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15 grudnia 2006
Muslim Community Reference Group's Report Andrew Robb, MP |
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs Andrew Robb AO MP today released the Muslim Community Reference Group's final report, acknowledging the group's achievements.
Report a positive outcome for Muslim Community
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs Andrew Rob..... [Więcej]
14 grudnia 2006
A Visit to the Vampire By Lukasz Swiatek |
A Visit to the Vampire – OR how I found myself amidst bloodsuckers.
My friend had long been urging me to donate blood. I knew perfectly well that other friends had done so, but the idea somehow never seemed particularly attractive to my mind. I was always hesitant. Another friend even politely told me once (though altogether incorrectly) that..... [Więcej]
12 grudnia 2006
Enjoy and learn Polish culture and tradition in a WEEK OF FESTIVITIES held in Ashfield and on Mount Kosciuszko.
170 years of Polish immigration in NSW (1838-2008)
Monday, February 12 • Grand Opening Ashfield Town Hall
Tuesday, February 13 • Polish Movie Marathon Ashfield Polish Club
Wednesday, February 14 • Seniors Meetin..... [Więcej]
12 grudnia 2006
BRIEF HISTORY OF POLISH SETTLEMENT IN NEW SOUTH WALES compiled by dr Ernestyna Skurjat - Kozek |
Ferdinand Plater with his late brother's widow | The Polish Club in Ashfield will organize a Week of Polish Culture (February 2007) to celebrate the contribution of the first Polish settlers in New South Wales.
The first known Polish settler in Australia, a convict John Potaski arrived at Port Phillip (then part of NSW) in the “Calcutta” i..... [Więcej]
11 grudnia 2006
The Awarding of the Nobel Prizes 2006: Part I — ENGLISH Version Lukasz Swiatek |
In Paris, on the 27th of November 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his final testament. In accordance with his wishes, the Nobel Prizes were founded – and which again, on the 10th of December, were distributed in grand, official ceremonies taking place in both Stockholm and in Oslo.
It is thanks to such Nobel laureates that the human imagination con..... [Więcej]
8 grudnia 2006
Water, Water Everywhere; Lots of Polish Beer to Drink By Lukasz Swiatek |
A Brief, English Summary of the Polish Christmas 2006.
Temperate breezes, languid summer sunshine and curious locals and tourists, all mingling together in Sydney’s warm December weather …
Well, so it has been in previous years.
It seemed this year, however, that Polish tradition was simply no match for the powerful, and utterly unexpec..... [Więcej]
30 listopada 2006
Still about J.T.Gross & Jack Hibberd Jerzy Boleslaw Prociuk |
Senator Rev.Hon. Fred Nile G.P.O. Box 141 Sydney NSW 2001
Dear Sir,
I am writing in reference to a review of Jan Tomasz Gross’ book Fear, Poland’s Guilty Secret by Jack Hibberd published in The Australian on 14th October 2006. Gross’ work is highly controversial. Some go so far as to call him a liar disseminating hate through literat..... [Więcej]
29 listopada 2006
A short story by Ewa May, 3rd award in a competition "Brimbank Short Story Award", August 2006 My dreamtime story
It was my first trip since I came to Australia 22 March 2006. I had dreamed many times before my departure from Poland that at the beginning of my new life in that unusual country, something special could happen … something that co..... [Więcej]
29 listopada 2006
Polish Christmas - all about the program Remember? Saturday December 2nd from 2 pm |
Polish Christmas at Darling Harbour
The Australian Polish Sports Masters cordially invite you to come and enjoy „Polish Christmas at Darling Harbour” which will take place on Saturday 2nd of December 2006.
This year’s Polish Christmas at Darling Harbour will be a colourful and a dynamic celebration of Polish culture through folk, ..... [Więcej]
27 listopada 2006
Christmas Cantata - 20th December a gift for you and your friends |
Dear Friends in Music Arcangelo Corelli |
The Sydney Consort invites you to their last concert in this 2006 year series.
Cantata Per Natale-Cinque Profeti by Alessandro Scarlatti and Per la Notte di Natale by Arcangelo Corelli.
For this special event, our string ensemble will be joined by five wonderful singers who will perform in a conversation bet..... [Więcej]
26 listopada 2006
A Surprise in Ashfield By Lukasz Swiatek |
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! As of Saturday, the 25th of November, a new student café is operating in the Polish Club, Ashfield. While dropping by for a chat, coffee and cake, you can also meet new friends.
Wojtek Wawrzyński, the proprietor of the café, warmly invites all young people to meet in the friendly atmosphere of the locale, a place Sydney has ..... [Więcej]
24 listopada 2006
Senate passes cloning Bill, but continue to lobby your federal MP Urgent Action Alert |
As you know the Senate voted 34 to 32 to pass Senator Kay Patterson’s inhuman Bill to legalise the creation of human embryos for destructive research. It was a heartbreaking outcome, as if just one more senator had voted with us, the result would have been a deadlock of 33 all and the Bill would have been defeated.
