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Strzelecki Competition:



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22 lutego 2011
Konsulat zaprasza: Chopin - A Longing Heart
oraz: "Portrait with Ladies" (Teatr z Perth) & spotkania szkolne 5 marca
1. W sobotę 5 marca: Dwie uroczystości młodzieżowe, organizowane wspólnie ze Związkiem Nauczycieli Języka Polskiego w NPW (zakończenie konkursu „Mój Chopin – Bo ja także jestem Polakiem” oraz rozdanie dyplomów maturzystom z języka polskiego w 2010 r.);

2. W niedzielę 6 marca: Występ polonijnego zespołu teatralnego „Scena 98&.....  [Więcej]


22 lutego 2011
Wróciłam, jestem przy biurku, odrabiam zaległości
I am back at the desk
Po kolejnym festiwalu kościuszkowskim, po australijskim tournee naszych gości z Ameryki, po kolejnych perturbacjach (także wczoraj na lotnisku) wracam do redakcyjnego biurka. Wracam z uszczerbkiem na zdrowiu i majątku. Zdezelowany kręgosłup dał mi się we znaki (chyba trzeba pomyśleć o operacji), na dodatek połamały mi się w Charlotte Pass Village .....  [Więcej]


17 lutego 2011
Snowy Strings farewell friends
young musicians farewelled their American friends on Monday

K’Ozzie Fest made beautiful music when members of the Paderewski Orchestra played with the Snowy Strings Orchestra in the Snowy Mountains over the weekend. Jindabyne Central School hall was packed on Sunday for their combined performance. THE orchestras played Bush Band Medley and Waves of Tory. Mary-Anne Simpson, conductor and director .....  [Więcej]


15 lutego 2011
Kosciuszko Run - Kasia Stelmach in action
Oski Pictures

Kasia Stelmach w Pygmy Possum Lodge
Behind the scenes. Oski Pictures Base 3. Seamans Hut. Kasia Stelmach on You Tube

Reporterka Kasia Stelmach na trasie Kosciuszko Run 2011. Z mikrofonem, zadając pytania, goni krok w krok za biegaczami.

Obok tego wideo mamy jeszcze wejście na ubiegłoroczne reportaże z K'Ozzie Fest 2010. Zapraszamy.

15 lutego 2011
Greetings from USA
to participants of a Day of Fun at Kosciuszko Run 2011

Dear Dr. Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek and members of Puls Polonii. News of your fantastic Kozzie Fest and the activities of Australia's Polonia continue to make its way around the world, and here to New York City. Kudos to all of you for the work you do in preserving Polish heritage.

The videos from last year's Kozzie Fest make it clear that you have a .....  [Więcej]


15 lutego 2011
Greetings from Poland
to all the participants of the Kosciuszko Run 2011

On behalf of the Polish Geological Institute I would like to pass our best greetings to the participants and organizers of the 2011 edition of the Kosciuszko Run. Let me add special compliments for all of those who promoted the idea to organize that 11 km mountain run which quickly got the status of prestigious international sporting event and begi.....  [Więcej]


13 lutego 2011
Kosciuszko Run 2011 - full results
John Harding

Rob Walter
Strzelecki Heritage Kosciuszko 11 km Run, Charlotte Pass Village NSW, Saturday 12 February.Canberra runners dominated today’s 11 km Strezelecki Heritage Kosciuszko Run which was taken out by former Australian orienteering champions Rob Walter and Shannon Jones. In near perfect mild weather fluctuating between sunny and overcast, Wal.....  [Więcej]


13 lutego 2011
Mezo - concert of century
tickets also on Ebay

Polish Club in Ashfield Ltd. and Oski Pictures TM invite you to the Concert of the Century: "HIP-HOP by Mezo ft. Anna Spice." The event will be held on Saturday, 26 February commencing at 7.00pm at the Polish Club in Ashfield, 73 Norton St. NSW 2131. Tickets will go on sale from February 1st and will be available from the following:
Polish Club Ltd.....  [Więcej]


11 lutego 2011
Webber praises world-beater Kubica
ABC News Online

Photo: AFP: STR, ABC
Australia's Mark Webber described Robert Kubica as one of the world's best drivers as Formula One united in its support for the stricken Pole who suffered a terrifying rally crash at the weekend.

