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12 lutego 2008
Launching Peter Skrzynecki's "Sparrow Garden" Prof. Robert Dębski, photo Tom Koprowski |
R.Dębski. Photo T. Koprowski | Prof. Dębski's speech delivered during the launch of P.Skrzynecki's "Sparrow Garden" published in Polish, in the Polish Consulate on 2nd of February 2008.
More photos and info about Peter Skrzynecki (in Polish) just click here
Mr Consul General, Professor Skrzynecki, Mrs Łacek, Ladies and Gentlemen!It is with a great ple..... [Więcej]
12 lutego 2008
Cheers, tears as Rudd says 'sorry' Historic day in the Australian Parliament |
ABC Online, February 12, 2008
To listen to the Apology or to watch video, click here
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's apology motion has been tabled in Parliament:
Today we honour the Indigenous peoples of this land, the oldest continuing cultures in human history.
We reflect on their past mistreatment.
We reflect in particular on the mistreatment of t..... [Więcej]
11 lutego 2008
SBS Radio comes to Far North Queensland Sophia Spinelli |
Official Launch Tuesday 12 February 2008 at 10:30am in
Germania Club, 57 Winkworth St Westcourt, Cairns.
SBS Radio has begun broadcasting to the Cairns region through facilities provided by Cairns Community Radio. A multicultural friendship morning tea is scheduled for Tuesday, 12 February at the Germania Club to help celebrate the occasion.
Pau..... [Więcej]
10 lutego 2008
„American betrayal” - a book by F. C. Kajencki Reviewed by Marek Baterowicz, translated by Magda Kopydłowska |
COLONEL KAJENCKI | American Betrayal was published by Southwest Polonia Press in El Paso, Texas last year. The author, Francis Casimir Kajencki, was born in Erie, Pennsylvania in1918. In his career he has released many books: Poles in the 19th Century Southwest (1990), Kajencki Family History (1994), Thaddeus Kosciuszko: Military Engineer of the Ameri..... [Więcej]
10 lutego 2008
"Translating Lives. Living with Two Languages and Cultures" new book edited by Prof. Anna Wierzbicka & Mary Besemeres |
Asian Bookroom presents Does The Language You Speak Define Your Emotions?Join us to hear Professor Anna Wierzbicka explain how the language we speak defines our emotions. If your first language has no expression for such common concepts in English as 'frustration' or 'being reasonable' and the ideas you are used to expressing in your mother languag..... [Więcej]
3 lutego 2008
Katyń: Unburied dead The Economist |
Poland's historical epic in the limelight. A CRIME and a lie are the twin strands in the shameful tragedy of Katyn: the massacre of 20,000 Polish officers by the Soviet secret police, and the cover-up that followed. Now Andrzej Wajda, Poland's leading film maker, has made his last film (he is 81) about what he calls the “unhealed wound”..... [Więcej]
1 lutego 2008
Vote for Wajda's "Katyn" From Lucyna Artymiuk |
Vote for Wajda's Katyn online.
Your click may not determine the Academy's decision
and such a poll is completely unscientific,
but it can help create a buzz.
You can vote for Andrzej Wajda's film "Katyn" on the
website of the New York Times. See link below:
It is under the "foreign film" category.
..... [Więcej]
31 stycznia 2008
Wiersz Kazimierza Wierzyńskiego "Słowo" w tłumaczeniu Marcela Weylanda, OAM |
Polski oryginał: Słowo
Co mi zostało tutaj? Słowo, Konar z wiecznego ¶cięty drzewa, Ciosam zeń skrzypce i na nowo Jesion w mych rękach szumi, ¶piewa.
Co we mnie jest naprawdę? Słowo, W którem się rodzę, jak w kolebce, I w którem trumnę mam sosnow±, Życie i ¶mierć powtarzam, szepcę.
Co tu zostanie po mnie? Słowo I w gł±b wpuszczone na korzenie, Ziemia się z..... [Więcej]
31 stycznia 2008
Maria Konopnicka - "Przysięga Ko¶ciuszki" w tłumaczeniu Marcela Weylanda |
"Kosynierzy" |
Maria Konopnicka, The Oath
In the Cracow market ring out all the bells, townfolk crane their necks out, noise and shouting swells.
Like a thousand cannon, calling, crowding nearer… - This is all of Poland welcoming its hero!
Stepped out Pan Kosciuszko in his Cracow dress, bared his radiant forehead to the populace,
radiant brow he bared..... [Więcej]
30 stycznia 2008
Where can you purchase "Pan Tadeusz" in English Gdzie można nabyć "Pana Tadeusza" w tłumaczeniu Marcela Weylanda |
Adam Mickiewicz's Pan Tadeusz, published by Brandl & Schlesinger may be purchased for $35 in Sydney at Abbey’s Bookshop & Gleebooks at Glebe Point Road as well as at Berkelouw’s at Oxford Street, Paddington.
But you may also purchase it directly from Mr Weyland.
