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3 listopada 2012
Świąteczny koncert "Syrenki" w Ashfield Christmas Concert by Syrenka |
Świąteczny koncert "Syrenki", niedziela 18 listopada 2012 r. Bożonarodzeniowy nastrój oraz wspólne
śpiewanie kolęd.
Przekrój tańców
regionalnych zostanie
zaprezentowany przez
grupę średnią i najmłodszą.
A najstarsza grupa
zaprezentuje tańce
przygotowane na
Festiwal Polart 2012 w
Miejsce: Klub Polski w Ashfield 73‐75 Norton S..... [Więcej]
1 listopada 2012
Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki and Poznan Felix Molski (text, interview and photos) |
At Poznan I visited the site of Paul Edmund de Strzelecki’s ancestral home in Gluszyna, the church where he was baptised and the crypt at St Adalbert’s where he now rests in peace. I thank Rev. Fr Wojcik for allowing me to stay at Poznan Cathedral and for making arrangements that allowed me access to Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki’s c..... [Więcej]
27 października 2012
The Need for an Honour Roll Felix Molski (text and photos of Irish Famine Memorials) |
Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki, Irish Famine Memorials in North America and the Need for an Honour Roll.
One of my objectives whilst in the USA and Canada was to advance the case of Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki’s humanitarianism wherever and whenever possible. I had researched the location of Irish Famine memorials that were accessible to me in my..... [Więcej]
23 października 2012
Piaśnica the Pomeranian Katyn Felix Molski (text and photos) |
In mid-July of this year I visited Piasnica, also known as the Pomeranian Katyn. I was moved. I was terribly moved because the scene portrayed by the sculptor of the monument is so true to life. It vividly depicts how infants behave when seeking comfort or attention from the adults they trust and love.Two clashing contexts were juxtaposed in my con..... [Więcej]
23 października 2012
World War2 Museum in Gdansk Felix Molski (text and photos) |
Chief Architect Jacek Droszcz | In an article I wrote for Puls Polonii about Marian Rejewski, I stated. ‘Polish people unjustly suffered much death and destruction during and after WWII, and the stealing of Polish heroism and ingenuity is intolerable. Why should Poles be deprived of heroes? Why should their accomplishments be misappropriated? Wh..... [Więcej]
17 października 2012
Poles apart: The Cinemas of Andrzej Munk & Wojciech Has ACMI Cinemas October 24 - November 14, 2012 |
Andrzej Munk. Internet | The Melbourne Cinémathèque presents a four-week season of films from two Polish auteurs. Although stylistically different, Wojciech Has (1925-2000) and Andrzej Munk (1920-61) are united in their status as highly important but relatively under-seen directors of the mid-20th century Polish Film School. While Has created a f..... [Więcej]
17 października 2012
The joyous harmony of Sammartini Brothers 9th November at Balmain |
The Sydney Consort invites for a concert of forgotten Italian music. In the programme: Concertos, Sinfonia and a Sonata by the Sammartini brothers.
The Sammartini Brothers - Giuseppe Baldassare, composer of many chamber works is best known for his Concerto for recorder and strings, which will be performed this evening and Giovanni Battista, prede..... [Więcej]
17 października 2012
Puma Media presents Polish Film Festival 2012 Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra |
The inaugural Polish Film Festival has a special significance for one guest: he didn’t think he’d live to see it. Film festivals can have many virtues but rarely, if ever, has one festival been hailed for helping to save a man’s life even before its launch. That’s not an extravagant boast by Ted Matkowski, director of the in..... [Więcej]
14 października 2012
Polonia w Singapurze
12 października 2012
Petycja do Radia ABC Lech Mackiewicz |
Hey,I just signed the petition "RESTORE FUNDING TO ABC RADIO DRAMA" and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.Our goal is to reach 200 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here: Thanks! Lech
12 października 2012
Psy łapały płatki śniegu opady śniegu od Golbourn po Tenterfield |
Zima wiosną! Masa komplikacji na drogach, ale też było dużo radości. Czytajcie relację i obejrzyjcie wideo. NSW spring snow causes mayhem and fun
9 października 2012
An evening with the famous Polish film director Krzysztof Zanussi w Konsulacie |
Konsul Generalny RP, Daniel Gromann: Serdecznie zapraszam osoby mieszkające w Sydney na spotkanie z panem Krzysztofem Zanussim, w czwartek 18 października o godz. 19.00 w sali recepcyjnej Konsulatu.
Spotkanie, organizowane wspólnie z Australijskim Instytutem Spraw Polskich (AIPA), odbędzie się w języku angielskim.
Wstęp jest wolny, ale koniecz..... [Więcej]
8 października 2012
The life of Fr. Walter Ciszek SJ prisoner of Soviet Russian gulags 1941-1963 |
Late Fr Ciszek | A Reflection on the Life of Fr. Walter Ciszek, SJ Polish-American Jesuit priest, a U.S. born native of Pennsylvania who
in 1941 was imprisoned unjustifiably for 23 years in several Soviet Russia Gulags, including the infamous Lubyanka prison,
until his release in 1963.
