THE KRESY-SIBERIA FOUNDATION seeks donations of tax-deductible funds to complete this project in partnership with CHANGE FOCUS MEDIA. Sophia
TURKIEWICZ, acclaimed director of “Silver City” and Rod Freedman, an award-winning producer of documentaries including “Uncle Chatzkel“, are making this film for an Australian and international television audience, as well as producing a comprehensive
educational Study Guide for teachers in schools and universities.
REMEMBER ME tells the story of 16 year old Helen Skwarek, who is deported to Siberia by Stalin and then released in 1941 as part of Stalin’s deal with the Allies to form a Polish army to fight the Germans. Deprived of food, money or transport, and with no family of her
own, Helen travels thousands of miles from the arctic wastes of the USSR, through Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Persia (present day Iran) and Iraq to Africa. From there, with other Polish survivors, Helen migrates to Australia in 1950 with her young daughter, Sophia.
Watch the 7 min. trailer on YouTube
Using Helen’s memories as her compass, Sophia Turkiewicz explores her mother’s experiences and reveals the morally ambiguous relationship the Allies had with
Stalin, still kept secret to this day. The project requires a budget of $350,000, of which $50,000 has been raised. Through your generosity, you will contribute to an important debate about history’s record of the
twentieth century and how that history will be remembered. You will also help to further the humanitarian aims of the Kresy-Siberia Foundation – to “research, remember and
recognize” this little known historical event and the survivors.
[b]Donate by cheque to Kresy-Siberia Australia Ltd (Remember Me),Account Name: Kresy-Siberia (Australia) Ltd
Bank ANZ, BSB 012-265, Account No: 1821-08409 and please post it to 69 Blair St., North Bondi NSW 2026
or donate by credit card on PayPal (Remember Me). Email the information to