He will not only post it to you for the same price but also will write a ..... [Więcej]
30 stycznia 2008
Panowie Marcel i Tadeusz fragment "Pana Tadeusza" w przekładzie Marcela Weylanda |
Order of Australia dla Marcela Weylanda
Informowali¶my już o tym, że znany tłumacz Marcel Weyland został kilka dni temu, z okazji Australia Day, odznaczonym Orderem Australii. W Australii często docenia się sportowców, rzadziej - niestety - ludzi kultury. I dlatego sukces Pana Marcela powinien cieszyć w dwójnasób.Sprawę te poruszyła w li¶cie do The..... [Więcej]
29 stycznia 2008
After Cora's death: Warning signs at Fishponds Waldemar Kazmirowicz |
An update by Cora's father.It’s pleasing to see some real progress made in relation to implementing the recommendations of NSW Coroner's Court. Please see attached a few photos taken on Saturday 19th January 2008. Kazmirowicz family is still waiting for the Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW to contact us in relation to placing ..... [Więcej]
29 stycznia 2008
Australia Day in the eyes of Sydneysiders Text & Photos Magda Kopydłowska |
Before the big day came and everyone set off the BBQ parks and beach houses down the coast, I took a moment to reflect what Australia Day actually celebrates. On 26th of January I decided to ask few people what Australia Day meant to them and went to visit two different celebrations.
The Victoria Park in Broadway was hosting Yabun - Festival of Ab..... [Więcej]
28 stycznia 2008
John Różycki --- Tragic party for dead hit-and-run teen SMH, AAP |
The tormented family of a Sydney teenager have again appealed to the driver of truck which struck and killed their son to come forward after hosting a memorial party for his 18th birthday.
John Rozycki was changing a tyre on the Pacific Highway, 15km north of Bulahdelah, near Newcastle, at 3.50am (AEDT) on December 6, when he was struck and killed ..... [Więcej]
25 stycznia 2008
Destination: Australia Tad Strójw±s, esk |
Wspomnienia Tadeusza Strójw±sa z Wagga-Wagga zostały opublikowane na stronie internetowej
Polish Origins Zenona Znamirowskiego z Warszawy. Za zgod± obu panów wybrali¶my kilka fragmentów dla naszych czytelników, którym życzymy miłej lektury & happy Australia Day.
So I decided on Australia. When I told my colleagues about my decision, they said WH..... [Więcej]
25 stycznia 2008
Polish migrants in Victoria Beata Leuner |
Migration, multiculturalism and language maintenance in Australia. Polish migrants to Melbourne in the 1980s - a PhD thesis by Beata Leuner will soon be published by "Peter Lang". Dr Beata Leuner is currently a researcher at 3 Victorian Universities.
From the publisher: From the notorious White Australia Policy through to the contemporary multicultu..... [Więcej]
24 stycznia 2008
LAJKONIK - ON THE ROAD AGAIN Canberra Multicultural Festival 2008 |
Sandra Purchała & Patryk Pagin | Yes, we are off again, this time to perform at the Canberra Multicultural Festival on Saturday, 9 February 2008! No peace for the wicked, they say! We are taking 27 dancers (15 from our Middle Group and 12 from our Representative Ensemble) and 20 wonderful supporting parents - 48 of us in all, including me!
We have a ..... [Więcej]
24 stycznia 2008
Trader's fraud caused $7.2 billion loss The Wall Street Journal |
Jerome Kerviel | By DAVID GAUTHIER-VILLARS and NICOLAS PARASIE. PARIS. Jérôme Kerviel, a 31-year-old trading in "plain vanilla" futures at Société Générale SA, pulled off what appears to be a singular feat in the world of finance: putting together what the bank termed a string of "elaborate fictitious transactions" that amounted to a €4.9 billio..... [Więcej]
23 stycznia 2008
Wajda's "Katyn" nominated for Oscar AFP |
Polish master Wajda delights at Oscar pick for WWII-era film Acclaimed Polish director Andrzej Wajda Tuesday said he was delighted at the Oscar nomination for his movie "Katyn," recounting the 1940 Soviet slaying of thousands of Polish soldiers, including his father."I'm extremely happy that such a subject has been well received," Wajda, 81, told r..... [Więcej]
22 stycznia 2008
You're invited to the annual Bielany Fest! Janina Nowowiejska |
The Polish Foundation of NSW would like to invite you and your family and friends to the annual Bielany Fest on Sunday 2nd March 2008.
Celebrate the end of summer with some succulent Polish food from various stalls on the day and a cold Polish beer to tantalise your taste buds. Polish cakes, coffee and tea will also be on hand to entice your sweet ..... [Więcej]
17 stycznia 2008
"Mound & Mt Kosciuszko Fest" - Day One A Draft |
* Meet at the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Visitors Centre, Kosciuszko Road, Jindabyne
9.00am Documentary Film presented by Polish Guests (actors) - Monika and Norbert Oksza-Strzelecki In the footsteps of Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki, Jindabyne Cinema (50min)
10.00am Official Opening of the Mound & Mt Kosc..... [Więcej]
17 stycznia 2008
You may send these links to your friends all over the world Cheers! Puls Polonii |
Hospodaryk's "High Country Stream" on YouTube. Just click.
Travel with Gosia Dobrowolska - enter the kingdom of YouTube
15 stycznia 2008
Renata Buziak's exhibition in Melbourne Town Hall Gallery in Hawthorn |
Capture photographic exhibition will open at the Town Hall Gallery on Thursday 17 January from 6-8pm and will run from 16 January to 2 February.
Art lovers can expect a dynamic exhibition showcasing a vast array of photography including biochromes, scans, digital and plastic photography (generally with disposable cameras).
Mayor of Boroondara Counc..... [Więcej]
13 stycznia 2008
Looking for "When enough is enough"? just click here |
When Enough is enough. What is your say?
11 stycznia 2008
Urgent & important register your opinion |
The Sydney Morning Herald is running a poll today about World Youth Day and we would greatly appreciate if you could register your opinion at this link today!
Please forward on to all of your networks and contacts.
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