I am writing to bring to your attention a seriously inappropriate reference in the Australian media about Auschwitz being referred to as a 'Polish Concentration Camp'. As you know, it was a Nazi concentration camp.
I am very concerned that Australian viewers will be left with the incorrect impression that Polish people were responsible for the atrocities in these camps. Clearly, Polish people were the victims.
I have lodged a formal complaint to the Seven Network TV station and also to 'Free TV Australia' which adheres to a Code of Practice (please refer to the two above attachments which describe the exact nature of my complaint). The relevant links are as follows www.freetv.com.au/
Code of Practice
I have also brought this matter to the attention of the Polish Community Council of Victoria. pccv.org.au
I do not know if your Embassy has a role to play in such matters, but I would appreciate if you would support my complaint if you believe it is appropriate for you to do so. Additionally, any advise on how or who else that I can contact to further my complaint would be appreciated.
Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Richard Just
PP: We have received a message from the Embassy, that a letter of protest to Channel 7 is being sent today.