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Strzelecki Competition:



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13 maja 2008
Ryszard Sarkowicz on T. Kosciuszko
The speech delivered during the Mound & Mt Kosciuszko Festival

Consul General Prof. Ryszard Sarkowicz took part in the Mound & Mt Kosciuszko Festival in 2007 and 2008. Hereby we publish his speech delivered in the presence of Mr Roger Norton, Mayor of Cooma, on Sunday 20th April 2008.

Ladies and Gentleman. Last year in my speech here I asked a simple question: who was Tadeusz Kosciuszk.....  [Więcej]


11 maja 2008
An Ode to Mothers
Lee Taylor-Friend

PP: Lee Taylor-Friend is the winner of the Mound & Mt Kosciuszko Festival poetry competition.

Mothers are a giving mob
A rare and precious breed
You see they’re always ‘on the job’
Or doing a good deed…

They’ll comfort you when times are tough
Inspire when you’re down
They’ll help you when you’ve had enoug.....  [Więcej]


10 maja 2008
WYD SYD 08 - Polish preparation program (Sydney)
Basia Ślusarczyk, kb


Sunday 11th May - 12 noon - YOUTH MASS ASHFIELD, St Vincents Church, Bland Street.
After Mass we will be having a meeting during Sr Monika will share with us some stories for reflection. We also join in some signing in preparation for WYD. Please email me if you participate in the mass. We.....  [Więcej]


8 maja 2008
Ready to read? Go ahead!
A link to festival publications
A shortcut to a list of publications & articles relating to the Mound & Mt Kosciuszko Festival 2008.
Click here and enjoy reports galore.
7 maja 2008
"Kosciuszko" donation for Cooma Hospital
Carole Thomas, ESK

Angie & Carole
During our Gala Concert in Jindabyne (Mound & Mt Kosciuszko Festival) we have collected some money for the Cooma Hospital. Last Monday our donation was handed over by Carole Thomas of the Snowy River Echo Monthly to the manager of the Hospital. The event was witnessed by several local media. Here is a little report sent in by Carole......  [Więcej]


7 maja 2008
Kosciuszko Festival - documentary by Les Strzelecki of Cooma
audio grabs selected by Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek
ESK. The Australian Post has, finally, delivered a DVD from Cooma. I've been waiting for it anxiously for several days. It is a 25 min. documentary produced by Les Strzelecki. While I can not load such a lengthy film on Puls Polonii, I could, however, "steal" some sound. So here we go. Happy listening.

Dur. 5 min 33 sec.Listen to audio grabs from .....  [Więcej]


5 maja 2008
SPK protesting against "Polish-Nazi" extermination camps
Zbigniew Sudułł

The Editor
Australian Jewish News
Level 1, 10 – 14 Waterloo Street
Surry Hills

Your paper dated 25 April 2008, carried an article under the by-line of Naomi Levin. The article deals with the “March of the Living” staged annually in Auschwitz. The purpose of the march, according to its organisers, is to educate Jewish Youth.....  [Więcej]


5 maja 2008
A Letter to the Editor of The Australian Jewish News
Waldemar Niemotko
Ms Michelle Coleman
The Australian Jewish News

Dear Ms Coleman
Jewish people were gravely disturbed by the American Neo-Nazis having invoked the principle of freedom of speech in justification of the alleged praising Adolf Hitler during their march in Washington, DC on 19 April 2008. Polish people felt insulted by Naomi Levin who used the principle.....  [Więcej]


4 maja 2008
Prince Charles & Camilla opened a Jewish centre in Krakow
Media Watch by Ted Mirecki
Britain's Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, opened a Jewish community centre during a visit to Polish city of Krakow Tuesday, the Polish news agency PAP reported. Holocaust survivors and Poland's Chief Rabbi, Michael Shudrich, took part in the opening ceremony for the centre located in the Kazimierz district, a gathering pla.....  [Więcej]


4 maja 2008
Gorbachev signed JP II KGB death warrant
Media Watch by Ted Mirecki
The weekly Wprost shows a politburo document, signed by Mikhail Gorbachev, which appears to warrant a KGB contract killing on John Paul II.

