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7 lipca 2005
World Peace Through Interfaith Dialogue dr Waldemar Niemotko |
World Peace Through Interfaith Dialogue
Dialogue among monotheistic religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam could be instrumental
in addressing effectively current, global moral and political concerns.
Western civilisation seems to be challenged p..... [Więcej]
5 lipca 2005
The curtain has risen, but will the G8 face the music? Ola Wąsiel |
Image: Wikipedia | The last few days have witnessed the world fix its eyes on what has been one of the most widely broadcast events to date, "Live 8".
Largely the brainchild of Sir Bob Geldof, "Live 8" has consisted of several simultaneous concerts featuring some of the most popular artists of past decades in the UK & United States.
The "Live 8" con..... [Więcej]
24 czerwca 2005
"What the bleep do we know" Andrzej Kozek |
"What the Bleep Do We Know!?" is a commercial type movie produced by a para-scientific organization 'The Institute of Noetic Sciences and Captured Light Industries' (IONS). Their mission statement is:
'Exploring the frontiers of consciousness to advance individual, social, and global transformation.'
and in Overview we read:
'We are a nonprofit mem..... [Więcej]
24 czerwca 2005
Oświęcim - what does it mean? Maryla Rose |
Can you please publish this article which I have written recently after my trip to Poland.
I was born in Poland ten years after the war. Brought up on documentaries and films about wartime atrocities, concentration camps and the holocaust. They fed my childhood nightmares.
Two years ago I and my partner Michael, who is an Australian of Jewish ori..... [Więcej]
23 czerwca 2005
The Multitalented Mr Kurzelewski Selma Cejelewska |
Dariusz Kurzelewski is a man of many talents: actor, director, photographer and drama teacher.
Currently he is devoting his time to working behind the scenes.
In Sydney he directed three plays, including “Savannah Bay” & “La Musica” by Marguerite Duras, which were staged at the New Theatre.
He recently relocated to Port Doug..... [Więcej]
11 czerwca 2005
Graduation Day, he he! Paula Hanasz |
Paula on Graduation Day. | “Tip, tip, don’t trip; tip, tip, don’t trip” goes around my head like a skipping CD as I approached the stage.
“Tip, tip, don’t trip”; tip the mortarboard once to the Dean, once to the Vice Chancellor. And don’t fall
flat on your face walking the plush red carpet of the stag..... [Więcej]
7 czerwca 2005
Wojciech Wawrzyniak Writer/Director
Wojciech Wawrzyniak was born in 1980, in the Polish town of Kolobrzeg, and arrived in Sydney at the age of eight.
After graduating from Sydney's University of Technology with First Class Honours, Wojciech has effectively been leading a double-life. During daytime he works as an industrial designer who feels just as comfortable in the driver's seat..... [Więcej]
4 czerwca 2005
Polish Community Council of Australia and New Zealand Inc.
On behalf of the Polish Community Council of Australia and New Zealand - an umbrella organisation representing 150,000 Polish Australians - we strongly object to the proposed naming changes. They appear to contravene both the N..... [Więcej]
4 czerwca 2005
The New Bulletin from Polish Community Council of Australia & New Zealand
Polish Community Council of Australia & New Zealand has published its first bulletin. Fhe full text of the publication is available at Council's web page.
The bulletin contains articles by Dr Janusz Rygielski and Alan E. J. Andrews concerning the proposed renaming of the Mt Kościuszko.
Below we reprint the foreword (by Dr Rygielski) which pinpoint..... [Więcej]
4 czerwca 2005
Miłos(z)na Niedziela: Down by the Harbour Ola Wąsiel |
It may be difficult for some readers to believe the poetry of Czesław Miłosz is capable of resonating with a broader audience, given the constraints placed upon it by its language and context.
A substantial part of Miłosz's work appears to have blossomed out of his tale of exile, desperation and the then existing tensions rooted in Poland's politi..... [Więcej]
4 czerwca 2005
Prof. A. Wierzbicka. | Puls Polonii: Professor Anna Wierzbicka is an author of many books including "What Jesus did mean?" published in 2001 by Oxford University Press. You will find Prof. Wierzbicka's Profile in the SYLWETKI TWÓRCÓW section of Puls Polonii.
Professor Anna Wierzbicka is a Professor in the Department of Linguistics, Arts (The Austra..... [Więcej]
30 maja 2005
“What the Bleep Do We Know?” Selma Celejewska |
"What the Bleep Do We Know?"- Reality Is a Wonderland
“What the Bleep Do We Know?” Created by: William Arntz, Betsy Chasse and Mark Vicente.
The big question is, what do we really know? The answer- not much. Moreover, by the end of this experience the audience will probably feel they know even less.
Uncannily enough, it is perplexity..... [Więcej]
29 maja 2005
The Pope was Polish, wasn't he? Paula Hanasz |
PAULA HANASZ.Fot.K.Kozek. | Paula's occasionally irreverant ramblings about the death of Pope John Paul II and consequent mourning mayhem in Poland.
"The Pope was Polish, wasn't he?" asks a friend in an email the day of his funeral. How do I begin to explain...
