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Szukanie Rozszerzone
Strzelecki Competition:



4 listopada 2010
Urgent. Help if you can
A concert in support of Oncology Unit, Children's Hospital

Saturday, 6th November 2010, Abbotsleigh School Auditorium, 1666 Pacific Hwy, Wahroonga, commencing at 7,45 pm. Magical Music Moments featuring: Amasing Greys (Handel with Care), Ilythian Ensemble (SydneySiders Express) and AND The Sydney Consort (What Four). In support of the Oncology Unit, The Children's Hospital, Westmead.

I would like to attend the concert. I need … tickets at $25 and ….tickets at $20 (school children and pensioners).

I enclose my cheque for $………….… payable to SydneySiders Express Concert Fund.

Please post to The Treasurer, 127a Garden Street, Narrabeen NSW 2101 or call Tony on 9913 2473 or give to your local Chorus member …………………………………………………..

Name: …………………………………… Address:….…………………………………………………………… Or buy your tickets and pick them up at the door on the night by:
1. (Our preferred method) - Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to SydneySiders BSB 082294 a/c 505490068 with description SURNAME, Initial 2A2C (for say 2 Adults, 2 Concession)
2. Online with Credit Card (PayPal) by visiting our Website