So claims Polish journalist John O. Kohler in a book, also released tomorrow, Chodzi o papieża. Szpiedzy w watykanie - (About the Pope: Spies in the Vatican). The politburo document says: "Use all available po.....  [Więcej]


4 maja 2008
Lajkonik performed at Greenacre Nursing Home
Ursula Lang. Photo Henry Iglinski

Lajkonik performed for Seniors at Greenacre Nursing Home on Saturday, 3 May 08.

Last Thursday I took a call from Lajkonik’s President, Bozena Pagin. HELP!!! She had received a call from Irmina Sulkowska, Manager of the Polish Welfare Bureau in Ashfield. A concert had been planned for the patients of Greenacre Nursing Home for Polish Cons.....  [Więcej]


3 maja 2008
Attempting to control the earth's climate was "ultimately futile”.
Cardinal George Pell, kb
Canada has just experienced the coldest winter and the heaviest snowfalls since 1970-1, which was called a once in a thousand years event. Another 18cm of snow would set an all time record.
A Kingston newspaper had a marvellous cartoon of a tough old Canadian, rugged up against the cold and hacking the ice off the windscreen of his car. The caption .....  [Więcej]


3 maja 2008
(2) Festival songs & poems (and photos) from Jindabyne Memorial Hall
Sound Engineer Andrzej Strzelecki. Photos by Puls Polonii

Listen to Alicja Polak singing a song "Naczelnik"(Na twarzach kurz) composed also by Lech Makowiecki

Listen to Asia Lunarzewski singing "Letter to Adyna" composed by herself. Lyrics Marek Baterowicz

Listen to Asia Lunarzewska singing "Edmundzie Podróżniku" composed by herself, and written by Regina Sobik

Listen to Pau.....  [Więcej]


2 maja 2008
Papal holidays in Australia
Mandy Higgins
The Vatican has confirmed that His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI will spend three extra days resting in Australia before heading to Sydney for World Youth Day 2008 (WYD08). The trip to Australia will be the longest journey the Holy Father has ever undertaken. The Holy Father normally takes leave at this time and he has decided to spend several days p.....  [Więcej]


1 maja 2008
Festival songs & poems from Jindabyne Memorial Hall, Saturday 19th April 2008
Sound Engineer Andrzej Strzelecki. Photos by Puls Polonii
Listen to a Jindabyne Gala Concert Welcome by Tony Lang

Listen to a song written by Marek Baterowicz, composed by Jurek Scislowski and performed by Halina Gad

"Bo my z Ciebie, Naczelniku" performed by Tadeusz Szymański

Listen to a poem written and recited by a 13 yo Dannielle Kelley "It was 1949"

Listen to a song written by Ursula Lang, com.....  [Więcej]


1 maja 2008
Kosciuszko Song "Bo my z Ciebie..." - First Prize in the FKPP Music Competition
music by Lech Makowiecki, lyrics by Tadeusz Buraczewski


First Prize at the "Mound & Mt Kosciuszko Festival 2008" Song Competition - "Bo my z Ciebie, Naczelniku" performed by Tadeusz Szymański. Jindabyne Memorial Hall, Saturday 19th April 2008. Sound Engineer Andrzej Strzelecki

Rozpraszamy się po świecie
Taka nasza wola.
I tam zawsze będzie Polska,
Gdzie ją zabrał Polak.

Te.....  [Więcej]


1 maja 2008
123,000 pilgrims confirmed to attend WYD08
Anita Sulentic
Almost 123,000 pilgrims have confirmed they are coming to World Youth Day Sydney 2008 (WYD08), with registrations well on track to achieving 225,000 registered pilgrims. WYD08 organisers say 85,000 individuals have so far registered online, including some 30,000 Australians.

