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24 maja 2005
Thoughts on John Paul II
Karina & Filip Welna

We shared the earth with this great man, although many of us never met him in person. Perhaps we glimpsed him from afar at a mass, felt that golden aura that so many speak of. But for most he was a figure in a book, on a card, on the television, distant physically but intimately close spiritually.

His footsteps no longer go down upon this earth, for now he treads gently on the clouds. This earth now feels poorer for the lack of his weight. But, we cannot allow ourselves to lament our lose over this great man for long. He was our Pope, we lived in his time, a privilege many may envious us for in the future, he came to us when we needed him most, and having done his part, he has left us. We are stronger now, with full eagle wings, but we have yet to learn to soar. Now it is our time to show John Paul, that we have learnt to fly on our own.

Often the pope said to people "Be not afraid!" we must take heed of these simple words, place them in our hearts and minds. Once we release our fear we can become who we need to become. He has left this world, but his concern was always for its welfare so we must carry on his work in his steed and make our voices as strong as his. Speak against poverty and injustice wherever it is, and strive to change this world for the better.

RIP John Paul II, we will not be afraid, for we know that while we toil here you pray for us in heaven!

Karina & Filip Welna

Był to tekst pożegnania Jana Pawła II napisany przez młodzież z Perth na wiadomość o jego śmierci. Było ono odczytane na głwwnej mszy pogrzebowej w Katedrze Najswięszej Mari Panny oraz na mszy pogrzebowej w Polskim kościele w Maylands. Besposrednio po mszy w polskim kosciele wystawiono fragmenty tryptyku Jana Pawla II. Występ zakonczył się fragmentem kazana Papieża w czasie pobytu w Krakowie "Zanim stad odejde"... Wszystko to było ilustrowane slajdami i muzyką.