Piazzolla Bowed and Plucked Friday, 28th August at 8 PM
Raffaele AGOSTINO guitar; Stan KORNEL baroque violin & viola d’amore; Monika KORNEL harpsichord
Works by Astor Piazzolla, Domenico Scarlatti, Antonin Hraczek and Nicolo Paganini
Widely known Piazzolla’s music is energetic, spontaneous and appeals to everyone of all ages. Very creative and playful with dramatic elements, this music has won many hearts both by the audience and musicians alike.
There are many arrangements of Piazzolla’s music for all kinds of instruments and ensembles. Tonight’s performance will use an unusual instrument-the harpsichord- performing music originally written for bandoneón by the composer.
Venue St Augustine’s Chapel, Eaton Street, BALMAIN
Enq: 0416 345 489 Tickets at door $30/$20 (concession)
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