Additionally, WYD08 has received financial commitments from several large .....  [Więcej]


1 maja 2008
(Not only) Cooma Monaro Shire Council congratulating us
after the Mound & Mt Kosciuszko Festival

R. Sarkowicz with J. Vucic
Dear Ursula. This is to confirm my verbal congratulations on the effort you and your team have put into the above festival. The dedication and professional effort you have displayed in planning and coordinating this festival can only be described as outstanding.

I received a feedback from a variety of participants and the.....  [Więcej]


30 kwietnia 2008
Nazi-Polish Extermination Camps?!
A Protest Letter by Eugene Bajkowski
Canberra, 29 April 2008
Mr Ashley Browne
National Editor
Editors, Sydney and Melbourne and Internet web editions
"The Australian Jewish News"

Dear Editors, I am writing to protest against the use of the highly misleading and offensive description of the notorious Auschwitz-Birkenau World War II Nazi German extermination camps as allegedly "Nazi-Polish".....  [Więcej]


29 kwietnia 2008
2008 Youth Harmony Festival
Tumbalong Park, Sunday 4th May 2008
The 2008 Youth Harmony Festival will take place on Sunday 4th of May in Tumbalong Park, Darling Harbour as from 11 am to 4 pm.

The Festival aims to enhance the interaction of young people from different communities by engaging them in activities that promote understanding and community harmony.

The event is organized by the Community Relations Comm.....  [Więcej]

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29 kwietnia 2008
FKPP Song Competition: Song "Stanislaw" by Paul Mackay
Highly Commended for its Christian Values


To the Memory of Stanislaw Blum

To give now today, gift tomorrow too
To give now today, gift tomorrow too
In the evening light you shone so bright
a candle light of hope

Back in 39 you were fighting for your homeland
Soon a prisoner until that harsh war’s end
Reconstruction, then, your home you left behind you
A young migrant t.....  [Więcej]


28 kwietnia 2008
A Gem of Cultural Experience
Les Strzelecki

Ernestyna. Firstly, I would like to thank you and all of the organisers of the fantastic event which took place in the Snowy Mountains last week end. It is only people with energy such as yours that see the true results come through. A Gem of cultural experience.

People need to be together,and from this we all learn many things. The news.....  [Więcej]


28 kwietnia 2008
The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph - the official newspapers of the WYD08
Mandy Higgins
World Youth Day Sydney 2008 (WYD08) organisers are pleased to announce The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph as the official newspapers of the event. Sydney's two biggest-selling metropolitan newspapers, The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph are published by Australia's largest media organisation News Limited.

The Daily Telegraph is t.....  [Więcej]


28 kwietnia 2008
Poem "Kosciuszko High" - First Prize in the FKPP poetry Competition
Lee Taylor Friend

Kosciuszko High

this mountain
country, a land of
many moods, engrossing and
uplifting, she ebbs, she flows, she broods.

sacred beauty
seen from Kosciuszko
high, that mystic mountain
majesty that captures heart and eye.

sun embracing
snow gums ethereal
imagery, dawn break.
Enduring skies sweet canopy,
strong earth that won&#.....  [Więcej]


28 kwietnia 2008
Poem "Kosciuszko at Snowy River" - Second Prize in the FKPP Poetry Competition
Marek Baterowicz

Kościuszko nad Snowy River

Ujrzałem go dochodząc do rzeki,
mijając skały, kępy kwiatów
- Snowy River bierze tu początek
i płynie wśród szarych głazów
i wiatru z Gór Snieżnych

Ujrzałem go dochodząc do rzeki,
Kościuszko jechał stępa od przełęczy
nad brzegiem zsiadł z konia,
który pił głęboko
krystaliczną wodę
Zbliżyłem się jak we śnie...

- Na.....  [Więcej]


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