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11 kwietnia 2010
Condolence Book will be opened for signatures at the Polish Embassy |
The Embassy of the Republic of Poland has the sad duty to inform with profound grief and sorrow of the death of
the President of the Republic of Poland Lech Kaczyński, his wife Mrs Maria Kaczyńska, members of the Polish delegation and members of the aircraft crew. They lost their lives in an aircraft crash on the way to the commemoration ceremony..... [Więcej]
8 kwietnia 2010
Strzelecki's "Portrait with Ladies" "Scena 98" performances in Perth |
The Polish Youth Theatre Group 'Scena 98' invites you to the performance "Portrait with Ladies" written by Anna Habryn. A portrait of Polish explorer, Sir Paul Edmund de Strzelecki. Living in the 19th Century, Strzelecki discovered gold and other precious metals in Australia, but is probably most famous for naming the highest peak in the Australian..... [Więcej]
6 kwietnia 2010
Matthew Krel Memorial Concert SBS Radio and TV Youth Orchestra |
Friends, Supporters and Former Members of the SBS Radio and Television Youth Orchestra. The SYDNEY TOWN HALL has been reserved for a fundraising concert commemorating the contribution of our founding conductor, Matthew Krel,
who died unexpectedly on May 20th 2009.
Funds raised by the concert w..... [Więcej]
4 kwietnia 2010
A View of K’Ozzie Fest 2010 Felix Molski (text & photos) |
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky! So goes one of the most popular and well known English nursery rhymes. K’Ozzie Fest 2010 together with the inaugural Kosciuszko Run celebrate the 170th anniversary of the discovery and naming of Mt Kosciuszko. Both these events tes..... [Więcej]
30 marca 2010
Untamed Gardens of Renata & Vivienne Opening Night April 8th 2010 |
Untamed Gardens - an exhibition by photographic artists Vivienne Kelly and Renata Buziak. Kelly’s photographic landscapes present glowing and ephemeral shadows that emphasise relationships between marine forms and species of plants found on land. Buziak’s ‘biochromes’ are created by species of plants found on land and show ..... [Więcej]
30 marca 2010
Kosciuszko Run Photogallery ready for you to watch! |
The Polish Trio | It can be improved - but it was great. The Kosciuszko Run will go on! - everybody says. Please have a look at photographs taken during the first ever Kosciuszko Run organised by The Strzelecki Heritage Inc.
Click here to see the results of the run.
A link to an article "Walking greats finish together"
Click here to watch the gallery
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29 marca 2010
Aussie Kozzy: where the spirits dance Text & Photos: James Ogilvie |
It all started in Edinburgh, before we had even set off for Australia. “It’s not pronounced Kos-i-us-co, it’s Kosh-zhis-kŏ: three syllables, not four”. Micha’s eyes lit up as she continued, “Koshisko was from Poland – he was an ancestor of mine!” This unlikely revelation came from the mother of ..... [Więcej]
28 marca 2010
Lajkonik & Newcastle community donation towards care of patients with brain tumours Ursula Lang |
On my way back from Jindabyne, where I had been involved for over a week with K'Ozzie Fest 2010, I drove straight to North Shore Private Hospital, specifically to the Sydney Neuro-Oncology Group (SNOG), where a meeting had been set up with the administration of SNOG for youth of Lajkonik to hand over a cheque for $5,000 which was raised at the Conc..... [Więcej]
28 marca 2010
Cooma mourns for mayor Cooma Monaro Express |
IT was a sombre mood in town this morning as Cooma woke to news that Cooma-Monaro Shire Mayor Vin Good had passed away yesterday afternoon. Flags will fly at half-mast today in memory of Cr Good who spent the past six months battling lung cancer. He had been undergoing treatment for the condition, which in the end claimed his life.
A funeral servi..... [Więcej]
28 marca 2010
Will Cooma lose K'Ozzie Fest? Cooma Monaro Express |
Off the back of another hugely successful K’Ozzie Festival organisers have flagged the idea of taking the popular event elsewhere.Ursula Lang helps organise the Polish festival, which this year celebrated the 170th anniversary of the discovery and naming of Mount Kosciuszko by Polish explorer Paul Strzelecki, as well as the 200th anniversary ..... [Więcej]
25 marca 2010
A Message from President of the Kosciuszko Foundation Alex Storozynski to Kozzie Fest 2010 participants |
PP: The message from Alex Storozynski was delivered by his delegate, Prof. Lidia Filus, President of Chicago Chapter of the Kosciuszko Foundation. Dear Friends. I would like to congratulate Puls Polonii and all fans of Polonia in Australia for honoring Thaddeus Kosciuszko and Mt. Kosciuszko with Kozzi Fest. This being the 170th anniversary of the n..... [Więcej]
24 marca 2010
The first-ever Kosciuszko Run: see the results By John Harding. Photo: John Kennedy |
World race walking greats Robert Korzeniowski of Poland and Nathan Deakes of Australia enjoyed the camaraderie of the unfamiliar experience of running up Mt Kosciuszko and finished together in 6th place in today’s Kosciuszko Run from Charolotte Pass Village to the mountain summit. Korzeniowski, the four-time Olympic gold medallist, was in Aus..... [Więcej]
23 marca 2010
Kiermasz Wielkanocny - Easter Market 3 kwietnia 2010, Ashfield |
Zespół Pieśni i Tańca Syrenka zaprasza na Kiermasz Wielkanocny, który odbędzie się w sobotę 3 kwietnia 2010, między 10:00-14:00 w sali przy Kościele Św. Wincentego, Ashfield.
