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20 listopada 2009
"Dzwoni ET do Papieża"
Pierwsza watykańska konferencja poświęcona astrobiologii

Redakcyjna poczta przynosi codziennie "hałdy" emaili z artykułami, które często w ogóle nie nadają się do druku. Wśród powodzi nowej poczty znalazł się dzisiaj rano jakiś "podejrzany esej". Już go miałam wyrzucić, ale coś mnie tknęło, by się temu bliżej przyjrzeć. Postanowiłam potraktować autora poważnie, zaczęłam więc szperać w internecie, czy rzeczywiście w Watykanie odbyła się ostatnio konferencja poświęcona astrobiologii i życiu pozaziemskiemu. I owszem, Papieska Akademia Nauk zorganizowała w dniach 6-10 listopada 2009 r. konferencję z udziałem najwybitniejszych naukowców z całego świata. Watykan zgromadził ekspertóww celu przedyskutowania implikacji życia pozaziemskiego dla Kościoła Katolickiego. W prasie pełno relacji z konferencji, ponad artykułami górują tytuły typu: "When E.T. phones the pope", "Vatican to welcome aliens", "Vatican Looks for Signs of Alien Life", "Vatican ponders extraterrestrials".

Na stronie "" czytamy, że wiara katolicka uznaje życie pozaziemskie, w tym życie inteligentne jako cześć Bożego Stworzenia. Znajdujemy tam omówienie konferencji, a także linka do materiałów watykańskich w formie pdf. "In the conference itself, experts from various faiths, scientific disciplines, and countries thoroughly covered the topic of Astrobiology. Discussions covered origins of life, habitability, environment, genomes, detecting life in the universe, formation, properties, and the search for extra-solar planets, and finally the search for extraterrestrial intelligent life. Information on the topics, abstracts, and presenters can be found here.

Kliknij tutaj, aby dostać się do materiałów w formie PDF. Poniżej okładka tych materiałów

Bodaj najtrudniejsze, bo kontrowersyjne pytania zadał słynny kosmolog Paul Davies. Oto fragment artykułu omawiającego jego wystapienie. "I think the discovery of a second genesis would be of enormous spiritual significance," says Paul Davies, a theoretical physicist and cosmologist from Arizona State University who is speaking at the Vatican conference. He believes the potential challenge to Christianity in particular "is being downplayed" by religious leaders. "The real threat would come from the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence, because if there are beings elsewhere in the universe, then Christians, they're in this horrible bind. They believe that God became incarnate in the form of Jesus Christ in order to save humankind, not dolphins or chimpanzees or little green men on other planets."

I dalej czytamy: Davies explained the tensions within the Catholic Church: "If you look back at the history of Christian debate on this, it divides into two camps. There are those that believe that it is human destiny to bring salvation to the aliens, and those who believe in multiple incarnations," he said, referencing the belief that Christ could have appeared on other planets at other times. "The multiple incarnations is a heresy in Catholicism." (As Giordano Bruno learned.)"

Fragment ten pochodzi z artykułu Marca Kaufmana "When ET phones the Pope"w Washington Post.

Czytaj w Guardianie: Katolicyzm a życie pozaziemskie".

Na forum dyskusyjnym katolików znajdujemy takie oto głosy. 1. If there are E.T.'s created in the image of God like us, then they would also have to be fallen children of Adam. If not then they would not be in Adam's place of exile (our universe) and therefore inherently inaccessible to us (except by revelation), just as is God's original Paradise. Consider: If they were not fallen children of Adam but accessible to us then Paradise would be accessible to us through contact with them, and we could evade that angel with the flaming sword and get back to the Tree of Life (see Gen 3:24). I don't think God is "ineffectual" that way.

2. Christ came to save all of Adam's fallen children; yet, so far as we can tell, He came only to this planet (like us in all things save sin, and we don't multilocate across the universe). He did send His disciples to "teach all nations", but up until now, anyway, we have no way to "evangelize the stars", which appears to be incumbent upon us if indeed there are E.T.'s.

3. Therefore it appears to me that we are it - the only created images of God in the entire universe. I know this posits a "homocentric" universe and this means all of that stupendous creation we see out there was all done specifically for us, but why not? Consider how the universe was formed from its first moments of the Big Bang (we're talking about when the diameter of the universe was the Planck length) when all the physical constants and constraints necessary for our eventual existence billions of years later were being created. It only shows how prodigious is God's loving benevolence!

Fragmenty dyskusji pochodzą z www.catholicforum

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