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Strzelecki Competition:



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6 lutego 2007
Astronaut on murder plot charge
A US astronaut accused of attacking a woman she considered competition for the affection of a shuttle pilot has been charged with attempted murder. Earlier a Florida court had ordered that Navy Capt Lisa Nowak, 43, who was facing charges of attempted kidnapping and battery, could be freed on bail.

However, the introduction of the more serious charg.....  [Więcej]


5 lutego 2007
Dr Mieczysław Rokosz Speaks from Krakow
Lukasz Swiatek

The Director of the Kościuszko Mound in Krakow recently spoke with Puls Polonii. Below you will find a summarised, English translation of the interview originally published on the 4th of February, and conducted telephonically by dr Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek.

Monika Kornel, finding three unique musical scores in 2004, introduced the Polish community i.....  [Więcej]


1 lutego 2007
The great Trek to Kosciuszko
Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek & Ursula Lang

Pomnik P.E.Strzeleckiego w Jindabyne
Hey you guys (Poles and non-Poles), who will trek up to Mt Kosciuszko with Puls Polonii to pay tribute to a great man – General Thaddeus Kosciuszko! Everyone is asking, so here is the answer! On 17 February 2007, at 11am, the Polish cyber newspaper Puls Polonii is organizing a pre-premiere of music compos.....  [Więcej]


1 lutego 2007
Kosciuszko's Testament
Od Redakcji: warto przypomnieć, że generał Tadeusz Kościuszko pisał te słowa w 1798 roku i że niewolnictwo w USA zniesiono dopiero w 1865 roku.

Kościuszko's Testament

I beg Mr (Thomas) Jefferson that in case I should die without will or testament he should bye out of my money so many Negros and free them, that the restant Sum should be Sufficient .....  [Więcej]


30 stycznia 2007
in the POL OZ NET section
Zachęcamy do czytania naszych artykułów w języku angielskim w sekcji Pol Oz Net.
Zapraszamy też do działu NAGRANIA.
30 stycznia 2007
This fabulous choir from Poznan
will soon perform in Marayong
Listen to the invitation

Listen to famous song "Wesołe jest życie staruszka"

AMU Chamber Choir under the direction of Krzysztof Szydzisz performs 19th and 20th century music as well as oratorio, operatic and film music. Their concerts also feature arrangements of Polish popular music.

Sunday, 18 February, 12.15 pm John .....  [Więcej]


28 stycznia 2007
Fabulous Choir from Poznan University
performs in Ashfield on 16th February

AMU Chamber Choir under the direction of Krzysztof Szydzisz performs 19th and 20th century music as well as oratorio, operatic and film music. Their concerts also feature arrangements of Polish popular music.

Friday, 16 February, 6.30 pm. Ashfield Club, 73 Norton Street.

Tickets: $15 and $12 (pensioners and children under 15 years of age.....  [Więcej]


28 stycznia 2007
zaktualizowana wersja programu imprez

Pod takim hasłem “LET’S CELEBRATE WITH THE POLISH COMMUNITY” odbywać się będą festiwalowe imprezy.

Poniedziałek, 12 luty, godz. 19.00 Oficjalne Otwarcie Festiwalu połączone z Wystawą artystyczną .....  [Więcej]


26 stycznia 2007
Fabulous Choir from Poznan University
all concerts listed
AMU Chamber Choir under the direction of Krzysztof Szydzisz was established in 1992. It consists of students, graduates and young scholars. The choir performs mainly the 19th and 20th century music. The main part of its repertoire consists of Polish contemporary music. Popularising Polish composers on the international forum is one of the main obje.....  [Więcej]


26 stycznia 2007
(Updated) Events of the Week of Polish Culture in Ashfield

Monday, February 12, at 7.00 pm Grand Opening with Art Exhibition & mini Classical Music Concert, Ashfield Town Hall.

Tuesday, February 13, from 1.00 pm - 11pm Polish Movie Marathon, Ashfield Polish Club

Wednesday, February 14, at 1.00 pm Seniors' get-together “Thoughts of the Past”, Ashfield Polish Club.

Thursday, February 15, a.....  [Więcej]


25 stycznia 2007
World media & death of Ryszard Kapusciński
Ted Mirecki, Media Watch
Special edition to the memory of world-acclaimed correspondent and author Ryszard Kapuscinski, who died on Jan. 23 in Warsaw at age 74. Many obits and appreciations:

Appreciation: The Illuminated Letters Of a Polish Journalist [Note: All WashPost links must end with .htm.....  [Więcej]


25 stycznia 2007
Fabulous Choir from Poznan
performs in Wollongong Feb 14th

AMU Chamber Choir under the direction of Krzysztof Szydzisz performs 19th and 20th century music as well as oratorio, operatic and film music. Their concerts also feature arrangements of popular Polish music.

Wednesday, 14 February, 7.00 pm. Polish Association in Wollongong, 143 Gipps Road, Gwynneville.