Kubica is certain to miss the new season which gets underway in Bahrain in four weeks' time after suffering multiple injuries in the s.....  [Więcej]


10 lutego 2011
Kubica improving, needs more surgery
ABC News Online
Polish Formula One driver Robert Kubica, who was seriously injured in a high-speed rally crash at the weekend, is improving but faces two further operations to stabilise fractures.

The 26-year-old was at the wheel of a Skoda Fabia, taking part in the Ronde di Andora Rally in Liguria in the north-west of Italy on Sunday, when his vehicle left the ro.....  [Więcej]


7 lutego 2011
From Sydney to Olsztyn with Love
Tony Johansen's painting unveiling tomorrow

Unveiling of new painting to be featured in the new Music Centre to be opened shortly in Poland. Sydney artist, Tony Johansen representing Australia in World Art Exhibition. Polish Consul Dominika Mosek will unveil the new artwork at a special media event in the Kings Cross studio of Tony Johansen, 2:30pm Wednesday 9th February, Level 2/189 William.....  [Więcej]


6 lutego 2011
265th anniversary of Kościuszko's birth
Kosciuszko - son of liberty

Polskie Radio pamiętało o 265 rocznicy urodzin Tadeusza Kościuszki. Oto artykuł pt. "Kosciuszko - son of liberty" opublikowany w dniu 4 lutego 2011 r.
Today sees the 265th anniversary of the birth of one of Poland's most celebrated sons, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, described by Thomas Jefferson as “the purest son of liberty I have ever known”. K.....  [Więcej]


6 lutego 2011
Belladonna DVD blooms on Valentine's Day
Annika Glac

As you know 14th of February is VALENTINES DAY!! and so we thought it was rather fitting to launch the BELLADONNA DVD on a day that celebrates love and affection between people (not just of partner). I can hear some of you think Valentines Day is tacky - yes but any day that is dedicated to LOVE is a day worth celebrating. So if you didn't get a c.....  [Więcej]


5 lutego 2011
Jak muzycy z Chicago (niedo)czekali na samolot do Sydney
Chicago CBS TV

Sparaliżowane z powodu burz snieżnych lotniska amerykańskie nie mogą dojść do normy. Oto scenka, jaka się wydarzyła na lotnisku O'Hara, skąd mieli do nas przylecieć młodzi muzycy z "Paderewski Music Academy". Miejmy nadzieję, że jednak w ostatniej chwili nadlecą - w sam czas na festiwal! A występy w Sydney przełożymy na weekend 19 i 20 lutego.

Bliz.....  [Więcej]


4 lutego 2011
Calling on Lajkonik - existing and new members
Ursula Lang

At last, rehearsals start again. We know our existing members can't wait, and are excited about the whole school year ahead! Parents, consider signing your children up to learn about Polish culture with Lajkonik, under the guidance of dedicated and experienced Polish Dance Teacher, Urszula Lang. Children in Lajkonik also learn singing and the pr.....  [Więcej]


4 lutego 2011
A Day of Fun - in a week time
Piknik pod Kosciuszką- to już za tydzień

Jako pierwszy na trasę do Charlotte Pass w Górach Snieżnych wyruszy Andrzej Strzelecki, nasz niezawodny przyjaciel, inżynier dżwięku; ma on (z vanem pełnym sprzętu) długą trasę do pokonania, z Adelaide wyrusza już w środę. Chyba również w środę wyrusza wycieczka z Melbourne, ktora po drodze chce to i owo pozwiedzać. Organizatorzy wyruszają na trasę.....  [Więcej]


31 stycznia 2011
Should Australia keep growing?
Sustainability, Immigration & Multiculturalism

University of Western Sydney Open Forum. Dr Seweryn Ozdowski, OAM, Director of Equity and Diversity invites you and your colleagues to the Open Forum "Should Australia keep growing?". Special guest speakers: Prof. Andrew Jakubowicz, Dr Tanveer Ahmed, Ms Sandra Kanck. MC - Dr James Arvanitakis.

