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Strzelecki Competition:



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8 czerwca 2011
Racist comments about Poles on a TV program
Felix Molski
To: Glen Beck Program on Fox News. Dear Mr Beck. My name is Felix Molski, I am an Australian of Polish heritage and I believe in individual responsibility and accountability and find the concept of collective salvation and collective accountability repugnant. I was viewing your program of 2nd June, 2011 with great interest as it was reinforcing thi.....  [Więcej]


7 czerwca 2011
Sydnejski Festiwal Filmowy
i 4 polskie filmy

Kadr z filmu Smolarze
Sydney Film Festival 8 - 19 June 2011.
Charcoal Burners (Smolarze)

A multi-award-winning documentary that follows a couple who spend their summer making charcoal in the remote Bieszczady mountains, where the rhythm of their lives is closely attuned to nature.

The Mill and the Cross
The rich and fertile imagination of Polish artis.....  [Więcej]


4 czerwca 2011
Jindabyne Hall - fundraising concert
three great stars performing!
On Saturday, July 2nd 2011 a great gala will take place in Jindabyne. A fundraising concert is being organised to collect money to purchase grand piano which will find "home" i Memorial Hall. Three great stars will perform on that occassion. Krzysztof Malek, Jan Preston & Wayne G. Kelly.

Read article "A grand piano for Jindabyne"

Krzysztof Malek.....  [Więcej]


1 czerwca 2011
Chris Malek performing in Art Gallery of NSW
view a photo gallery

Kindly inviting you to view a gallery of photographs taken by Bogumila Filip during recent concert (May 15th 2011) in Art Gallery of New South Wales.

"Total Chopin" was performed by an outstanding young pianist Krzysztof Malek. The way he played! - and deserved a standing ovation.

Click here to view the gallery

And soon Chris is off to Jindabyne.....  [Więcej]


31 maja 2011
Zniesławienie czyli prawda o tzw Antysemityzmie
niezwykły film
Film żydowskiego dziennikarza o antysemityzmie. Czas 1 godz.28 min. 20 "

Sporo o działalności Ligi Antydefamacyjnej. Wiele scen przedstawiających podróże młodzieży izraelskiej do byłego obozu koncentracyjnego w Auschwitz. Niestandardowy film.

This film was created by a Jewish journalist; possibly he is marked as anti-Semite too as prof. Norman G Fi.....  [Więcej]


29 maja 2011
Polish concentration camps -- not again
a letter to Tom Malone, Executive Producer Today Show, Channel 9
(Posted on May 16th.) It was with great disappointment and sadness that I heard the expression: “Polish concentration camp” used in the 8 a.m. Today Show news on Channel 9 on Friday 13th May, in the context of Ivan Demianiuk’s trial. Any reference to “Polish concentration camps” is entirely inaccurate, deeply unjust a.....  [Więcej]


29 maja 2011
Wystąpienie amb. Jaroszyńskiego
Australian Institute of International Affairs - już jutro
Przesyłam w załączeniu informację o wystąpieniu pana Andrzeja Jaroszyńskiego, Ambasadora RP w Australii, w Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA) w Sydney, w najbliższy wtorek 31 maja 2011 r. o godz. 18.00.Serdecznie zachęcam zainteresowane osoby do udziału. Ponieważ wydarzenie organizowane jest przez AIIA na zwyczajowych zasadach, po.....  [Więcej]


29 maja 2011
A Grand Piano for Jindabyne
a fundraising concert on Saturday 2nd July

Why a Grand Piano? The Jindabyne Hall lost its piano many years ago and since then, although a number of festivals and cultural events have been coming to Jindabyne, year after year the major music events are staged in Thredbo (The Jazz Festival and the Blues Festival, CMC Rocks the Snowies), in Perisher (Snowy Mountains of Music) and in Cooma at S.....  [Więcej]


25 maja 2011
Professor Gross public lecture
Jews and their Polish neighbours

The Australian Human Rights Centre and the Network for Interdisciplinary Studies of Law invite you to a public lecture by Prof. Jan Tomasz Gross "On the periphery of the Holocaust - Jews and their Polish neighbours". Tuesday 21st June 2011 at 6 pm at G02 Theatre, Ground Floor, Law Building, University of New South Wales. Cost - free. RSVP: www.ah.....  [Więcej]


24 maja 2011
Henry Eagle Iglewski's show
in the Canberra White Eagle Club

VENUE - White Eagle Club Inc. 38 David st. Turner.
DATE - SATURDAY, 28TH MAY 2011 at 3 pm.