The Patterson Bill now will..... [Więcej]
20 listopada 2006
Miracles of John Paul 2 A religious bestseller in Poland |
A new book has presented evidence of what appear to have been dramatic and in some cases stunning healings linked to the late John Paul II -- miracles far more extensive than previously reported and in many instances occurring while the..... [Więcej]
15 listopada 2006
Some humour: I don't worry about terrorism. I was married for two years.
When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.
(Sacha Guitry)
After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin;
they just can't face each other, but still they stay together.
(Hemant Joshi)
By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. ..... [Więcej]
15 listopada 2006
STRZELECKI David Campbell |
For Manning Clark
And so Strzelecki set out from Hannibal Macarthur's station, leaving the girls behind In Sydney. – All night the Nacki washed my mind Like willow roots in water. – From the Geehi wall The party climbed Mt Townsend through a whole Avalanche of wild flowers only to find The south peak topped it - much like one in..... [Więcej]
12 listopada 2006
Christmas Spirit in Kangaroo Valley Galeria Aniela |
I warmly invite you to get-together on Saturday, 18 November to delight in Christmas Spirit.
Please bring a plate to share and add to the interest and enjoyment of the occasion (from 11.30am). You may get a card or gift for the artist you like or, a person you love, just to show that you care. Please Email to RSVP.
With warm regards, Aniela Kos
M..... [Więcej]
8 listopada 2006
FECCA składa hołd zmarłemu prof. J.J.Smoliczowi
6 listopada 2006
UWS appoints distinguished human rights advocate UWS News |
The University of Western Sydney is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM to the position of Director, Equity and Diversity.
As the Australian Human Rights Commissioner and Disability Discrimination Commissioner from 2000 to 2005, he authored the ground-breaking "National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention: A Last R..... [Więcej]
5 listopada 2006
Still on the Greenpoint slander dr John Grondelski |
Dr. John Grondelski is a member of PAC Washington Metro Area Division.
My letter to Haverford, the response I got, and my counterreply
Dear President Tritton:
A colleague recently pointed out the "Moved to Speak" article by David Langlieb in the current issue of your alumni magazine and, frankly, I do not know what to make of it. If it is intend..... [Więcej]
5 listopada 2006
Greenpoint controversy - a follow up Joe Beben |
Joe Beben is with the Polish American Cultural Institute of Minnesota and he sent this account of his conversation with Haverford:[]
From: Joe Beben Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 5:00 PM To: Subject: Fw: Haverford College Acknowledges Printing Article, Is Very Apologetic
* * *
I spoke with the new director of communications at Haverf..... [Więcej]
4 listopada 2006
Poles of Greenpoint feel offended Ted Mirecki |
Dr. Thomas R. Tritton, President Haverford College 370 Lancaster Avenue Haverford, PA 19041-1392
Dear Dr. Tritton:
I read with great dismay the appalling article entitled "The Black Squirrel’s Burden" by David Langlieb in the Fall 2006 issue of Haverford Alumni Magazine.
Certainly the author is entitled to his views, and in a land of free speec..... [Więcej]
2 listopada 2006
Eradicating Poverty, 1997 – 2006 By Lukasz Swiatek |
As the first United Nations Decade on the Eradication of Poverty (1997-2006) draws to a close, a brief retrospect of poverty worldwide, and the situation in which millions still find themselves, may prove a timely and necessary recollection.
When the General Assembly first adopted its strategic plan to expunge world penury in 1993, it recognised th..... [Więcej]
31 października 2006
Strzelecki Creek Alan Andrews |
Alan Andrews is an author of a book "Mount Kosciuszko in History".
Strzelecki Creek, Strzelecki Creek, Down to the Geehi deeps you fly. May we not join you, to seek what you seek, My cobber Mac, son Ian and I? We hear you gurgling, chuckling there Under our skis – too close, I fear For we’ve come as far as we may dare. But we will be back R..... [Więcej]
30 października 2006
John Howard Doorstop Interview Office of the Prime Minister |
Subjects: National School Chaplaincy Program; Julian Moti; Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali; East Timor; interest rates; terrorism
Ladies and gentlemen, I am announcing today that the Commonwealth will fund a School Chaplaincy Program at $30 million a year..... [Więcej]
27 października 2006
"The Australian" wydrukował list polskiego ambasadora
PP:W dniu dzisiejszym ukazał się na stronie 2 sekcji Review "The Weekend Australian" list ambasadora RP Jerzego Więcława w sprawie recenzji z książki Jana Tomasza Grossa "Fear". (List ten ukazał się w Pulsie Polonii w dniu 18 pażdziernika).Poniżej drukujemy tekst listu Rady Naczelnej Polonii Australijskiej i Nowozelandzkiej, którego jak narazie nie..... [Więcej]
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