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Strzelecki Competition:



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21 czerwca 2012
K'Ozzie Fest 2013 - our vision
setna rocznica odprawienia Mszy św. na Górze Kościuszki

An outline for the planned K’Ozzie Fest 2013

SATURDAY 23rd February 2013

• 11 am a solemn Mass at the summit of Mt Kosciuszko concelebrated by bishop Julian Porteous and and priests from all over Australia.
This event is sponsored by National Parks & Wildlife Service, supported by Snowy River Shire Council and organised in conjuncti.....  [Więcej]


20 czerwca 2012
Where music meets compassion
A classical tribute to the righteous Irena Sendler

A tribute concert to honour the sacrifices made for humanity by righteous among the nations Irena Sendler will premiere in July at the Melbourne Recital Centre in Southbank thanks to a collaboration between the Polish and Israeli Embassies. Irena’s Song: A Ray of Light in the Darkness is a moving, classical tribute to Polish Catholic social.....  [Więcej]


13 czerwca 2012
Can you support me to support the homeless
Elizabeth Drozd
On Thursday 21st June, 2012 I will be sleeping under the open sky at the Etihad Stadium, to support St. Vincent de Paul (Vinnies) in their work for the homeless and to increase awareness about homelessness in Australia. 129 CEOs in Victoria have registered to support this event and will brave a cold night in a sleeping bag and on cardboard. I wo.....  [Więcej]


12 czerwca 2012
The Feast of Boże Ciało
Henry Igliński (text & photos)

The feast of Boze Cialo was celebrated on Sunday 10th June 2012 at the Polish War Memorial Chapel at Marayong. Society of Christ Fathers Antoni Dudek, Tadeusz Przybylak, Marian Szeptak and Jozef Kolodziej celebrated the Mass which commenced at 2.00 pm. The church was packed with hundreds of local parishioners and visitors from all around Sydney inc.....  [Więcej]


31 maja 2012
Gaslight Cabaret and Supper Club
taking up residence at Dom Polski (Adelaide)

Open on 2nd June for one month only. Dom Polski Centre, 230 Angas St., Adelaide.The GASLIGHT CABARET and SUPPER CLUB – where the heroine would be singing her soulful song on a beautiful stage, and the hero would be leaning on the bar, broodily watching her every move.

OPENING LAUNCH PARTY. Free Entry - No Bookings – Doors open at 7:00p.....  [Więcej]


31 maja 2012
Piknik z Lajkonikiem
A Polish Picnic for Children

Zespół Pieśni i Tanca “Lajkonik” życzy wszystkim dzieciom duzo radosci z Okazji Dnia Dziecka i zaprasza na zabawe z nami pod koniec czerwca, to już za trzy tygodnie! POLISH SONG AND DANCE ENSEMBLE “LAJKONIK” INVITES CHILDREN FROM ALL OVER SYDNEY, TO A POLISH PICNIC FOR CHILDREN, ON THE 24 JUNE! IN JUST A FEW WEEKS TIME!

T.....  [Więcej]


29 maja 2012
General Brigadier W. Krzyżanowski. Między Katyniem a Chicago (4)
Felix Molski (text & photos)

PP: Nasz współpracownik, publicysta Felix Molski wyruszył kilka miesięcy temu w wielką podróż po świecie, tropiąc najbliższy jego sercu temat "liberty". Pierwszym etapem jego podróży są Stany Zjednoczone, gdzie uczestniczył w otwarciu Parku Kościuszki w Ohio. Odwiedza muzea, zwłaszcza te, gdzie znajdują się eksponaty i pamiątki związane z w.....  [Więcej]


26 maja 2012
ADB clears Sir Strzelecki of Heney's allegations
The corrigenda story by Andrzej Kozek

By V. Skoneczny
A recent submission to the Australian Dictionary of Biography (ADB) has at last been successful and, after 45 years, the ADB has finally rectified incorrect statements in the biography of Sir Paul Edmund de Strzelecki written in 1967 by Helen Heney. The submission was prepared, documented and signed by (in alphabetic order) Profes.....  [Więcej]


