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Szukanie Rozszerzone
Strzelecki Competition:



9 marca 2010
Festiwalowe komunikaty --- Kosciuszko Run i Kozzie Fest
medale na medal - i na sprzedaż

Zwycięzcy biegu Kosciuszko Run otrzymają medale, których projekt opracował artysta grafik z Polski, Wojciech Talikowski Jednak nie tylko zwycięzcy mogą wejść w posiadanie medalu, każdy z nas może kupić - o ile nam wiadomo, organizator biegu Paweł Gospodarczyk już przyjmuje zapisy na to cacko. Zwycięzcom biegu dedykowane będą specjalnie na te okazję napisane i skomponowane piosenki. Tak więc śpiew - wkrótce, a my już dzisiaj możemy przeczytać słowa jednej z tych piosnek. Takst publikujemy poniżej komunikatu "Be part of the first ever Kosciuszko Run".

The Kosciuszko Festival will begin with the Kosciuszko Run at 11am, on Friday, March 19, 2010. The Kosciuszko Run has been created to commemorate the 170 year anniversary of the discovery of Mount Kosciuszko by Sir Pawel Edmund Strzelecki in 1840. It is an 11km run through Australia’s High Country aimed at promoting a healthy and active lifestyle, while showcasing the beauty of the mountain and teaching a new generation about the history of the highest peak in Australia and the life of Tadeusz Kosciuszko.

Kosciuszko National Park is Australia’s highest national park, covering 1.5 million acres of magnificent alpine terrain, which is host to a wonderful variety of flora and fauna, including many alpine plants that are found nowhere else in the world.

Locals are being encouraged to take part in a spectacular new running event to the summit of Australia’s highest peak.

For more information or to register for the event visit

Song for the K’Ozzie Fest

Strzelecki was a handsome man
Good-looking and courageous
I‘d like to know that gentleman
For one thing - he was famous

Paul picked a daisy for a girl
The Snowy Mountains flower
Adyna was his sweetheart’s name
True love gave him the power

He found that precious souvenir
Met Spirits of the Mountain
They blessed Kościuszko’s Polish name
The fearless freedom Fighter

Just now there’s a special run
And lots of people taking part
Who will be first while having fun
To win the prize and touch three flags

Australia is a wonderland
For someone who’s a traveller
It’s got the snowy daisy plant
Of freedom blooming everywhere

So come and get to know the place
Australia’s waiting for its guests
With all new friends do shake your hands
Don’t miss the famous K’Ozzie fest!

Wiersz ten specjalnie na okazję Kozzie Fest 2010 & Kosciuszko Run napisała poetka z Warszawy, Anna Magdalena Mróz.

Kosciuszko Run 2010 is held to honour the memory of the great explorer Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki and to recognise his enormous contribution to Australia’s mainland and history. As Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki’s great achievements were only possible due to his great personal passion and commitment, our run is being held to encourage the people and youth of today to follow in his image and to live life to the full.

Strzelecki Heritage Inc. aims to increase public awareness of Sir Paul’s achievements of being constantly active and providing a challenge for those who dare.

We encourage the youth of today to constantly exceed the limits of their potential and stay health and active.  Kosciuszko Run 2010 is a perfect event and place to start.  “The sky is your limit” is our motto.

Zapraszamy nie tylko na Mt Kosciuszko i do Jindabyne. Serdecznie zapraszamy do Cooma, gdzie tradycyjnie odbędzie się część naszego festiwalu, a także Harmony Day, no i wiadomo będą stragany. Na polskich straganach, prócz dobrego jedzonka, będzie można kupić strawę intelektualną: książki o Strzeleckim. Dr Anna Habryn przylatuje z Perth, aby podpisywać wydane niedawno, wesoło ilustrowane książeczki "The Ballad of the Explorer" (po polsku i po angielsku). Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek z Łukaszem Świątkiem będą prezentować swoje dzieło "Strzelecki and His Team - Achieving Together", jak też płyty z piosenkami festiwalowymi o Strzeleckim i Kościuszce.

Harmony Day is celebrated all over Australia on March 21. This year it will be the 4th Harmony Day celebrated in Cooma, organised by M.A.G.I.C. (Multicultural Activity Group In Cooma). The continuing message of Harmony Day is ‘Everyone Belongs’. It's about community participation, inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.

This year’s Harmony Day will be celebrated on Sunday 21 March 2010 with the Rotary Markets in the Centennial Park in Cooma. The Polish K’Ozzi Fest is happening from 19-22nd March on the Monaro and therefore the Polish Community will also participate in the Harmony Day activities.

Like every year we would like to set up information stands to showcase some of the countries and cultures represented in our community. To foster intercultural exchange we are planning a “Multicultural Trivia Hunt” where participants are encouraged to meet people from a variety of backgrounds to find out the right answers on their questionnaire sheet.

There will be performances by Aboriginal dancers, Australian and Polish singers organised by the K’Ozzie Fest as well as local Indian Dance performances, a Multicultural Fashion Parade and other local presentations.

Mieszkańców Cooma atrakcje czekają jeszcze w poniedziałek 22 marca. Tego dnia z recitalem chopinowskim wystąpi tam Krzysztof Małek, którego Cooma oklaskiwała serdecznie już nie raz. Organizatorem recitalu jest "Snowy Monaro Arts Council" , która też wydrukowała piękny plakat. To będzie ostatni już festiwalowy akcent. Po koncercie - miłe spotkanie z artystą przy winie dostarczonym przez naszego sponsora "Kosciusko Wines".