DUBBO MULTICULTURAL DINNER – SATURDAY 25TH SEPTEMBER 2010So who wants to go to the Dubbo Multicultural Festival? Why go there? There are just a few Polish families in Dubbo.
Polish Song and Dance Ensemble “Lajkonik” recently participated in the Dubbo Multicultural Festival for the second year in a row. This time, just like last year, the experience was amazing! The hospitality that we were shown by those “Poles of Dubbo” makes you want to jump for joy and hug them.
There is one lady who we met, Pani Marzena, who travels 450km to Sydney once every 3 weeks to bring her daughter to Randwick Polish School. And then there are our good friends , the Pierzchalski’s – wonderful people, who we met last year. When we arrived on Friday night this year, Dorka Pierzchalska was waiting with 15 hot pizzas to welcome us!
Recently, my new found friend Witek Mojzeszek, Director of Zespol Piesni i Tanca “Pilsko” from Zywiec ,Poland, told me about a concert which his Ensemble “Pilsko” gave in Chicago in front of JUST ONE PERSON a couple of years ago. He was telling me how appreciative he was that Poles in Sydney, Wollongong, Canberra, Adelaide, Geelong and Melbourne came along to the recent “Pilsko” concerts in such good numbers, and that this was quite a contrast to some other experiences which they have had in other countries.
But he said that they treated that concert for that one Polish Lady in Chicago with just as much enthusiasm as if dancing for 1,000 people. He said that if he gave happiness to just one Polish Lady, then it was worth it!


Our perspective on this in “Lajkonik” is much the same – if just a couple of Poles in Dubbo are prepared to invite us and host our stay in Dubbo, then why not? Sure it’s a big effort (7 hours by bus or 5 by private vehicle!) but “what the heck!” – “Lajkonik” exists to perform and bring pleasure to people through our performances.
This year we left on the Friday and spent the better part of Saturday enjoying the sights of Dubbo Zoo. Our accommodation was in a beaut caravan park next to the Zoo with a massive trampoline and heated pool – what could be better?
“Lajkonik” performed two dances at the Dubbo Multicultural Dinner – Tance Gorali Zywieckich and Sokoly, in a 5 pair formation which suited the wide but shallow stage well! Both dances were well- received by a crowd of around 400 people at this dinner event, with the first dance being straight after official speeches, so rather an important position.
A number of people from the official party approached me after the performance to thank “Lajkonik”, and to say what a beautiful group I have. Understandably, this made me feel very proud of the 5 pairs that represented “Lajkonik” on this trip. The multicultural dinner which formed part of the evening was an absolute BANQUET! “Lajkonik ” dancers loaded up their desert bowls 3 stories high and I had to suggest they might like to leave desert until after they had finished their second dance Sokoly, given the lifts, jumps and leaps involved in doing that dance. They were very good and did as I suggested because they knew that I was right on this issue. Its rather difficult to perform well on a full stomach.
I’d like to share with Puls Polonii readers, some photos from Dubbo Zoo, from the performances, the Conga Line which was a bit of fun at the end of the evening, and a photo plus commentary from one of the organisers, Esperance!
“On 25th September we had our Multicultural Festival and the Polish Dance Group- "Lajkonik" came to Dubbo to perform. It was beautiful and we thank them so much for coming and brightening this special event. Special thank you to the teacher, Ursula for all the effort she puts in to run this group. The young performers were well behaved, friendly and just super.
Thank you and hope to see you next year!” - Esperance Wahbin.
Maybe next year we’ll take ” Lajkonik” juniors! If anyone is looking to get away to a great place next year, why not come with us to Dubbo, and explore a great NSW Country Town! The more Polacy - the merrier it will be!
Urszula Lang