The Polish Song and Dance Ensemble Syrenka invites you to its Easter Market, which will be held on Saturday, April 3, 2010, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in St. Vincent’s..... [Więcej]
22 marca 2010
World race walking greats finish together in Kosciuszko Run John Harding |
PP: Wkrótce opublikujemy mnóstwo materiałów z Festiwalu w Jindabyne i Cooma, który sie odbył z okazji 170 rocznicy nadania Gorze nazwy Mt Kosciuszko oraz z towarzyszącego im górskiego biegu Kosciuszko Run. Na razie przekazujemy tylko oficjalne wyniki biegu nadesłane nam przez Johna Hardinga, Prezesa 'Australian Mountain Running Association'. Bieg ..... [Więcej]
21 marca 2010
Men jailed over Auschwitz theft By Rachael Brown, ABC News Online |
Three Polish men have been sentenced to jail for stealing the infamous sign that hangs above the gate of the Auschwitz concentration camp.
The sign was stolen last December.
The five-metre metal German inscription, which reads 'Work sets you free', has long symbolised the horror of the camp where more than one million Jews were killed in World War ..... [Więcej]
18 marca 2010
Wonderful K'Ozzie Fest Sponsors Thank You for Your Contributions! |
Businesses |
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18 marca 2010
A Celebration of Romantic Melody At the Polish Embassy |
A twilight concert of Chopin, Strauss, Puccini and Verdi. The Reception Hall of the Embassy of Poland, Yarralumla. Saturday and Sunday, March 27 and 28, 5pm. The details are..... [Więcej]
17 marca 2010
Uwaga smakosze wina! degustacja win na Kozzie Fest |
Nasz sponsor, Kosciuszko Wines z Tumbarumby organizuje degustację swoich win przed koncertem galowym w Jindabyne. Tuż po premierze filmu idziemy z kina do Memorial Hall, aby smakować wina produkowane "po drugiej stronie Góry Kościuszki". Jak pisze nasz sponsor:
We would have the tasting for free of the Pinot Rose, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, but can..... [Więcej]
10 marca 2010
A book about dr John Lhotsky a bit of Monaro history |
Historian, John Trengrove, has written a 40 page summary of Lhotsky's life with the focus on his time in Australia, based on his considerable research of contemporary newspapers,documents and academic books.Lhotsky was a Polish scientist and was awarded a PhD in 1919, spoke 6 languages fluently, and was a Fellow of the Royal Botanical Society of B..... [Więcej]
9 marca 2010
Festiwalowe komunikaty --- Kosciuszko Run i Kozzie Fest medale na medal - i na sprzedaż |
Zwycięzcy biegu Kosciuszko Run otrzymają medale, których projekt opracował artysta grafik z Polski, Wojciech Talikowski Jednak nie tylko zwycięzcy mogą wejść w posiadanie medalu, każdy z nas może kupić - o ile nam wiadomo, organizator biegu Paweł Gospodarczyk już przyjmuje zapisy na to cacko. Zwycięzcom biegu dedykowane będą..... [Więcej]
8 marca 2010
Annual Bielany Fest Henry Iglinski (text & photos) |
The 2010 Bielany Festival was held on Sunday 7th of March. Bielany is on the banks of the Colo River about 80 kilometers from Sydney. The area was a picture of greenness after recent rainfall. The day began with great black ominous clouds rolling into the Sydney basin and threatening a drenching that Melbourne got the day before.
Fortunately we go..... [Więcej]
8 marca 2010
Be part of the first-ever Kosciuszko Run Charlotte Pass Village to the summit, Friday March 19, 2010 |
BE PART OF THE FIRST-EVER KOSCIUSZKO RUN on MARCH 19, 2010. Locals are being encouraged to take part in a spectacular new running event to the summit of Australia’s highest peak on Friday, March 19: the Kosciuszko Run. Completing the 11km run through the breathtaking Mt Kosciuszko National Park will not only be good for your own heart, but wi..... [Więcej]
5 marca 2010
Solidarity: Medal of Gratitude submissions' deadline 31st of March 2010 |
The triumph of the Solidarity movement and the fall of the Soviet empire would have probably occurred much later had it not been for the help of many people of good will from all around the world. Those people, in the 1980s, devoted themselves to organising support committees for the Solidarity movement and Polish democratic opposition at large. In..... [Więcej]
4 marca 2010
Don't dismount from your horse, General Kosciuszko Marek Baterowicz |
Don’t dismount from your horse, General Kosciuszko! - the battle goes on for the future of the world, - in the glow and the ashes tomorrow is born - as many innocent victims lie on the bier
and in this long birth dripping with blood Mother in pain is singing restless a song of the suffering of men sear..... [Więcej]
3 marca 2010
Can you help Chileans? bank account for earthquake victims |
Dear friends, I don't know if you, like me, would like to help the Chilean people who have lost everything in the recent earthquake, but don't know how to go about it.
The Consulate of Chile has opened an account at the Westpac Bank to receive cash donations. The money will go directly to the government organzation in Chile that is helping the v..... [Więcej]
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