24 maja 2012
Short Report from K'Ozzie Fest 2012
Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek
It was a truly multicultural „Polish” Festival. For the first time K’Ozzie Fest (organised every year by the Polish community) succeeded in gathering communities which have a long settlement history in the area: the Aboriginal Ngarigo people who have been in Monaro Land ever since Dreamtime, the descendants of the first Irish .....  [Więcej]


20 maja 2012
SOS - Support Our School
the controversy around the ANU School of Music
Out of the recent controversial re-structuring of the School of Music, a concert has been organised to celebrate the world class music staff and students of the ANU. Many internationally renowned classical and jazz artists will be performing to showcase what the community of Canberra will stand to lose if the proposed changes occur at the end of t.....  [Więcej]


16 maja 2012
An Icon in Polish Life and Culture
Polish Club in Ashfield celebrating 45 years
By Kasia Wieczorkowska. In 1967, the Polish Club at Ashfield came to life. This was possible because of so many people's own financial sacrafice and dedication to a project that would attract now at least the third generation and maybe even entering the fourth generation of Poles into its world. As many would be aware, this institution has seen .....  [Więcej]


16 maja 2012
Janusz Rygielski Photographic Exhibition
Brisbane, 3rd of June 2012

Leszek Wikarjusz – President of „POLONIA”, Polish Association of Queensland has much pleasure in inviting you to the official opening of Janusz Rygielski photographic exhibition "Polish Bushwalking in Australia".

This exhibition is a retrospective journey through the years of bushwalking in the mountains surrounding Brisbane. Ope.....  [Więcej]


16 maja 2012
The Sydney Consort: Friday Academies
25 May 2012 , at St Augustin's Catholic Church, Balmain
Please join us for our own Friday Academy with the music of Janitsch and his colleagues: Fasch, Telemann and Vivaldi. It will be an exquisite tribute to an exceptionally intelligent composer - a not to be missed experience. The Sydney Consort warmly welcome Australian - London based baroque virtuoso oboist - Jane Downer who will perform with us fo.....  [Więcej]


16 maja 2012
Latający Dentysta
Komunikat Jury Konkursu Literackiego Favoryty "Moja Emigracja"

Jury Konkursu "Favoryty" MOJA EMIGRACJA, w składzie: Andrzej Siedlecki, Anna Habryn, Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek, Krzysztof Bajkowski i Marianna Łacek pragnie poinformować o rozstrzygnięciu konkursu. W punktacji jurorów najwięcej punktów, a zarazem Pierwszą Nagrodę otrzymała praca o Latającym Dentyście „Nowy Świat” autorstwa Pana Mariana .....  [Więcej]


15 maja 2012
Kosciuszko Park opening a success
(między Katyniem a Chicago -3) Felix Molski

Fred Hahn (right) with F. Molski
Although tired after a series of long drives too closely spaced, I enjoyed participating in the opening of the new Kosciuszko Park in Dublin Ohio, on the site of the land grant awarded to him as part payment for his services in the American War of Independence. It was interesting talking with the locals and discoveri.....  [Więcej]


15 maja 2012
Audio (and photo) Files of K'Ozzie Fest 2012 (2) Sunday
Photo Puls Polonii & others
Let's listen to some more audio files recorded during K'Ozzie Fest 2012 "Polish - Aboriginal Fraternity Flights over Mt Kosciuszko". The celebrations have taken place on Sunday 15th of April 2012 at the Jindabyne Aero Club where from all the flights have taken off. The celebrations have been recorded by our sound engineeer Andrzej Strzelecki, and .....  [Więcej]


15 maja 2012
Polish-Aboriginal Fraternity Flights (lista pasażerów)
Jindabyne Aero Club Sunday 15th April 2012
Flight 1 – EDT 11,40
Cessna 182 LRG Pilot Michael Fischer max pax weight 200 kg
1. Arek Buczek 65 kg
2. Radek Kozłowski 69
3. Aunty Rae 60 kg

Mooney RKF Pilot Ian Funnell max pax 150 kg
1. Marek Rygielski 85 kg
2. Dylan Edwards (Aunty Rae's grandson) 48 kg

