Matt Driller | I am a Croatian actor and I have been in Australia for five years now. In terms of acting, I haven’t studied the craft as such in a formal way. By formal I mean that I haven’t been enrolled in any University or Acting Academy here in Australia or back in Croatia. On the studying note, I actually have a Bachelor in Business from Macquarie University.
Tom's profile (Zielonooki Tomek)
About this play - in English
During my acting career development, I have searched for methods that would unleash my potential through selective workshops and classes offered by Industry gurus. Some methods I found helpful were the Meisner Technique and Eric Morris method. I picked up Meisner at the Actors Pulse in Sydney where I was for a short time, and the Eric Morris method form the class with Sam Atwell. I guess what I try to do is to give a part of myself into every role, this way I am able to keep it natural and the characters I am playing always have connection with real life. There is no pretending allowed.
Reflecting back at my career as an actor, I haven’t done much theatre. Last play was Emotional Baggage which was a part of Take 10 project back in 2004. This took place in the USA, in Aspen Colorado to be more precise. What I do remember about it is that it was a lot of fun and it was my first acting experience in the States. After having two small roles in major Croatian movies the theatre play came in as a magnificent experience boost to shape my future career. That was definitely one experience from Aspen that I dearly remember, and of course meeting Jim Carrey. It was a Comedy week in Aspen and Jim Carrey received an award for the achievement in Comedy. I remember this day clearly as it was my birthday that day and I received the tickets for the show from a friend of mine. Jim wished me a happy birthday too, how cool is that?

Having said that, I am really excited to be in the Short and Sweet festival here in Sydney this year. Our play, ‘Shit Happens’, is a well written piece by Lech Mackiewicz. It is directed by Lech and Tom Pelik and I am happy with how it has shaped. Working with Tom and Lech is not only enjoyable and fun but also a great experience and I am positive that the audience will be able to feel the passion and sweat we put into this short but sweet play.
I grew up in the theatre, but rather as a part of the audience then by performing. My high school colleague and I were going to see a play at least once a fortnight. It was a part of a curriculum and although I barely ever did my homework and my marks were all but good, I made sure I never missed an opportunity to go to the theatre. Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, has an excellent theatre scene. There is Croatian National Theatre that stages big domestic and international productions, however there are five or six smaller independent theatre companies that produce quality work. I can’t wait to go back to check some of the new productions and to catch up on what I have missed on.
On that note, it’s been an year and a half since I’ve been last to Croatia. That’s the only problem for me being in Australia, the fact that I am so far away from my family. But then again, that’s the sacrifice I am taking and my family understands that.
My dream is to be a working actor. I wish that I can actively be working in the film Industry. That is my passion. It is a long process, and one must be patient and be prepared to put in a lot of hard work into achieving the level where the work is constant. It is hard because while you are building yourself up to be recognised by the industry, you are in general not making any money out of your work. This means that you have to have another job, and sometimes even two or three which are not even slightly connected to acting. Unfortunately this can be a certain road to nowhere for some while they get distracted from their goal. And it is easy to get distracted, depressed and finally to give up. However, it is important to understand one thing: until you give up, there is always a chance. So, don’t give up, ever.
Matt Driller
 Reverse Garbage - thank you for the props and for your support |