Krystyna Cyron, the President of the Polish Association Cabramatta, was guest speaker, as well as the recipient of an award, at the Gift of Time Volunteer Ceremony held on November 30, 2009, by Fairfield City Council at the Mounties Club. Krystyna was interviewed by Fairfield City Champion correspondent Stacey Vanoska, who reported as follows:
“Krystyna has spent the last 10 years following her desire to give something back to the community”. The 72 year old said she would continue with volunteer work “for as long as my health lasts”. “I enjoy it and I’m very busy” she said.
Mrs Cyron has been involved in many volunteer community services since arriving in Australia from Poland in 1959.
She has worked solidly as a volunteer for the past 10 years and divides her time between her eight grandchildren, the Polish Association, Fairfield Seniors Network and the Council’s multicultural committee.”
Krystyna gave a superb speech to the 400 volunteers from Church groups, schools, childcare centres, nursing homes, hospitals and sports clubs.
In her speech, given without notes, she said it was important to give of yourself to the community and help others that are in need. Giving, she said, made her feel fulfilled and appreciated. The volunteers appreciated her speech and gave her a great ovation. Fairfield City Mayor, Nick Lalich, presented her with a certificate and flowers. Fairfield City Council has also recommended her for other awards.
Henry Iglinski