He authored two books about his experiences, "With God in Russ..... [Więcej]
7 października 2012
Harmony Walk Coogee Beach 21st October at 2 pm |
You are invited to support an important community initiative, to mark the 10th anniversary of the Bali bombings and, more generally, to promote a harmonious Australia. The inaugural Harmony Walk - on Sunday, 21 October 2012 at 2 pm - aims to bring together Australians from different ethnic, national and religious backgrounds in a powerful statement..... [Więcej]
6 października 2012
Polish soprano from Adelaide performs in Perth Daniela Jedrzejczak |
"Shakespeare's humorous and sometimes controversial romantic comedy exploring love and sexual politics is brought to life by Goetz in his charming 1874 operatic version. WAAPA proudly presents the Australian premiere of this highly entertaining opera under the direction of New York director and master teacher Chuck Hudson and
Sydney- based conduct..... [Więcej]
5 października 2012
Welcome home BBQ for Anna Pacewicz
Kresy -Siberia Sydney, welcomes home Anna in an informal atmosphere, where we can hear more about Anna's recent experiences as our Australian Kresy Siberia representative at the Grand Opening of the Polish Military Cemetery and Fourth Katyn Cemetery at Kiev-Bykownia. It will be wonderful to have this opportunity to hear from Anna some more of her ..... [Więcej]
24 wrzesnia 2012
Colin Chapman: Why the Poles feel insecure The Australian Institute of International Affairs |
Many Poles live in a near-perpetual state of paranoia. Still, as Andy Grove, the founder of Intel, once
memorably said, “You have to be paranoid to survive”.
Poland has just one national priority – preserving its identity and independence. Its people have history
etched into their DNA, the memories of many invaders who brought ..... [Więcej]
13 wrzesnia 2012
Tickets for LOT Dreamliner flights Marcin Piróg/Wojciech Ihnatowicz |
Sale of tickets for first LOT Dreamliner flights is starting now! Warsaw, 12 September 2012 – Today, Marcin Piróg, CEO of LOT Polish Airlines officially announced the beginning of the sale of tickets for Boeing 787 Dreamliner flights. The first Dreamliner plane will join the fleet of the Polish national carrier already in mid-November.
From..... [Więcej]
13 wrzesnia 2012
Multicultural Marketing Conference The Westin Sydney Hotel, Martin Place, 3rd October 2012 |
Minister V. Dominello | Nihal Gupta, Chairman of the Multicultural Business Advisory Panel, will present at the 2012 Multicultural Marketing Conference - Leveraging Multiculturalism As A Core Asset designed to examine business strategies which utilise diversity, different experiences, perspectives and skills to gain economic, social and cultural benef..... [Więcej]
11 wrzesnia 2012
The Most Damning Evidence of a US Coverup of Soviet War Crimes John Hudson, The Atlantic Wire |
Stopklatka z filmu amerykańskiego | On Monday, the U.S. National Archives released 1,000 declassified documents pertaining to the 1940 massacre of 22,000 Poles by the Soviet Union. The Cliffs Notes version America's coverup of the infamous Katyn Massacre was more extensive than previously thought. For years, Poles and Polish-Americans have alleged tha..... [Więcej]
10 wrzesnia 2012
Wysokie odznaczenie dla Marcela Weylanda fotogaleria Tomka Koprowskiego |
W dniu 5 września 2012 odbyło się w Ambasadzie Polskiej w Kanberze spotkanie kulturalne, w czasie którego Ambasador Andrzej Jaroszyński udekorował znakomitego tłumacza Marcela Weylanda, OAM, wysokim odznaczeniem polskim The Officer's Cross of the Order of Merit.
Spotkanie pt. "What I read to the dead" było poświęcone poezji Władysława Szengla, ..... [Więcej]
9 wrzesnia 2012
Lajkonik showcasing Polish dances in Canberra Ursula Lang |
Polish Song & Dance Ensemble “Lajkonik” & Polish/Australian
White Eagle Club Inc., 38 David Street, Turner
invite you to a Concert Showcasing Polish Dances
(To be performed at Polart Perth 2012) Sunday 14 October 2.30pm with audience participation and interaction.
Tickets $15, Concession/students $12 (tickets at the door)
All sch..... [Więcej]
3 wrzesnia 2012
Tydzień Zdrowia Społeczeństwa Wielokulturowego 2012 Lucyna Urbańska |
Zapraszamy dzieci w wieku 4-12 lat na popołudniowe warsztaty kreatywne z artystą-plastykiem: *Rozrywka *Nagrody do wygrania *Zdrowe przekąski do sprὁbowania*.
WSTĘP WOLNY dla dzieci i opiekunὁw.
ZDROWE DZIECI 1. Jedz więcej owoców 2. Jedz więcej warzyw 3. Pij wodę 4. Myj ręce 5. Ruszaj się dla zdrowia
Środa 5go września 2012 16:00—18:..... [Więcej]
2 wrzesnia 2012
Fragments of Sibirak Memory 9 September 2012, Millenium House |
Kresy-Siberia Australia, in conjunction with the Polish Museum and Archives in Australia, has
great pleasure in inviting you to the official opening of the first permanent presentation of the
Kresy-Siberia Virtual Museum with an exhibition entitled “Fragments of Sibirak Memory”.
The exhibition “Fragments of Sibirak Memory”..... [Więcej]
29 sierpnia 2012
Ważny komunikat. Search for archive photos from Mt Kosciuszko preparations for K'Ozzie Fest 2013 |
Historic Mass on Mt K, 1913 | Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. is organising the 2013 Kosciuszko festival, which takes place annually in the Snowy Mountains. The key element of next year’s festival will be a centenary Mass on Mt Kosciuszko. We are seeking archival materials (such as photographs, paper clippings, letters, family stories, and other docume..... [Więcej]
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