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3 października 2010
Beware "neo-imperial" Russia
Media Watch by Ted Mirecki
Beware 'neo-imperial' Russia, Kaczynski says

Kaczynski - US, EU should get tough with Russia

Polish Investigators Leave Smolensk Unsatisfied

Russia arrests Polish reporters at plane wreckage

"... raise tensions between Poland and Russia, Slavic neighbors that have had difficult relations since Poland broke away from Moscow's sphere two decades ago..."

(More like since 1,000 years ago. Makes you wonder about the competence of these journalists.)

Polish journalists released

Echoes from the killing fields of the east "The region of Europe most touched by the war was triply-occupied eastern Poland: first, by the Soviets; then, by the Germans; then, by the Soviets again."

Response to the above

A dangerous Nazi-Soviet equivalence

A typical Guardian whitewashing of Soviet responsibility - "Stalin was, indeed, a ruthless, murderous dictator, but he was no Hitler" - indeed he wasn't. Stalin killed many times more millions. In comparison, Hitler was a rank amateur.

Russian president to visit Poland

Between East and West

The Russian political elite has lined up behind the new president, Dmitry Medvedev, rather than the old one, Vladimir Putin.

In With the New.

Poles' View of Russia Turns Negative Again

Jozef Swiatlo,Radio Free Europe and Balloons

Polish Crash Probed

TU-154 wreck to be protected by 10 October

Poland pleased with NATO's new look

Friends of John Paul II Foundation honors life and legacy of late pontiff

Prosecutors investigating Polish bus crash

EU faces threat to migration principle

Colin Powell given Poland's Order of Merit

Defence minister goes to Washington for NATO-US talks

At the National Cryptologic Museum, a not-so-secret Enigma Gives credit to Polish mathematicians for breaking the German code.

Poland's foodie revolutionary

Roger Moorhouse's "Berlin at War," reviewed by J. Yardley

"Nuremberg": A lost war-crimes documentary lives again

Zofia Korbonski.Polish patriot sent clandestine radio dispatches from Nazi-occupied Warsaw

This article appears as a result of information I sent to the WashPost upon Zofia Korbonska's death.

In her last days, she asked me to write her obituary, which is here

Additional information was provided to WP by her co-workers at Voice of America, Ted Lipien and Marek Walicki.

Ted Mirecki