24 maja 2011
Golden Years of Kozzie Fest - Oski Pictures
historia festiwali kościuszkowskich
The K'Ozzie Fest is an annual, vibrant celebration of the Snowy Mountains, Australia's diverse multicultural society and the ideals of democracy and freedom. It unites many forms of art and performance -- such as music, song, dance, poetry, painting and photography. The first festival was held in 2007. Named the 'Mound and Mount Kosciuszko Fe.....  [Więcej]


21 maja 2011
Chopin Fest - the very first one in Australia
Oski Pictures
Oski Pictures & Australian National University present CHOPIN 2011 The Australian International Chopin Piano Competition. CHOPIN 2011The Australian International Chopin Piano Competition, 30min. documentary movie - Polish version. Oski Pictures and Australian National University School of Music is proud to present Australia's newest maj.....  [Więcej]


19 maja 2011
Experts claim dark energy is real
By Stuart Gary for ABC Science Online

A new study says dark energy is real and is causing space-time and the universe to expand. The paper to be published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, has been put together by a team of 26 scientists, including Dr Chris Blake from Melbourne's Swinburne University, and provides the first independent confirmation of both the.....  [Więcej]


19 maja 2011
Pierwszy Biuletyn Informacyjny Ambasady RP
kolorowy magazyn wydarzeń

Przesyłam w załączeniu pierwszy numer biuletynu informacyjnego Ambasady RP w Canberze (zawierającego również informacje z Konsulatu). Biuletyn będzie wydawany w cyklu dwumiesięcznym, w języku angielskim - w ramach promocji Polski i naszych spraw. W związku z tym uprzejmie zachęcam Państwa do rozpowszechniania go wśród australijskich znajomych.

Dan.....  [Więcej]


12 maja 2011
Sydney Recital of the Chopin Piano Competition winner
and the winner is Peter de Jager

This was his first performance as the winner of the First Australian International Chopin Competition. Peter de Jager played to a fully packed hall of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Reports of this memorable event will soon be published. Meanwhile you may view a series of photographs taken by Tom Koprowski.

Click here to view the photogaller.....  [Więcej]


11 maja 2011
Poland as neo-colony
Krzysztof Światek interviews prof. Witold Kieżun
- Professor, you publicize a view that Poland is subject to re-colonization. What does it mean, who carries out this idea and what are its effects?

- I am well familiar with the problem of re-colonization, since I was in charge, for 10 years, of one of the largest UN programs for modernization of the Central African countries. I had the opportunity.....  [Więcej]


7 maja 2011
Chopin Piano Competition winner
performing in Sydney & Melbourne

The ANU School of Music and the Consulate General of Poland in Sydney are proud to present the winner of the Australian Chopin International Piano Competition and kindly invite you to the 1st Prize Winner Concerts in Sydney and in Melbourne. Sydney: Wednesday 11th of May 2011
Melbourne: Thursday 12th of May 2011.

Koncerty zwycięzcy, który zostanie .....  [Więcej]


7 maja 2011
Chopin Competition: three finalists' performance tonight!
Wanda Horky

Dear Friends of Chopin and lovers of Chopin! The three finalists playing for $25,000 prizes in the 1st Australian International Chopin Competition are
Gracjan Szymczak [Poland]
Peter de Jager [Melbourne]
Oliver She [Brisbane].

The first of three concerts commences at 2.00 sharp in Llewellyn Hall, ANU School of Music Sunday the 8th May. The order is as.....  [Więcej]


5 maja 2011
"Poland Today"
luncheon at the Australian Institute of International Affairs
A country of 38 million people, Poland has witnessed dramatic changes since the collapse of Communism just over two decades ago. The introduction of ‘shock therapy’ in the early 1990s resulted in the transformation of the Poland from a Soviet-style planned economy to one embracing market forces. After some initial reverses, Poland has e.....  [Więcej]


4 maja 2011
It is our joint effort
Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek

This is a full text of my speech, of which only a shorter version had been delivered last Tuesday in the Consulate on the occassion of receiving the Golden Cross of Merit.

Thank you Consul General. Yes! It is a great honour to be awarded by Poland the Golden Cross of Merit. I believe it is for my involvement in the Strzelecki-Kosciuszko project -.....  [Więcej]


4 maja 2011
Sydney: 3 Maja w złotym jesiennym kolorze
Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek, fot. Puls Polonii & Tom Koprowski

W alejkach dzielnicy Woolahra obsadzonych klonami króluje kolorowa jesień. We wtorkowe południe zgromadziliśmy się w Konsulacie RP, żeby wspólnie świętować nasze narodowe święto i przypomnieć sobie, na czym polegała wyjątkowość Konstytucji 3 Maja. Uroczystość zgromadziła: prezesa Community Relations Commission Stefana Kerkyashariana, corpus dipl.....  [Więcej]


1 maja 2011
World Youth Day by Oski Pictures
Sydney 2008
30 kwietnia 2011
Internetowa transmisja z beatyfikacji
Jana Pawła II
Beatification- watch it live on the internet. Transmisja na żywo - w internecie
30 kwietnia 2011
Make Him a Saint
How Pope John Paul II worked a political miracle

One of the greatest moments in the history of faith was also one of the greatest moments in modern political history. It happened in June 1979. Just eight months before, after dusk on Oct. 16, 1978, a cardinal had stepped out onto the loggia of St. Peter’s Basilica to say those towering, august words, “Habemus papam”—”.....  [Więcej]


30 kwietnia 2011
St. Helen, Solidarity, and John Paul II
Nicholas G. Hahn III
On May 1, John Paul II will become Blessed John Paul II, but in his home diocese of Krakow, the late Pontiff has long been declared something else. Nowa Huta is a small suburb outside Krakow, Poland. It was formerly a planned Soviet community, one with large, typically Soviet buildings making up long city blocks. It was a failed communist attempt t.....  [Więcej]


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