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29 kwietnia 2011
Address of John Paul II to the Aborigines & Torres Strait Islanders
Alice Springs, 29 November 1986

NLA Archive
Dear Brothers and Sisters. It is a great joy for me to be here today in Alice Springs and to meet so many of you, the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders of Australia. I want to tell you right away how much the Church esteems and loves you, and how much she wishes to assist you in your spiritual and material needs.

1. At the beginnin.....  [Więcej]


29 kwietnia 2011
Kinga Borek - Aborigines in Contemporary Australia
a Cultural Potential or a Social Problem?
Kinga Borek - the laureate of the 2nd Edition of the “Antipodes known-unknown” competition (2010)

Wherever there is little respect for individual rights, or different culture and views, hatred is born. That was how the totalitarian systems were established, that was also a source of suffering for the indigenous people colonised by the E.....  [Więcej]


29 kwietnia 2011
Good Friday Morning
Peter Skrzynecki
Good Friday Morning

Now the mind awaits Calvary,
confronts the depth
to which a soul will fall –
accepts the burden of a three-hour death,
The Stations of the Cross.

Eyes close upon[] a crown of thorns, the scourge,
a dying thief’s humble plea.....  [Więcej]


27 kwietnia 2011
Scheyville Centenary on 15th of May 2011
Phil Nicholas

This email is addressed to Polish community groups researched via the web.Celebrating and gathering of the diverse groups associated with the historic site named ‘Scheyville’ in 1911. During its one hundred-year history, the site has hosted a range of uses – the most important occurring during socially, culturally and politically .....  [Więcej]


27 kwietnia 2011
Sukces Glorii Strzeleckiej
Adelaide Now, esk

Przez szereg lat nazwisko Glorii Strzeleckiej kojarzyło się z określeniem: piosenkarka.Pamiętam, jak jeszcze w Radiu SBS robiłam wywiady z kilkunastoletnią panieneczką z Adelajdy, która już wtedy pięknie śpiewała... a nawet grała na perkusji.Co jakiś czas rodzice przysyłali nam płyty Glorii z nowymi nagraniami piosenek, często kolęd. Bywała w Sydn.....  [Więcej]


27 kwietnia 2011
Three Corners of the Con
Old Conservatorium, Griffith University

Traverse the Queensland Conservatorium building with musicians, and a dancer as they respond with sound and movement to three distinctive environments from street front, to enclosed room, to inner courtyard. Using percussion, voice, the projected images of Renata Buziak, Chinese violin, miniature instruments and movement, they will let you experien.....  [Więcej]


27 kwietnia 2011
Come and celebrate
Pope John Paul II Beatification

His Eminence, Cardinal George Pell and the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney invite you to the Pope John Paul II Beatification celebrations at St Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday 1 May 2011. An historic event for the Catholic Church worldwide.

12 noon Festival activities and food stalls
3.00pm Divine Mercy Sunday service
4.30pm Mass celebrated by Hi.....  [Więcej]


25 kwietnia 2011
First Australian Chopin Piano Competition
Wanda Horky

Fryderyk Chopin has finally arrived in Australia – and Canberra of all places! Come & enjoy this sublime universal genius of the piano in the autumnal beauty of the nation’s capital ! Eight blissful days of music & other events – three rounds of competitions, master classes, a Chopin symposium, lectures on his life & death an.....  [Więcej]


19 kwietnia 2011
Kiermasz Wielkanocny Syrenki w Ashfield
Syrenka's Easter Market

Do nabycia: babki wielkanocne i mazurki, makowce i serniki, pączki, pierogi.Sobota 23 kwietnia od 10 rano do 2 p.poł. przy kościele św. Wincentego w Ashfield, Bland Street. Całkowity dochód przeznaczony na pomoc Zespołowi Syrenka. Informacje: Izabella 9553 7012.

Available for purchase: traditional home made Polish cakes including cheesecakes, poppy.....  [Więcej]


19 kwietnia 2011
Podhale - świąteczne stoiska z ciastami
Podhale invites to Easter Cake Stalls

Polski Zespół Folklorystyczny Podhale zaprasza na stoiska z ciastami w Wielką Sobotę, 23 Kwietnia, przy Kościołach: * Liverpool (róg Elizabeth Dr i George St) od godziny 9-tej; * Cabramatta (13 Park Rd) od godziny 10-tej; *Fairfield (20 Vine St) od godziny 11-tej.

Do nabycia: babki świąteczne, (duże rodzinne oraz małe które w sam raz zmieszczą.....  [Więcej]


14 kwietnia 2011
Polki wygrały konkurs kulinarny
Sydney Morning Herald o Polkach

Sydney sisters Sammy and Bella Jakubiak battled through Wednesday night's grand final to become this year's My Kitchen Rules champions.


8 kwietnia 2011
2011 Census job opportunities
Australian Bureau of Statistics
2011 Census job opportunities

To help in the preparation and operation of the Census of Population and Housing, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is recruiting an army of over 8,200 Census Collectors in NSW. With almost one in five Australians speaking almost 400 different languages other than English at home the ABS are looking for Collec.....  [Więcej]


3 kwietnia 2011
The meaning of Life
funny and true
On the first day, God created the dog and said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years."

The dog said, "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?"

So God agreed......