All tickets: $ 10.00

Tickets can be.....  [Więcej]


23 stycznia 2007
Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek Translated by Ursula Lang

Sunset over Mt Kosciuszko

Just finished talks with National Parks Directors Steve Redden and Dave Darlington, about how to go through with what must be a really crazy idea……..!

The beginning of this story is a very good place to start!

Last Oct.....  [Więcej]


23 stycznia 2007
Looking for charismatic MCs
The organisers of the Week of Polish-Australian Culture to be held at Ashfield from 12th to 18th February are looking for a number of young presenters to help with the presentation of a number of artistic events during the celebrations.

To be eligible and become a "star" on the Polish-Australian stage, you must have completed at least your seconda.....  [Więcej]


20 stycznia 2007
Fabulous Choir from Poznań
AMU Chamber Choir under the direction of Krzysztof Szydzisz was established in 1992. It consists of students, graduates and young scholars. The choir performs mainly the 19th and 20th century music. The main part of its repertoire consists of Polish contemporary music. Popularising Polish composers on the international forum is one of the main obje.....  [Więcej]


19 stycznia 2007
Hail to the Lajkonik busdriver!
Aneta Kudrynski

An account of Polart 2006/07, through the eyes of a bus driver, Marian Kudrynski. Article by Aneta Kudrynski.

“The passage to Tassie on the Spirit of Tasmania was unforgettable! There were 3 stages. Departing from Port Melbourne, conditions were perfect with blue skies and an even bluer sea. On reaching Bass Strait, the opulent ship was b.....  [Więcej]


6 stycznia 2007
The Sydney Consort - special concert
25th of March at Government House

Dear Friends in Music,
We hope you can attend our concert at Sydney's most stunning venue - the Government House. The Ballroom - a hall where music inspires at this grandest location.

In that special concert The Sydney Consort will celebrate their 10-years' anniversary performing works by composers whose anniversary will be acknowledged by the entir.....  [Więcej]


5 stycznia 2007
A Week of Polish Culture
12 - 18 February 2007

In 2008 we will be celebrating 170 years of Polish settlement in NSW. It will be preceeded by A Week of Polish Culture in February 2007, organized by the Polish Club in Ashfield. For detailed information look below as well as in the "Imprezy wkrótce" section. .....  [Więcej]


3 stycznia 2007
Red Cross Blood Service - dedicated to transforming lives
Bonita Mersiades
Dear Lukasz

Happy New Year! My apologies for not getting back to you sooner.

Thank you for letting me know about your article. I am delighted that you are now a blood donor and that you wrote about it to encourage others in the Polish community to also donate. I hope we see you again in about three months!

Please do not hesitate to contact me if.....  [Więcej]


31 grudnia 2006
Pol-Art History
Pol-Art is a celebration of Polish cultural heritage in Australia and New Zealand. Pol-Art festivals have now become a traditional feature of the Polish-Australian cultural life, and were made possible by the Polish Women in Australia and New Zealand undertaking the massive task of organising the first festival of Polish culture, originally called .....  [Więcej]


26 grudnia 2006
The ancient tradition of oplatek sharing
Frank Rymaszewski

The Oplatek is a thin unleavened wafer similar to communion wafers. In Poland oplatki are made in a shape of large rectangles which are embossed with pictures of Christ Child, Nativity scenes, etc. In Australia oplatki are quite small and embossing is poor.

The ancient tradition of oplatek sharing on Wigilia origin.....  [Więcej]


20 grudnia 2006
Conversing with a Maestro-To-Be
By Lukasz Swiatek

Adam Wąsiel – one of last year’s Polish HSC cohort, and currently a university student having just completed his first year of studies at the prestigious Sydney Conservatorium of Music – recently secured an equal third place in the Ewa Malewicz Young Talents Competition in Sydney. Adam, currently enjoying a well-deserved break fro.....  [Więcej]


18 grudnia 2006
Hallo, tu Syrenka

26 grudnia "Syrenka" wystąpi w Hobart podczas Festiwalu Pol-Art 2006. Oto adres strony festiwalowej: Więcej informacji na temat Zespołu znajdziesz na jego stronie internetowej:

'Syrenka' grew from a Folkloric Dance Group formed in 1968, and established in 1971. Including its major debut at the National Sh.....  [Więcej]


17 grudnia 2006
Hallo, tu Kujawy

Zespół KUJAWY wystąpi wkrótce w Hobart podczas Festiwalu Pol-Art 2006. Oto strona festiwalowa:
Więcej informacji na temat zespołu znajdziej na jego stronie internetowej

The ensemble "Kujawy" take their name from a region in Poland known as Kujawy. Its 3 main cities are Bydgoszcz, Torun and Wloclawek.

The.....  [Więcej]


15 grudnia 2006
Aussies play Kosciuszko
The Sydney Windjammers play 3 pieces composed by Tadeusz Kosciuszko. Please listen.

Polonaise C Major


Second Polonaise B Major

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