Jet Ranger Helicopter OKS Pilot Mike Roberts max pax 150
1. Maciej Radny (cameraman) 70 kg
2. D.....  [Więcej]


11 maja 2012
Między Katyniem a Chicago (2)
Meeting Alex Storozynski & Roy Eaton

Felix Molski with Alex Storozynski
Nasz przyjaciel i współpracownik Felix Molski podróżuje po USA szlakiem "liberty". Co kilka dni dzwoni i podekscytowany opowiada o kolejnych niezwykłych spotkaniach. Ostatnio (9 maja) wybrał się do Nowego Jorku na spotkanie z Alexem Storożyńskim, autorem znakomitej, wieloma nagrodami uhonorowanej książki "The Pea.....  [Więcej]


11 maja 2012
Les Strzelecki - Sydney Cocktail Evening
organised by Thredbo Historical Society
GUEST SPEAKER: LES STRZELECKI. Family descendant of Mt Kosciuszko's Count Paul Strzelecki and Statewide manager of NSW Corrective Services Museums, Mr Strzelecki will open the evening with an overview of the Cooma CS Museum and 200 years of penal history and follow with a talk about his ancestor, Count Paul Strzelecki, the first European to asc.....  [Więcej]


10 maja 2012
Festiwalowe linki na You Tube
Kilka przemówień oraz koncert zespołu Kujawy

Hon. P. Phelps
Hon. Peter Phelps speaking at K'Ozzie Fest 2012. Dur. 4,34"

Przemówienie Konsula Generalnego Daniela Gromanna

Ursula Lang on Strzelecki's relations with Aborigines

Kujawy Ensemble dancing at K'Ozzie Fest 2012 at Jindabyne's Aero Club

Monaro Post about us, 18 April 2012

7 maja 2012
Highlander opera ‘John Paul II in Podhale’
interesting history of the colourful performance

The opera was staged on 3rdNovember 2011 through the efforts of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland at the Apostolic See with the backing of the Marshal of Lesser Poland Voivodship and the authorities of the Tatrzański and Nowy Targ districts. The occasion for the event was Poland’s Presidency of the EU Council and the 65th anniversary of K.....  [Więcej]


6 maja 2012
Happy first anniversary
Sammy and Bella
This month we mark the 1 year anniversary of winning MKR (My Kitchen Rules). So much has happened since then, but it’s still such a vivid memory… especially all the tears! Congratulations to Jenn and Leigh for their win, and to Nic and Rocco for being such worthy contenders. In the last year, our food careers have really taken off. We&.....  [Więcej]


3 maja 2012
Pulaski Mysteries Unravelled
Felix Molski (text & photos)

In America, amongst people with an interest in the American War of Independence, Casimir Pulaski is believed to be surrounded by mystique. There is truth to this perception. First of all there is confusion about his date of birth. 6th March, 1747 is commonly attributed as Pulaski’s correct date of birth. This date has remained transfixed in t.....  [Więcej]


1 maja 2012
Salute Carol - Folkloric Concert by Leukemia Foundation
Uwaga Polacy z North Shore & Northern Beaches

Zespół Piesni i Tanca Lajkonik zaprasza na koncert, dochód z którego będzie przekazany na badania naukowe nad białaczką. Sobota, 5 Maja o godz. 2pp w Narrabeen Sports High School.


1. Welcome by MCs Brendan Donoghue and Monique Ward
2. Welcome to Country – Bob Waterer
3. Irish Dance by Djazzex The Dance School
4. Dance “Cuckoo Pol.....  [Więcej]


24 kwietnia 2012
When she woke up, her husband was gone...
The Sydney Morning Herald
Artykuł w Heraldzie

Fragmenty artykułu w The Sydney Morning Herald: Miroslaw (Michael) Majkowski, 57, went missing from his 32-foot yacht while sailing near Collaroy on June 26 last year. His widow, Rosanna Majkowski cried as she described how she and her husband had spent the weekend sailing, enjoyed a "romantic" candlelit dinner on board one even.....  [Więcej]


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