The day is lovely; one of the first of a gorgeous, warm, sunny spring after a prolonged win..... [Więcej]
28 maja 2005
MONIKA I STAN KORNELOWIE.FOTO ZBYSZEK BRODKA. | The Sydney Consort jest jednym z najbardziej dynamicznych zespołów australijskich interpretujących muzykę dawną.
Zespół instrumentów barokowych składający się początkowo z trzech muzyków, powstał w 1997 z inicjatywy Moniki i Wojciecha Kornel. Oboje kierownicy artystyczni zespołu angażują wybitnych austra..... [Więcej]
27 maja 2005
SPIDER SONG: The Sydney Consort - a concert in Balmain ES |
Alan Holley yesterday.Foto: K.Kozek. |
Alan Holley- some time ago. |
SPIDER SONG for soprano, violin and harpsichord have been performed yesterday (27th of May 2005) at St Augustine's Catholic Church, Eaton St., Balmain, by The Sydney Consort Ensemble, with Alan Holley being present with his wife.
Date of Birth: 1st October, 1954
Alan Holley studied ..... [Więcej]
26 maja 2005
Alex Lissine as Poet and Cheyenne O’Grady as Bride . | The Australian Academy of Dramatic Arts will represent Australia at the 3rd International Theatre Schools Festival in Warsaw which takes place in June/July this year.
AADA will perform the English version of The Wedding by Stanisław Wyspiański- directed by Bogdan Koca - and will compete ..... [Więcej]
24 maja 2005
The Slavic Spirit of Nadya Golski
Nadya Golski: Prawy do lewego!Czerwony pas. | Nadya Golski and her 101 Candles Orkestra are off to Montreaux Jazz Festival! A farewell show at Paddington RSL this Saturday!
Nadya launched her first Eastern European inspired double album, 'Effugio', (partly recorded by the ABC studios), at the Sydney Opera House to packed audiences ..... [Więcej]
24 maja 2005
"Czeslaw Milosz - a tribute" PRESENTER: Bernard Lane |
Bernard Lane has been a journalist at The Australian since 1990. The writer he keeps coming back to is Czeslaw Milosz, a universal poet who rose above the turmoil of his times. On August 14, 2004, Lane wrote about Milosz for The Weekend Australian. This tribute anticipated the
poet's death by a day and reached an international readership through t..... [Więcej]
24 maja 2005
Thoughts on John Paul II Karina & Filip Welna |
We shared the earth with this great man, although many of us never met him in person. Perhaps we glimpsed him from afar at a mass, felt that golden aura that so many speak of. But for most he was a figure in a book, on a card, on the television, distant physically but intimately close spiritually.
His footsteps no longer go down upon this earth, fo..... [Więcej]
18 maja 2005
The Da Vinci Code- Reinstating the Sacred Feminine Selma Celejewska |
The Divinci Code by Dan Brown has received abundant praise and gained international recognition unprecedented for a novel of this type. Simultaneously it has been remonstrated and regarded as a highly polemic work.
The Divinci Code novel presents historical information that is contrary to what the Church has taught for almost two thousand years, he..... [Więcej]
18 maja 2005
Polish-Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Seminar
Polish-Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PACCI) is pleased to invite you to a seminar in Melbourne on Monday, 30th of May 2005, 6-8 pm at the Celtic Club, with two prominent guest speakers: Ms Gosia Hill, AUSTRADE Senior Trade Commissioner in Warsaw and Dr Tomasz Zoladkiewicz, Senior Commercial Counsellor, Economic Division of the Embas..... [Więcej]
4 maja 2005
Sister Alicja pictured with one of the residents of Brother Albert's Home for the Aged. | Within the next few months what we currently know as the peaceful surroundings at Marayong will be filled with the busy buzz of construction, as builders and architects embark upon the redevelopment of Aged Care Services provided by Holy Family Polish Aged Care S..... [Więcej]
1 maja 2005
PolArt 2006 Youth: Emma from Hobart Emma |
Emma at the Morskie Oko Lake. | My name is Emma Elizabeth Grace. Grace is the last name of my grandfather and his father before him. However, the man my Dad knew as his grandfather on his father’s side was a man by the name of Boleslaw Nowakowski, my step great grandfather.
My memories of this man, affectionately known to us as “Uncle..... [Więcej]
30 kwietnia 2005
Refleksje z pobytu na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim Paulina Kaszubowska, Katarzyna Krysiak, Elvira Hoppe i Zbigniew Zdziarski |
Bez namysłu zachęcamy całą młodzież do wzięcia udziału w tegorocznym konkursie TP KUL.
Po trzydziestu godzinach długiego lotu nasze stopy dotknęły polskiej ziemi. Na lotnisku przywitały nas nasze rodziny. Dzień był mroźny, a ulice zaśnieżone. Byliśmy zaskoczeni, gdyż większość z nas po raz pierwszy widziała na własne oczy śnieg. Nawet nie rozpakowu..... [Więcej]
30 kwietnia 2005
Konkurs Stypendialny KUL-u 2005 Ewa Potaczała |
Poznaj siebie, poznaj swój język, poznaj swoją ojczyznę...
Weź udział w tegorocznym Konkursie Stypendialnym Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. Napisz esej na jeden z niżej podanych tematów lub nakręć film o życiu polonijnym w Australii. Każda z trzech nagród to 4-tygodniowy kurs języka i kultury polskiej na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim i ..... [Więcej]
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