie pojechac i pomoc myc pomnik, ale wielu z nas moze dolozyc swoja cegielke ($5, $10 lub wiecje) na specjalne konto, z ktorego pieniadze mogly by pokryc koszty mycia. Moze wyglad zadbanego pomnika pomoze w "cieplejszym" spojrzeniu na naszego odkrywce.

Mysle, ze stara zasada "jak cie widza tak cie pisza" jest zawsze aktualna, nawet jesli chodzi o pomnik.
Clean the pomnik (The Sparrow)
My comments regarding washing the pomnik was said "tounge in cheek" .........However...... if the Polish community truly wishes to be seen taking a strong and active interest (not just words) I'm sure that we can raise the funds and talk the Snowy Shire in meeting us $ for $.

Any more comments........we only have 4 months left before the next festival!!!!!!
(The Finch)
Why doesn't Puls Polonii or the Fundacja Kulturalna create a special 'donations' page for the purpose of donating money for K'Ozzie Fest and the cleaning of the statue?

At the moment, from what I can see, giving can either (and only) be done by credit card or by funds transfer.

I think it would be much easier for people to simply go to a 'secure page' ("https") and donate via credit card, for example. I'm sure something like this could be set up!
Festival (The sparrow)
Good Idea......let's do it!!!!!!

Ernestyna....the ball's in your court.