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Strzelecki Competition:



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18 lipca 2011
The Role of Secret Services in Shaping Contemporary Poland
fragmenty pracy magisterskiej Sabiny Swierczek
The Involvement of Secret Services in Economic Scandals.As I have shown in the previous section secret services were actively involved in the process of privatisation in Poland. A detailed investigation into major economic scandals in the post-communist Poland will support my findings and provide further evidence that this often overlooked eleme.....  [Więcej]


18 lipca 2011
Great Concert in Belmont on August 19th 2011
Asia Łunarzewska zaprasza

I would like to invite you to A Night In Tribute To Michael Buble concert with The Swing Kings and special guests performing well known Michael Buble songs.
Where: Belmont 16 Foot Sailing Club
When: Friday August 19th
Time: 7pm.
Tickets for the Show are $35 and for the Dinner & Show $74 and may be purchased in advance at or b.....  [Więcej]


18 lipca 2011
Snowy River Shire celebrates NAIDOC
Narelle Willems
14/7/2011. THE Snowy River Shire welcomed traditional owners from the Ngarigo people and members of their families to National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) Week 2011, on Saturday. The formal part of the event was a Welcome to Country and flag raising ceremony in Berridale, which saw Elders Aunty Rae Solomon-Stewart a.....  [Więcej]


17 lipca 2011
Strzelecki Hiking Club Bulletin
links to Bulletins no 1 & 2

Second bulletin for all members and non-members of Strzelecki Hiking Club is available online. Please find a quick minute to read it.

Click on the link and read

An click on the past Bulletin - just here

14 lipca 2011
Aussie 10 Hall of Fame
wyprawa w Snowy Mountains
Na stronie internetowej znaleźlismy taki oto wpis, który nas tu w Redakcji trochę rozeźlił.

Our group of 7 completed the Charlottes Pass loop in 31 hours, including a sensational camp overlooking Koszciusko. The group covered several other peaks outside of the official Aussie 10 list, where we weren’t sure of .....  [Więcej]


14 lipca 2011
So impressed by the book about Kosciuszko
a letter from Stuart Fitch
Dear Ernestyna.I just thought I would write with thanks again for the biography on Kosciuszko. I finished the book around a month ago, but have been in the USA. What a great read, what a great patriot, and what a great man!

I can now better understand why the Polish people rightfully cherish him as a national hero. I think that the book should b.....  [Więcej]


13 lipca 2011
Review of "Quiet Hero: Secrets from My Father's Past"
Felix Molski

Ms Cosby begins her book in emotional reflection of her childhood. After the funeral of her loving Danish mother she was left with an estranged Polish father. In the distant Christmas Eve of 1983 her father had told his 19 year old daughter that he had found another love and because he wanted to be happy he was leaving the family then and there. H.....  [Więcej]


7 lipca 2011
Jindabyne Hall Comes Alive with Piano Music
Snowy River Echo Magazine

Over 100 people including holiday makers and winter staff flocked to the Jindabyne Hall on Saturday July 2nd for a magic night of piano music, as part of the fundraising effort to purchase a grand piano for the Memorial Hall. The night was considered to be a triumph by all and a great tribute to organisers Antoinette Braeder and Carole Thomas, feat.....  [Więcej]


5 lipca 2011
Strzelecki Hiking Club
Oscar Kantor


Do you like mountain hiking?

Are you interested in a challenging few days hike?
Are looking for a good spot to take some beautiful pictures in Snowies?

Do you want to feel like Strzelecki in 1840? Well..
This is a perfect page for you.


5 lipca 2011
Lajkonik - calling on new and X members
Ursula Lang
Hi from us! (Lajkonik - Sydney). Would YOU like to come with us to Polart in Perth at the end of next year? As you can see, we really are a happy, focused team, and Polish Dance is our passion!

If you would like to be part of the Lajkonik Team heading for Polart, you have to join NOW! New dances and planning for fundraising events are all happenin.....  [Więcej]


5 lipca 2011
Znany żeglarz Michał Majkowski zaginął
Bob Tejszerski & The Manly Daily

Żeglarska brać i wszyscy tu jesteśmy w szoku. Jeszcze nie tak dawno informowalismy o podróży żeglarskiej dookoła Australii sydnejskich żeglarzy Bena Rodańskiego i Michała Majkowskiego. Ten właśnie Michał zaginął tragicznie w poprzednią niedzielę żeglując z Zatoki Sydnejskiej do Pittwater. Przesyłam linka do art. Missing sailor w The Manly Daily.

In.....  [Więcej]


28 czerwca 2011
Comments on Question and Answers (the Gross Lecture)
Felix Molski
These are Felix Molski’s comments on the Question and Answer segment of the Tomasz Gross public lecture given on the invitation of The Australian Human Rights Centre and the Network for Interdisciplinary Studies of Law at 6pm on the 21st June, 2011at the G02 Theatre, Ground Floor, Law Building, University of New South Wales. The Question and .....  [Więcej]


27 czerwca 2011
Transcription of Adam Czarnota (J.T. Gross' Public Lecture)
questions, answers & closure of discussion
Discussant, Adam Czarnota.Well, actually I don’t know where to start, but I will start maybe with such statement that . . that Tomasz Gross told, and his book garbled books of Tomasz Gross belongs to the not very nice genre of literature. Rather depressing, especially depressing for Poles. And I want to describe there actually in the book wh.....  [Więcej]


27 czerwca 2011
Boże Ciało - Body of Christ Feast Day at Marayong
Henry Iglinski (text & photos)
The annual Body of Christ Mass and Procession took place at Marayong on Sunday 26 June 2010. It was a beautiful sunny winter’s day and over 200 people attended.