Wednesday 16th February, from 5,30 - 8 pm. Venue: UWS .....  [Więcej]


26 stycznia 2011
Smolensk Tragedy - a Petition
time for action
KINDRED MEN, AMERICANS, ALL PEOPLE OF GOOD WILL! Deeply moved by the what happened on the 10th of April 2010 in Smolensk in Russia, we send this information about the tragedy.We are asking for the distribution of the enclosed letter to your relatives abroad, together with an appeal to ask them to forward it on again to as many people as possible. .....  [Więcej]


25 stycznia 2011
Are we getting a nice gift for Australia Day?
great news about the Jindabyne Action Plan

Late Fr Wally Stefanski
To the Executive, Puls Polonii Cultural Foundation. RE: Submission Regarding Jindabyne Action Plan.It was with great interest that I read your submission to the Snowy River Shire. I have included a copy of a planning submission that is currently before the Southern Region Department of NSW's Planning for their consideration. .....  [Więcej]


24 stycznia 2011
Polish Lunch at Banjo Paterson Hotel in Jindabyne
yet another event of Kozzie Fest

After the Day of Fun at Kosciuszko Run, another round of festivities - this time in Jindabyne, right at the pub where they serve delicious beer Kosciuszko Pale Ale. And they will be serving Polish sausages, too.

Banjo Paterson Hotel, Kosciuszko Rd., Jindabyne, almost opposite the Strzelecki Monument, Sunday 13th February from 11,30 am. Be there or.....  [Więcej]


23 stycznia 2011
Lovely kids of Snowy Strings Youth Orchestra
their program for A Day of Fun at Kosciuszko Run on 12th February

1. Our signature tune "Far and Away" (from Music Maestros 2)
2. Krasnyje Saposhke (Russian Traditional Folk Music)
3. Jane and Josie (American Folk Tune) arr. Carrie Lane Gruselle
4. Night in Vienna arr. Mark Williams
5. Spring (From the Four Seasons by Vivaldi)
6. William Tell Overture
7. My kind of Irish.....  [Więcej]


16 stycznia 2011
Mohammed comes to the Mountain!
Kosciuszko Run 2011
If Kosciuszko won't Run to Mohammed, Mohammed will Run to Mt Kosciuszko." – That is our aussie way.

Please support all Mohammeds taking part in Kosciuszko Run 2011 by supporting the most important organ we have, and that is Heart Foundation.


16 stycznia 2011
Kosciuszko Run - benefits to sponsors
Oski Pictures

Dear Friends ! We would like to invite you to be part of a very special day of mountain running that will make a difference in the lives of QLD flood-affected families. Please join us on Sat February 12th and Sun February 13th at the Kosciuszko National Park, Charlotte Pass, NSW, AUSTRALIA , to celebrate the 171st anniversary of the discovery of .....  [Więcej]


16 stycznia 2011
Western media on JPII's beatification
media watch by Ted Mirecki
Pope John Paul II to be beatified May 1

Pope John Paul nears sainthood, to be beatified, video

Poland rejoices at JP II beatification date

An unseemly, unwise haste to canonise John Paul II

16 stycznia 2011
Western media about MAK Report
media watch by Ted Mirecki
Kaczynski air crash: Russia blames Polish pilot error

Russian Report Reserves All Blame for Poland

Russia's crash report stirs Polish politics

Poland Objects to Russia's Report on Fatal Air Crash

Polish PM: Russian plane crash report incomplete

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