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18 maja 2005
The Da Vinci Code- Reinstating the Sacred Feminine
Selma Celejewska
The Divinci Code by Dan Brown has received abundant praise and gained international recognition unprecedented for a novel of this type. Simultaneously it has been remonstrated and regarded as a highly polemic work.

The Divinci Code novel presents historical information that is contrary to what the Church has taught for almost two thousand years, hence the reason for the rebuke it has evoked.

However, what the novel puts forth is not a recent discovery, the substantial historical information it reveals has been covered by countless non-fiction books. For example The Templar Revelation by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince; Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln; and of course The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels.

What is singular about The Divinci Code novel is that it cleverly interweaves fact with fiction. It is due to the novel being a hybrid of thriller and verity that has enabled it to reach people across the globe. The Divinci Code is stylistically immaculate featuring a highly complex yet lucid story line and multi dimensional characters. It seizes the reader and takes them on a furious journey, while concurrently offering ample factual information.

Amidst the indignation of those who oppose what the novel attests, the primary point of The Divinci Code has largely been overlooked.

In the documentary “Cracking the Da Vinci Code” by Simon Cox, Dan Brown states: “Sadly I think many critics have missed the entire point of the novel. That being this one simple undebatable truth- Prior to two thousand years ago we lived in a world of gods and goddesses. Today we live in a world solely of gods. Women in most cultures have been stripped of their spiritual power and our male dominated philosophies of absolutism have a long history of violence and bloodshed, which continues to this day.”

The Divinci Code novel addresses the prominent lack of the feminine principle (or “sacred feminine”) in the last two millenniums and the reasons as to how and why it was suppressed.

The most significant example of the eradication of women’s spiritual power has been the falsifying of Mary Magdalene’s role in history. What The Divinci Code unveils is that Mary Magdalene is in fact the Holy Grail- the metaphorical chalice that held the sacred blood and carried on the bloodline.

As is evident by the title Dan Brown focuses on the discovery that Leonardo Da Vinci used symbolism in his paintings to convey views that were alternative to church tradition.

At that period those who held views that were not in accordance with orthodoxy were persecuted. Da Vinci was highly resourceful in using his art as a medium to communicate alternative ideology. The clarity of the message is remarkable as is the fact that it has reached us centuries later.

Furthermore, Da Vinci was not the only master to utilize his work in such a way. Artists such as Sandro Botticelli also used their work in a similar manner to portray alternative views.

As a whole, The Divinci Code novel encompasses a wealth of factual information including how and why the Bible, as we know it today, was assembled and the strong Pagan influence on Christianity.

The Divinci Code novel has become a beacon, reaching an immense audience, in spite of the contention it elicited. It is feasible that the greatest purpose of The Divinci Code is that it has incited people to further question and search.

Selma Celejewska

Komentarze czytelników: 5
Puls Polonii nie odpowiada za treść komentarzy nadesłanych przez czytelników!
Truth and fiction. (Krzysztof Kozek)
I have read "Holy Blood, Holy Grail". This non-fiction book, as you call it, is a mixture of different shades of research. It contains good scientific work, claims based on very weak evidence and pure speculations intermixed. A naive reader may easily fall into a trap and average the credibility of all claims. I do not think anyone should quote this book as source of historical knowledge.

In your review you completely bypass the main point made by critics of The DaVinci Code. The convention of the genre is to show fictious characters and fictious plot in the setting of factual historical events and social relations. Dan Brown violates this convention, the backdrop for the plot is a mix of speculations and facts. Many readers, who are used to the convention of the genre, take speculations as historical truth.
Holy Blood, Holy Grail (Selma)
Noding head Bulgarian way. (Zator)

Bulgarians node their head non-standard way: horizontally means 'yes', vertically means 'no'.
At the beginning you are typically confused but then you begin to node your head their way.
Out of courtesy and hoping to ease communication. And typically it is where problems
develop: you node your head their way, while they, realizing you are not local,
begin nodding their heads your way. Nobody is certain what has been said.

Recently, we experience a growing popularity of fiction literature following the old template:
the main narrator introduces herself (or himself) or presents the main figure of the story as
an internationally recognized expert or researcher (a scientist or a genius, if you prefer)
who reveals the most recent 'discoveries'. What then follows is a mixture of well known or
recognized theories or histories and a creative fiction, typical for this genre of literature.

There is basically nothing wrong with that. Jules Verne also wrote in this style
and generations loved his stories. A danger begins when the author smuggles this way some
politically or culturally sensitive propaganda undermining accepted believes, authorities or values.
It is a particularly low level of journalism. If the author has something to say, it should be said openly,
and be subject of an open research and discussion. Brown writes stories and he claims, also in his interviews,
whatever is actually convenient to him: once that he wrote a novel and another time that he presented facts.

Whether it is history, mathematics or physics, once incorrect statement(s) are found in a paper or book,
either an official correction must be made, or the whole work has to be thrown into a rubbish bin.
There can be some correct statements in such a work but the author has lost his credibility
and one cannot rely on such a work. Everything has to verified and re-done again, with due corrections included.
Reputation of such a researcher is typically lost for ever and nobody any longer considers him seriously.
From this point of view Brown is a story teller. After reading his stories everybody feels like after
the Bulgarian noding of heads. Such stories are good for fun or cabaret but not for building your views.
Whoever supports his own point of view with arguments taken from Brown's story cannot be taken seriously.

Yet, many do behave this way and, unfortunately, you Selma, also belong to this group by writing:
"As a whole, The Divinci Code novel encompasses a wealth of factual information including
how and why the Bible, as we know it today, was assembled and the strong Pagan influence on Christianity."
Are you familiar with a long list of ficticious or incorrect 'facts' on which his story is based?
Even history of some culture or religion cannot be based on Brown's story.

If Brown wants to contribute to our culture or to some cultural changes he can do it a proper way, but
not by writing a science fiction and hiding his head in a sand. He can also ask his parents for an advice
on how to do it. What is true, however, he would not make his money this way, and hence couldn't have achieved his goal.

So, do not let fool yourself, Selma, by buying Don Brown's books - if you want to learn something.
First, invest rather in your serious education, and only then try to join the writing business, including
a science fiction, or books, or even movies reviews. Or, enjoy yourself and all of us, by singing love and
other songs. You can do it quite well, though also here, to achieve a professional level, education is unevoidable.

Several generations of uneducated countrymen have been learning Polish history from Sienkiewicz
stories. Now, I see, a new generation of Australian 'Polonuses' learns both history and Bible from Don Brown,
and Quantum Mechanics from movies like "What the Bleep Do We Know". This is perplexing, indeed.

ps. "What the Bleep Do We Know" may be quite a good film but it is ridiculous to consider it as
a reference to Quantum Mechanics. As well, Don Brown is a good writer but it is even more ridiculous
to base your views on his stories.

Game (Selma)
Game (Selma)
"If the author has something to say, it should be said openly, and be subject of an open research and discussion."
Take your own advice and reveal your identity. Then we could debate face to face- maybe at the next Polish function?

PS How you nod your head is your business. I do not judge.