The Mass was co-celebrated by Fathers Antoni Dudek, Jozef Kolodziej, Zbigniew Pajdak, Krzysztof Chwalek and Artur Botur. The homily was given by Fr Artur Botur. Music to the Mass was.....  [Więcej]


27 czerwca 2011
Lajkonik's Spring Masquerade Ball September 3rd 2011
Wiosenny Bal Przebierańców Lajkonika w Klubie Katolickim

Zespół Pieśni i Tańca "Lajkonik" zaprasza na wiosenny bal przebierańców "Spring Masquerade Ball" w bardzo eleganckim klubie "Liverpool Catholic Club" (Function Room).SOBOTA 3 wrzesnia, początek o 7 pm. Adres: 424-458 Hoxton Park Rd, Liverpool West.

Bilety w cenie $60 dla dorosłych i $27 dla dzieci (5-12 lat), w cenie biletu trzydaniowa kolacja, a w.....  [Więcej]


27 czerwca 2011
Trzy sposoby USA na obalenie "dyktatury"
masz czas? obejrzyj!
Film - czas 21 min 38"

Film prezentuje wyznania ekonomisty Johna Perkinsa z USA, który przedstawia w jaki sposób bankierzy i korporacje międzynarodowe różnymi metodami zniewalają całe państwa i narody świata. John Perkins ma własną stronę internetową, której adres jest następujący:

26 czerwca 2011
Transcription of Jan Tomasz Gross Lecture
Recorded at UNSW June 21st 2011
Transcription of Jan Tomasz Gross Lecture at the UNSW, 21st June, 2011. "On the periphery of the Holocaust - Jews and their Polish neighbours". Introductory Comments by Martin Krygier.

The co-director of the network for the interdisciplinary study of law and that network together with the Australian Human Rights Centre is very pleased you could c.....  [Więcej]


26 czerwca 2011
Prof. J.T. Gross promoting animosity
Felix Molski

Felix Molski’s comments on the Tomasz Gross public lecture given on the invitation of The Australian Human Rights Centre and the Network for Interdisciplinary Studies of Law at 6pm on the 21st June, 2011at the G02 Theatre, Ground Floor, Law Building, University of New South Wales.In the concluding segment of the Jan Tomasz Gross lecture titl.....  [Więcej]


16 czerwca 2011
Czeslaw Milosz Centenary
a Celebration in Words and Music

The Australian Institute of Polish Affairs has pleasure in presenting "Czeslaw Milosz Centenary: a Celebration in Words and Music" introduced by Chris Wallace-Crabbe with readings by Chris Wallace-Crabbe (English) & Krzysztof Kaczmarek (Polish) and music performed by Brigid Coleridge (violin) & Elena Mogilevski (piano)

at 2,30 pm on Saturday 18th .....  [Więcej]


15 czerwca 2011
A Festival of Piano
impreza muzyczna w Jindabyne

Lat temu kilka Krzysztof Małek zgodził się zagrać w Jindabyne na zdezelowanym keyboardzie - a zgodził się tylko dlatego, żeby Kościuszce w Niebiosach przykrości nie robić. Miejscowi zarzekali się, że za rok, na następnym Festiwalu Kościuszkowskim stanie w Memorial Hall piękny fortepian. Minęło kilka lat, fortepianu nadal nie było, w międzyczasie .....  [Więcej]


15 czerwca 2011
Darmowe kursy - podnieś swoje kwalifikacje
Australian National Institute of Business and Technology

Federacja Polskich Organizacji w Wiktorii wspólnie z Australijskim Instytutem Biznesu i Technologii (ANIBT) mają zaszczyt ogłosić inicjatywę Rządu Wiktoriańskiego w celu podniesienia kwalifikacji zainteresowanych. Wszystkie kwalifikujące się osoby (ze społeczności polskiej) mogą zrobić certificate IV lub dyplom w zakresie: administracji, biznesu .....  [Więcej]


15 czerwca 2011
Echoes of the Holocaust
Marcel Weyland at Waverly Library

Invitation from Waverly Library to an "Author Talk". Marcel Weyland will be reading from his book "Echoes - Poems of the Holocaust" with musical accompaniment by violinists Julia and Paul Pokorny. Sunday, 31st July, 2-3 pm, Waverly Library Theatrette, 32-48 Denison St. Bondi Junction.

This is a free event, no bookings required. For more informatio.....  [Więcej]


14 czerwca 2011
A Letter to Prof. Andrew Byrnes, the Australian Human Rights Centre
regarding the visit of Prof. Jan Tomasz Gross

Dear Professor Byrnes. We lead a number of community organisations which bring together Polish immigrants in Australia spanning several generations. It has come to our attention that your organisation, in conjunction with Network for Interdisciplinary Studies of Law, has invited Professor Jan Tomasz Gross to Australia to give a lecture entitled On .....  [Więcej]


9 czerwca 2011
"Polish concentration camps" apology
a letter from Channel 9 to the Consul General
A link to Mr Gromann's letter posted on May 16th 2011. The reply was posted on June 1st, 2011.

Dear Mr Gromann, Thank you for your letter of 16th May regarding the use of the phrase" Polish concentration camp in a news report on the Today Show on Friday 13th May.

I would like to assure you that no offence was intended, it was never our intentio.....  [Więcej]


8 czerwca 2011
Back to Bach with Italian Music
TheSydney Consort concert on June 17th
Back to Bach!!! The Sydney Consort warmly invites you to its concert "Back to Bach with Italian music", which strongly influenced the great master. Timeless, fresh, vibrant and always popular, the Italian extravaganza combined with the deepness of German eloquence will ignite fireworks during this performance. Hans-Dieter Michatz - recorder, Stan K.....  [Więcej]


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