On the second day, God c.....  [Więcej]


1 kwietnia 2011
White Eagle Club - what's new?
Barbara Alwast
We would like to share some good news about our club. Recently we have installed 4 new reverse cycle air-conditioners in the large hall, one in the room to the right as you enter the club and one in the conference room upstairs. As a result we now have air-conditioning in the whole club. Some of you probably noticed that the whole back wall .....  [Więcej]


28 marca 2011
Mushroom Picking Picnic on Sunday 10th April 2011
organised by Polish School of Sydney
The Polish School of Sydney once again is coordinating a very popular event: Mushroom Picking Picnic in the Southern Highlands, Belanglo State Forest on Sunday 10th April 2011.

There will be a b. b. q., Easter Egg Hunt for children, a group photo and all day catching yabbies and of course mushroom picking. As always the biggest yabby and the big.....  [Więcej]


17 marca 2011
Piano Recital by Greg Kinda
Friday 1st of April at the Consulate

Consulate General of the Republic of Poland has the pleasure to invite you to a Piano Recital by Gregory Kinda. Music by Chopin & Liszt. Friday 1st April 2011 at 7,30 pm. 10 Trelawney St. Free entry. RSVP is essential by email to or by phone 9363 9816.

Read about two CDs recorded recently by Greg Kinda

Part I: .....  [Więcej]


17 marca 2011
Wieczór z Beatą Wald w Konsulacie RP
an evening with Polish-Australian Pop Singer

Consulate General of the Republic of Poland cordially invites you to an Evening with Beata Wald, Polish-Australian Pop Singer. The programme of the evening will include: * a selection of Beata's greatest hits, * the story of her music career, * a chat with the audience & cocktail reception. Saturday 26th March 2011 at 7 pm at the Consulate, 10 Trel.....  [Więcej]


14 marca 2011
Highlights of the Kosciuszko Run 2011
produced by Oski Pictures & directed by Oscar Kantor
8 marca 2011
Random thoughts and observations of the PaSO visit to Australia
Felix Molski. Photo Wojciech Niewrzoł

Doctor Lidia Filus, President of the Chicago chapter of the Kosciuszko Foundation and Professor of Mathematics at Northeastern University, is charming. My brother John, Mirka and Lidia all had enjoyable and entertaining conversations in the lead car. From their respective sides of the Pacific, Lidia and Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek conceived of, and or.....  [Więcej]


3 marca 2011
K'Ozzie Fiesta 2011 audio archive ( 3) the Americans
Rec. by Andrzej Strzelecki, photos by Puls Polonii
Mistrz ceremonii Dariusz Paczyński wita gości z USA - studentów z The Paderewski Symphony Orchestra Music Academy

Pola Grzebien z The Paderewski Symphony Orchestra Music Academy presents their program

Pola Grzebien about music played on Polish Kings courts

Guests from Chicago sing Gaude Mater Polonia

Guests from Chicago play Kings Music

Guests.....  [Więcej]


3 marca 2011
The Sydney Consort invites
to the 2011 Concert series in Balmain

A JOURNEY THROUGH EARLY MUSIC – 2011 CONCERT SERIES IN BALMAIN. At the 2011 Concert Series, The Sydney Consort will present four thrilling concerts, which are guaranteed to explore the music for all lovers of baroque music. We will present musicians who often participate at our concerts, as well as artists making their debut with the Sydney.....  [Więcej]


2 marca 2011
The Revengers' Comedy in La Mama Theatre
from 2nd to 20th March

The Revengers' Comedy written by Leonard Radic, directed by Stefan Mrowinski. The Revengers’ Comedy by Leonard Radic is a dark satiric comedy in a contemporary setting – a riff on a celebrated Jacobean tragedy. Two women, friends from their student days, declare war on their fickle and unfaithful husbands. The play is also a satir.....  [Więcej]


2 marca 2011
K'Ozzie Fiesta 2011 - audio archives (2) & some photos
Speeches by the Consul General Daniel Gromann & dr Lidia Filus of Chicago

Paweł Gospodarczyk wręcza medale Kosciuszko Run 2011 gościom z Polski, Joannie i Andrzejowi Gwiazdom

Mistrz ceremonii Dariusz Paczyński - podziękowania

A speech by the Consul General Daniel Gromann. Przemówienie Konsula Generalnego RP, Daniela Gromanna

A Message from Alex Storozynski - by dr Lidia Filus. Pozdrowienia od prezesa Fundacji Kosciuszkow.....  [Więcej]


1 marca 2011
MPs to view unseen Smolensk film (Polskie Radio dla Zagranicy)
Previously unseen footage made within moments of the Smolensk air crash of April 10 will be screened to a parliamentary group investigating the disaster.The footage was made by Slawomir Wisniewski, a cameramen employed by Telewizja Polska. “In the pictures you can see that it was terrible weather,” Wisniewski said in an interview in the.....  [Więcej]


28 lutego 2011
Kozzie Fiesta 2011 - audio archives (1)
konferansjerzy: Dariusz Paczyński & Natalia Strzelecka

Gosia & Zosia
Otwarcie Polonez Nagrody. Czas 8'21"

The opening of Kozzie Fiesta 2011, Polonaise for the Winners of Kosciuszko Run 2011 and the award presentation ceremony - in mp3.

Prapremiera poloneza "Smile on Us, Kosciuszko" odbyła się w Charlotte Pass Village w sobotę 12 lutego 2011 r. Dzisiaj natomiast premiera tej piosenki w Pulsie Polonii. T.....  [Więcej]


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