On the 20th of September, Lajkonik held an exhibitory concert, allowing the Ensemble to showcase its new repertoire whilst simultaneously entertaining an excited and curious audience. It certainly achieved the desired purpose, with dance after dance being executed professionally and passionately on the dance-floor of Ashfield Polish Club. The dancers were organised and well-prepared, which can be undoubtedly attributed to the countless hours of practice and mentoring by the Artistic Director Ms Ursula Lang.
The performance demonstrated that the group (who are travelling to Adelaide at the end of this year to be a part of Polart 2009) will be excellent ambassadors for the Polish community of Sydney.
Lajkonik presented its rehearsed dances in the supportive and comfortable atmosphere of the Ashfield Polish Club. Some of the items included Tance Chelmskie, Lowickie, Sadeckie, Krakowskie and Goralskie. The performances however weren’t limited to the talented senior group, but also showcased the enthusiasm and dedication of the younger dancers who showed that you can mix business with pleasure in a selection of fun yet choreographed dances that included: Polka Kominiarska and Junior Goralski.
 Photo Lajkonik |
 All other photos by Puls Polonii |
The concert wouldn’t have been complete without a special guest performer, who definitely bought a touch of glamour and pure talent to the event. Beata Wald, who is new to Australia, has made a lasting and positive impression on the Polish community present at the concert. Her performance can be described as talented and heart-felt while her stage presence was superb and highly professional.
Link to Beata's photos and her song
Overall the concert was a pleasure to watch and I’m sure that Lajkonik will bring the same passion and pride in their heritage and dancing to future performances as well as Polart 2009.
Dorota Zajaczkowska
Our busy jam-packed Lajkonik day started well before the 2pm concert at the Ashfield Polish Club. We met at 11am in charming, boutique-sized Wallis Reserve in Strathfield, an hour before some of us were due to be at the 12 noon Ashfield Polish mass. I arrived right on 11am, and was pleasantly surprised and impressed to find that I was in fact the "last to arrive"!
In front of me was a beautifully-dressed, well-behaved group with hair and makeup done and ready for the photo shoot. WOW how much more could a teacher wish for than a fresh, enthusiastic and talented group of young people with (hopefully) years of dancing ahead of them? These guys are truly ambassadors of Polish culture in this country, as well as being young Australians with the world at their feet.
I feel like shouting it out to all the Polish Organisations, Polish Businesses, and the community in generally "we should really value them, and help them." Tomorrow we are boarding the famous "Puls Polonii" bus driven by Pan Wiesiek. The bus is taking us out to a Multicultural Festival in Dubbo, courtesy of Dubbo City Council. On the way back, on Sunday night, we have a secret surprise performance at a very special function. Stay posted ...........details to be revealed next week!
See the photo of the famous Puls Polonii Bus
Urszula Lang Artistic Director of Lajkonik