Chopin by K. Burkiewicz | The Council of Polish Organisations in the ACT is organising events related to the Chopin Year 2010 – the 200th anniversary of his birth which was in 1810.
The Polish government has decreed it to be the Chopin Year with year long celebrations inside & outside of Poland.
This is an open invitation to everyone who is interested in either participating or knowing more about these important events to come to a meeting which will be held this Thursday 15th October @ 18.30 at the White Eagle Club, David Street, Turner.
Why is the Chopin Year 2010 so important for us? The answer lies in the universal appeal of Chopin’s music. He is one of the few Poles who is instantly known and loved around the world and he needs little introduction. His music evokes an emotional experience which wants to be shared with others – it promotes cooperation and dialogue.
Artur Rubinstein, the international Polish pianist said no matter where he played – Italy, South America, China, Japan, Australia or South Africa – all audiences were conquered by Chopin’s music. Chopin is regarded as the poet of the piano and no other composer has been able to write music so sublime.
This event therefore is an excellent opportunity for Polonia here in Canberra: To promote Poland in all her aspects especially her unique culture, language and traditions . To show how we - émigrés like Chopin – live outside of Poland, how we view and experience Chopin, 200 years after his birth . To show and remind our fellow Australians of the contributions we have made and what we can still do.
To promote our Polish Canberra community amongst Australians and other ethnic communities.
This event is a unique opportunity – a once in a lifetime opportunity – for each one of us to do something individually and as a community. Chopin has made it easy for us because his universal appeal means that the public will want to come and know more about this famous son of Poland – from the perspective of the Poles.
The purpose of the meeting is: To know what the Polish Embassy is doing in Canberra and how we can cooperate with them. To outline some of the activities already being considered. To discuss ideas from the source document which can be turned into events. To discuss ideas of those present which can be turned into events.
To discuss financial aspects including funding [grants, others]. To draft a program of events for publication in Polish & English. To discuss any other issues including administrative arrangements.
So how can you be involved? Everyone has talents and skills which can be used. The social aspects of the events are very important – baking the Polish babka’s, sernik’s and makowce! No bakery in Canberra can do this.
The published program of events needs designers, printers and many hands to distribute it throughout Canberra and beyond. We need everyone’s network of family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances to distribute an electronic copy. One of the most important tasks to do is to come up with an official title for this event and a logo. If you think you have a brilliant idea for a bi-lingual title then come and share it.
Program of events. As the Chopin Year runs for 12 months we need events to fill a calendar year. Not too much and not too little. There will be events in the wider community as well which we should be aware.
Launch date. We want to launch the Chopin Year around his documented birthday 22 February. This does not leave us much time to get organised. The aim is to have the program of events printed for this launch and with Christmas New Year holidays intervening, we need to have the program decided as soon as possible so it can be printed sometime in early December. This will give more time for everyone to prepare their events.
The meeting on the 15th October will unofficially launch the Chopin Year because Chopin died on the 17th October 1849.
2009 is the 160th anniversary of his death so we will drink a toast to his memory as well as to the success of the coming Chopin Year. To take a true Aussie tradition – PLEASE BRING A PLATE! Drinks will be provided.
This event is an event of the Council of Polish Organisations in the ACT Inc. which means the Polish community in Canberra. I see myself as the Council’s coordinator. If you cannot make it on Thursday please give me your ideas. My home phone is 6259 5099. Any email please direct only to wwhorky@gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing you this Thursday evening. Wanda Horky Vice-President Council of Polish Organisations in the ACT Inc.